Darknight, We all have free choice , and If you believe that when you die that you are dead like a dog, then so be it. If what ever religion outside whatever you feel is such a crutch believes in eternal life, then that is also strength to those that believe and weakness to those that deny.
9cyclops9 said:
He did Supra.

Since you deleted my big post and I apologized

Can you delete this post and every other post in this thread that I posted and that people responded to? I mean EVERY post. This thread should be the way it was before I even posted it and my big post was posted when I was confused.

Im a Catholic. I just don't believe in religion bein gsomething that's forceful.
You sent me a pm asking me to delete all your posts.
Supra said:
You sent me a pm asking me to delete all your posts.

My original post wasn't against quotes. Im catholic so I feel like I want to join in on this thread. Just delete everything so it'll be as it was.
Why did you start all this in the first place, did you not read my first post, and now you say are catholic, then why did you say you are aethist?
He explained all that stuff in those deleted posts, Supra. Lets forgive and forget and move on. No hard feelings on either side. We're all brothers, right?
I didn't really read the thread but seeing as how this is the internet, I was expecting an ignorant christian/atheist thread. I've heard a lot of ignorant stuff from christians who they think they are loved by god and are going to heaven simply because they are christian. I thought i'd boil up these people by post "Im an Atheist".

Unfortunately, no one here is like that so it ended up being pointless. May you please delete all the posts that mention "Dark Knight" or have some reflection to my original post or any of my posts here? I want to leave this thread as it was and start all over.

In other words, I thought this was a thread which in bible quotes would be used as tools in order to tell others how to live, thus enslaving them-- But it wasn't.
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wELL brothers--The BIBLE which is (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth)Is basically stating the right and wrongs that we should and shouldnt do!!!!!!!!

Basically God our father Jesus set these laws and standards for us to abide by---He wants us to be or try to be just like him--to be humble--It states the laws(10 commandments) that we should abide by---And the sins which we shouldnt commit!!!!!!!
DarkKnight said:
I didn't really read the thread but seeing as how this is the internet, I was expecting an ignorant christian/atheist thread. I've heard a lot of ignorant stuff from christians who they think they are loved by god and are going to heaven simply because they are christian. I thought i'd boil up these people by post "Im an Atheist".

Unfortunately, no one here is like that so it ended up being pointless. May you please delete all the posts that mention "Dark Knight" or have some reflection to my original post or any of my posts here? I want to leave this thread as it was and start all over.

In other words, I thought this was a thread which in bible quotes would be used as tools in order to tell others how to live, thus enslaving them-- But it wasn't.

Brother---Isuggest you watch the "The Passion Of Christ"--That movie cant get any closer to what really happened!!!!!!!!Watch it and see the love that jesus showed us---seee how he was-----Its simply not being enslaved bro---but its about TRYING to follow God and TRYING to be like him so that we can live with him in Heaven!!!!!!!!!Heaven is where we want to be not Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!Its true Bro ---------This life we are living right now--there is a war---with Evil and Holy(Good)---We are fighting a battle---we want to win---we want to be on the holy (Good) side so that when we depart from here we will live righteuosly and happily with nothing to worry about in Heaven--With our father Lord Jesus Christ----We will finally meet him!!!!!!!!!!!!We will meet the greatest soldier of all time!!!!!!!1---Now who wouldnt want that!!!!!!!!
I've seen it. But one does not have to be Christian to go to heaven. All that is needed is a life of good morals.

I spit on Christians who obey that law only because they fear god. Everyone should follow the law regardless of whether god exists or not. I myself anm a Catholic.

Thank you for ignoring my PM supra.
9cyclops9 said:
Says who?

You gotta be kidding me...

Jesus never said this because he was never a christian. Needing to be a christian and going into heaven is a man made rule.

Does that man that EVERYONE went to hell before Jesus was born? There was no christianity before Jesus was born only Judaism. So does that mean that one had to know the teachings of God, ONLY AVAILABLE in Israel, isolated from the rest of the world?
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Of course Jesus wasn't a Christian. Haha. But he did say "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man gets to the Father except by me."

