templnite;667470 said:
Because he has that same setup on his phone for when he snapchats whores

._.? You snapchat whores? That sucks dude.LMAO
kyomoto;667456 said:
Yea the trick is to put 3 mirrors facing the penis, one in the middle, two at 28 degrees going toward the penis and face the camera to either side of the mirror and make sure to catch the reflection of the reflection of the side mirror catching the reflection of the middle mirror. After all that you get a smoke machine put it under the mirrors and you get a 10" dick. (This is all bull shit)

damn bastards LOL,wonder back in the day in my teens asking my self why those fucks were so big,almost impossible to understand..
ChilDsh;667286 said:
Nah that's a huge bullshit...height,skin color , hand size does not show you how big the penis is :)

Plus in �naked people movies� is more about how big it looks, not how big it actually is.
I used to think if a guy got fat so did his dick, what a stupid way of thinking. :)

I also thought Brown cows made Chocolate milk. :)
GhostRider;667538 said:
Plus in �naked people movies� is more about how big it looks, not how big it actually is.

Which you usually have to be big for :L
I got this thoughts lately. We all know that fat loss diet will improve your NBPEL by losing some of the fat pad. But what about improving real size, BPEL?
And I got an idea: When you are in caloric surplus, which is taking in more calories than you burn, your body will build muscle easily. Not only that but your joints and internal organs, skin, etc. get healed at faster rate.
So it could affect PE gains too, I think. Just think about it. More calories to build new tissue. It will probably decrease your NBPEL to BPEL ratio, cause you will get a little fatter. But BPEL will stay after you lean down again. I started this new experiment now.
I'm on bulking diet, trying to get my BPEL to grow, without caring abour NBPEL. But I just got an injury, so PE is on holds now for a few days.. >:(
But what you guys think about it? Have someone tried it?

I'm curious to know how the panned out for you.
I got this thoughts lately. We all know that fat loss diet will improve your NBPEL by losing some of the fat pad. But what about improving real size, BPEL?
And I got an idea: When you are in caloric surplus, which is taking in more calories than you burn, your body will build muscle easily. Not only that but your joints and internal organs, skin, etc. get healed at faster rate.
So it could affect PE gains too, I think. Just think about it. More calories to build new tissue. It will probably decrease your NBPEL to BPEL ratio, cause you will get a little fatter. But BPEL will stay after you lean down again. I started this new experiment now.
I'm on bulking diet, trying to get my BPEL to grow, without caring abour NBPEL. But I just got an injury, so PE is on holds now for a few days.. >:(
But what you guys think about it? Have someone tried it?

I'm just thinking that you should not need to be unhealthy, just because you think your penis will grow faster when you consume more food. It's not just about of the quantity of food. That is: How much energy you are getting into your body. For example If you're diet only consisted of bread and butter, this would not be optimal for tissue growth. You need protein, and other important nutrients to make your body perform and grow at it's best.

I lost 5,9 kg (13 lb) body fat mass when I stopped eating for powerlifting/strongman, and started with penis enlargment.
This was the fat inside of my body and around my organs. To be at a high fat procentage isn't healthy. But you can somewhat compensate this by being at a high skeletal muscle mass. But even then, It's not optimal for helath, growth and/or longevity. You can get your muscle mass higher with a higher body fat mass procentage, but is it worth it?
Many strongman and powerlifters get stuck in this unhealthy trap. They want to be strong and big, but they sacrifice their longevity for this.

I'm even little high right now at a PBF of 29% (procent body fat mass) now and that's even on the higher side.

The risk of becoming to unhealthy if you "bulk" is to great I think. If you focus on food as a nutritional intake for your body, and make sure you get in all the nutrients your body needs, I believe this is a much healthier approach. Just being on your calorie recommended intake is as high as you should be at. Not lower or higher. This is my belief.
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