
  1. T

    TCDreamer hits 7.25 BPEL

    Well, feeling good today, brothers. Officially reached 7.25” BPEL!!! Whoot. Pic is just a strong PE session from this am and feeling full. Maxxed out EG is right at 5.0” MS. I’m shooting for 5.5 to 6.0”. Will keep it going. Have a vid I’ll post later on post SSJ session which was maxxed out as...
  2. G

    Bulking Diet To Increase BPEL?

    I got this thoughts lately. We all know that fat loss diet will improve your NBPEL by losing some of the fat pad. But what about improving real size, BPEL? And I got an idea: When you are in caloric surplus, which is taking in more calories than you burn, your body will build muscle easily. Not...