Jesus is the new covenant. Before Him, of course people went to heaven, if they stuck to the old covenant. It's kinda like Prohibition. Before Prohibition people could drink without getting in trouble with the law. When they ammended the Constitution, there was a new law. You couldn't drink without getting in trouble. Jesus is the new law. You can't go to heaven without going through Him.

Yes, that does mean that you had to know the teachings of God, which a good portion of the world did know about, they just chose not to follow it. I mean think about it. Israel wasn't the only place where there were Jews. Paul grew up in Italy, did he not? Roma was his homa. Sure, this was after Jesus, but they had to get there at some point. It's not as though Judaism was isolated only to Israel.
9cyclops9 said:
Of course Jesus wasn't a Christian. Haha. But he did say "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man gets to the Father except by me."

Jesus is the new covenant. Before Him, of course people went to heaven, if they stuck to the old covenant. It's kinda like Prohibition. Before Prohibition people could drink without getting in trouble with the law. When they ammended the Constitution, there was a new law. You couldn't drink without getting in trouble. Jesus is the new law. You can't go to heaven without going through Him.

Yes, that does mean that you had to know the teachings of God, which a good portion of the world did know about, they just chose not to follow it. I mean think about it. Israel wasn't the only place where there were Jews. Paul grew up in Italy, did he not? Roma was his homa. Sure, this was after Jesus, but they had to get there at some point. It's not as though Judaism was isolated only to Israel.

Amen brother cyclops!
DarkKnight said:
I've seen it. But one does not have to be Christian to go to heaven. All that is needed is a life of good morals.

I spit on Christians who obey that law only because they fear god. Everyone should follow the law regardless of whether god exists or not. I myself anm a Catholic.

Thank you for ignoring my PM supra.

Bro,,Im a Christian who might not always follow the law of God but you kno what I TRY MY HARDEST TO FOLLOW THE LAW OF GOD----"SO spit on me for that if you will"----But it also says in the BIBLE---WHich comes straight from God And basically explains what,how,where,When jesus was here--To Fear God---U need to fear God because he is the most powerful and only God there is brother-----I know you may have a hardened heart but try and open the eyes of your heart brother!!!!!

all that is needed to go to heaven is not just a life full of morals bro!!!!!!U have to accept Jesus into your heart and to give him your all to beable to step into the kingdom of God my brother!!!!!!The only way you could go to heaven without accepting Jesus into your heart is if nobody ever tried to evangelize to you or ever tell you about Jesus--Basically you are oblivious about Lord God---Which nowadays is veryvery rare!!!!!!!!! So be with us in heaven when The lord comes back ---Accept Jesus into your heart-----You wont be loosing anything--well of course you will loose some evil--which is good--But you will gain eternal life in Heaven not hell where you will burn in the fires all the days of your life!!!!!!!!

Bro---if you want to accept Jesus into your heart and give him your all--PM and i could give you this prayer that you could pray---OK????
DarkKnight said:
You gotta be kidding me...

Jesus never said this because he was never a christian. Needing to be a christian and going into heaven is a man made rule.

Does that man that EVERYONE went to hell before Jesus was born? There was no christianity before Jesus was born only Judaism. So does that mean that one had to know the teachings of God, ONLY AVAILABLE in Israel, isolated from the rest of the world?

Bro---People who die don't go straight to Heaven,,,,,,They go basically to a waiting place until Jesus Comes back for judgement day--which noone knows when--but it seems close!!!!!!The place that we go when we die im not sure of and am reading alot about it right now-----but when we die we dont go to Heaven or hell just yet---We wait for judgement day when Jesus comes back to judge us all------He said for the ones worthy of my kingdom they shall rise and go to Heaven---Meaning we will rise from the dead once we are judged and go to heaven only if we are worthy of his Kingdom!!!!!!
Dude, he already said he's Catholic. You don't need to try to convert someone to Christianity is they're already a Christian haha.

Plus, you said you'd send him a prayer he could pray. There isn't any magical qualities of any prayer that makes you suddenly a Christian. It's a change of heart and a decision to follow Christ.
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