
Aug 22, 2006
Hey all,

So, as the title suggests, I happen to be an uncut guy and started using the Bathmate a few weeks ago. I did 6 days on gradually easing my way up to the 170 mark (prior to starting i was at 6 inches length - not sure about girth) and two days off.
My first session after my two days off is when I had a bit of a setback. After the 20 minute session i felt a stinging feeling at the tip of my penis. I pulled my foreskin back and noticed a tiny tear on the frenulum (the elasticy band that attaches the tip of the penis to the foreskin) and a tiny bit of blood. I didn't panic because i knew this was just a foreskin issue and saw a doc the next day. I told him some story about rough sex with my gf (no way i'm telling him about the Bathmate!) and he referred me to a urologist. Turns out I can get what's called a frenuloplasty which is a snip of the frenulum allowing the foreskin to retract completely which is much preferable than a full on circumcision, and since i'm in Canada the whole thing is covered.

I was just wondering if there are other uncut guys out there who use the Bathmate and what their experiences have been thus far - any tips?
Hi there!

I have the Bathmate and Penomet. I've experienced somewhat similiar episode as you, although I didn't have tiny bit of blood, just a tear. It's part of the growing process, I'd say. I used some cream after my frenulum had that small torn and it healed up ok. Now I haven't had problems with tears etc., I lube a bit before entering the unit (Penomet for now) and nowadays keep my sessions to 20 minutes or so.

In a way the idea of frenuloplasty isn't bad, it will totally free your glans and maybe (maybe!) give some growth. Especially if you feel that your erection, especially your glans, has been somewhat "held down" or so.
It's totally more preferable that full circumsision! You can wait and let the frenulum heal (didn't take more than week or two for me, maybe even less, I still did some training by that time) or opt for the surgery. If you feel that the frenulum has been tight, then really, you might consider the surgery. If not, I suggest a healing period and very easy training, more like massages and so on.

Good for you living in the Canada and that surgery being covered if you choose to do it! All the best to you.
I thought i'd provide a quick update on my "situation" for any uncut guys out there that may have tight foreskin issues and are using the Bathmate...

btw arkailija - thanks for your input - I did actually get the frenuloplasty done and that was the idea all along.

When I used the Bathmate prior to to the procedure i found that i couldn't push past the 185 mark without feeling a slight stinging feeling in that exact spot, and i'm certain the short/tight frenulum was why. This had also been an issue during sex in the past, but it never tore.

Anyway, I saw a urologist a month and a half ago, he agreed that i had a very tight frenulum, and booked me for a "frenulum release" (i think thats what they call a frenuloplasty up here in Canada) a week later. Procedure was about 15 minutes... a local anesthetic was the only painful part - first and last time i plan to have a needle injected into the tip of my penis. Long story short - it's been exactly a month since the op and all of the stitches have dissolved.

I've yet to get back into the Bathmate, but i'm thinking in a few weeks I should be ready to start some mild sessions.
Very good to hear from you!

I already forgot that I had put some input over here.
Anyhow, sounds good that what you did, I'm glad that the frenuloplasty worked out nicely. Wow, only 15 minutes! Very nice. Anesthetics are usually the worst part, although I've only had that stuff during dental visits.

Mild sessions sound good, few weeks is also a good idea before training. "Go slow, go long."
My previous message to this topic was about Penomet and Bathmate. I'm mostly using the Penomet, but I tried the Bathmate X-40 yesterday. With the 5 minute pump and 5 minute jelq it's still good for me!
Usually I went for longer pumps and that causes swelling and bruising, so I advice (and there are lots of folks supporting this 5x5x5 training method) shorter pumps and jelqs in-between.

All the best to you and thanks for reporting back!
I'm uncut and I'm afraid my frenulum will tear as I already had issues with it before. I'm scared to try this now. How do I manually stretch the frenulum so I don't get this problem?
kyomoto;699076 said:
I'm uncut and I'm afraid my frenulum will tear as I already had issues with it before. I'm scared to try this now. How do I manually stretch the frenulum so I don't get this problem?

The frenulum will naturally and quickly lengthen as you gain size. Tearing the frenulum takes some force, I know I slashed mine off in an accident. Don't allow fear to keep you from gaining.
Hello, so I am uncircumcised as well. After using the Bathmate for 15 min, most of the blood sits in the foreskin area. It would eventually return to its normal form if I don't use the pump. I was just wondering if that's normal for uncut men and Bathmates??
bad1sick;702607 said:
Hello, so I am uncircumcised as well. After using the Bathmate for 15 min, most of the blood sits in the foreskin area. It would eventually return to its normal form if I don't use the pump. I was just wondering if that's normal for uncut men and Bathmates??

bad1sick;702607 said:
Hello, so I am uncircumcised as well. After using the Bathmate for 15 min, most of the blood sits in the foreskin area. It would eventually return to its normal form if I don't use the pump. I was just wondering if that's normal for uncut men and Bathmates??

Very important that the SRT protocol for BathMate use is observed. Pumping will always bring retention, much less with water pumps than air, but when we pump too long this will happen. The water starts to come on at the 4-5 minute mark and this is why the SRT BathMate workout was created. After 5 minutes of pumping, stop, and do 5 minutes of SlowSquashJelqs, this will evenly disperse all retention. After that go to the next set. total of 3 sets. Read more about this and many other vital information on PE gaining and healing in SRT.
doublelongdaddy;708170 said:
Very important that the SRT protocol for BathMate use is observed. Pumping will always bring retention, much less with water pumps than air, but when we pump too long this will happen. The water starts to come on at the 4-5 minute mark and this is why the SRT BathMate workout was created. After 5 minutes of pumping, stop, and do 5 minutes of SlowSquashJelqs, this will evenly disperse all retention. After that go to the next set. total of 3 sets. Read more about this and many other vital information on PE gaining and healing in SRT.

Is there a video for slow squash jelqs i think im doing them wrong
kyomoto;708210 said:
Is there a video for slow squash jelqs i think im doing them wrong

I would bet there is one in the membership area
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