
Nov 30, 2011
What does it mean if my bone pressed erect length (me pushing my penis out to the max) is pretty big? Like I think it changes by almost an inch.
Bone Pressed Erect Length is different my friend. It is when you measure your penis all the way from the pubic bone..So you push the ruler/tape against your pubic bone when you are erect.
What you are saying is Flaccid Stretched Length (FSL) or BPFSL (Bone Pressed Flaccid STretched Length) when you pull your penis out to the max and yes it can be almost an inch longer.
From what I've been told, your BPenis EnlargementL is your true size..If youre like me, youre gonna go nuts trying to figure out how to get your dick to stop hiding. I know I am
got some nice stretches in..pulled really fucken hard tongiht for the last 5 seconds of each stretch
hepcat;535209 said:
BPenis EnlargementL is your potential size. NBPenis EnlargementL is the amount of cock you can use in actual intercourse. So I believe that NBPenis EnlargementL is the most important. Too bad it's the last to come of the three. It will come eventually though if you work your ass off (or rather cock off).

that kinda sucks BPenis EnlargementL is just under 7 and Im trying to get to 7-7.5
to measure BPenis EnlargementL so you just push the ruler against your pubic bone?
exposed meaning its already out, like it my current cock?? or exposed meaning its still in there just exposed? haha
haha nice.. im just confused. If you say most of my inner penis is exposed then that means i dont have much more to grow when im only avg
I used to have only a little difference between my BPenis EnlargementL and NBPenis EnlargementL but as my dick has grown, so has the gap, despite me not gaining weight. Any idea why this might be and what can be done about it?
hepcat;535413 said:
In the long run it is better. You're here to grow your cock, so when you get to where you want t will take less time than someone with the same BPenis EnlargementL, because they will have to work extra hard to expose their inner penis as their NBPenis EnlargementL will be considerably smaller than their BPenis EnlargementL and NBPenis EnlargementL is what really matters because that is how much dick you can use during sex. Longest sentence ever.:s

I think this is true and also not true. To explain, I have about an inch and a half fat pad even though I'm a pretty lean guy. When I fully penetrate during sex I know I'm compressing that fad pad particularly in the missionary legs over my shoulders position. That's MAXIMUM depth with the position not getting in the way at all. In doggy it's very difficult to fully penetrate simply because of the position. Woman on top depends entirely on what she wants but she can penetrate fully. So, give some thought to positioning on this as well.
hepcat;535423 said:
Well, when you Penis Enlargement you see gains in BPenis EnlargementL before NBPenis EnlargementL so this is completely normal. Your NBPenis EnlargementL will start to increase but so will your BPenis EnlargementL, so there will always be that gap, just like there is a gap between BPFSL and BPenis EnlargementL. It's just the nature of the Penis Enlargement game.
So you're saying that, until I stop growing, the fatpad will always be larger than it was before I started?
BPenis EnlargementL = NBPenis EnlargementL + fatpad, no?
So how can BPenis EnlargementL outgrow NBPenis EnlargementL if the fatpad remains unchanged?
Heh, the fact that almost half of them is hidden doesn't mean I haven't made the gains, I'm not gonna get disheartened this easily :).
I actually only measure NBPenis EnlargementL because that's what is actually there at any given moment. Whatever is hidden is hidden I'm not too worried about that since I'm a skinny guy anyway. I just had my third set of measurements check out my progress thread. Also when I measure my flaccid I do not stretch it out. I'm only interested with measurements that can be seen with the eye at any time.
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