
May 15, 2004
I was recently having my family stay with me because they evacuated for the hurricane, and I was surfing the net, looking at this site. I got tired, and went to sleep, leaving the window open. My sixteen year old cousin comes in to play some game he has, and, lo and behold, he sees it. He confronted me about this, and said he wanted to do it. I don't know if he's mature enough to do so. While he's sixteen, he easily passes for eighteen, but I kinda want to be on the safe side. Of course, I'm not his parent, and ultimately, it's his choice. Besides, I would NEVER discuss this with his parents, because then they wouldn't let him see me. I just want some guidance so I can give him an answer before he goes back.
I say go for it. In my opinion the eighteen thing is just for legal reasons. I started at seventeen but I wish I started at thirteen.
I would help him out man. At an age like 16 you don't want to feel insecure about your dick size - I know I did - so letting him know about it might make him feel good about himself. Maybe just print out basics like jelqing and stretching and give him a really basic routine he can do that isn't intense at all. Like 5 minutes of stretching and then 200 wet jelqs or something.
I started at 16 and look at me now. I'm obsessed. :D

Nah really it should be fine. I'd tell him about stretching and jelqing for now, don't get into any advanced stuff.
I was assuming you all would say this, and I agree. I talked to him about this, and explained jelquing and stretching to him. He said he'll give it a try, so we'll see how it goes.

Thanks for everyone's help.
You will be his hero (if he doesn't fuck up and break his dick)!! If he is a mature young man then you might certainly consider helping him learn the truth. Please remember that any minors that are discovered on the MOS forum must be banned so please explan this to Hydromax thoroughly. We must keep the forum out of legal trouble.
Heh, I'd like to tell some of my friends because it's pretty cool that you can actually do it, but it would be much too awkward so I don't think I ever will. I might tell them about FR though, that one is a lot less awkward because it's a serious medical issue that they might want to consider.
Since he can't get on (I know the legal ramifications quite well), he wants me to post his stats for you. It is a little awkward that I now know this, because I ACTUALLY know him (we're cousins, after all), but I'm biting the bullet for him.

EL: 6"
EG: 5.5"

After finding this out, I didn't feel like telling him this, btu he has more girth than I do! And I'm 4 years older! Oh well, it helps me to remember you have to accept what you start out with.
I say give him the website, tell him to be smart and not try any dumb crap, tell him how he must always claim to be 18+, and leave it at that. Do not teach him personally, and I personally wouldnt talk to him more about it. Penis Enlargement between relatives = too weird.
sephin said:
I say give him the website, tell him to be smart and not try any dumb crap, tell him how he must always claim to be 18+, and leave it at that. Do not teach him personally, and I personally wouldnt talk to him more about it. Penis Enlargement between relatives = too weird.

Totally agree with you. I talked to him just now and told him that, so the awkwardness will hopefully stop soon.
Man, sometimes I wish I knew size matters when I was a lot younger, but I guess some people have to learn things the hard way.

Since you are busted, I would not exactly become "Penis Enlargement buddies with him" but give him the links to whatever he needs to know and wash your hands of it. When he is older, maybe you can talk more about it with him but since he is only 16 you are playing with fire if it goes farther than "well he just surfed my computer without my permission and found this".
Haha I am glad I found out about Penis Enlargement when I was 16, but unfortunately have dicked with it for 2 year sbefore I have actually started getting into it (now), but then have been slack, but man, once I start again, if I stay healthy... whewy, I got some insane routines lined up.

Anyhow, good job, now just dont bring it up again and tell him not to, to you or anyone else for that matter. "Itll be our little secret ok? Dont tell mommy or daddy!" that sounds wrong, sorry had to say it lol
thadragon said:
Since he can't get on (I know the legal ramifications quite well), he wants me to post his stats for you. It is a little awkward that I now know this, because I ACTUALLY know him (we're cousins, after all), but I'm biting the bullet for him.

EL: 6"
EG: 5.5"

After finding this out, I didn't feel like telling him this, btu he has more girth than I do! And I'm 4 years older! Oh well, it helps me to remember you have to accept what you start out with.

I'd tell him not too gain much girth because at 16 girls his age might have trouble with girth like that.
joust don't forget to tell him that he should absolutly do the warm up and warm down seriusly. Because a 16 year old with a fat Thrombosed Vain can seriusly freak out!
But i dono you have to judge how mature he is and if he will keep a calm head if something realy happens. I mean you realy don't want him to freak out and tell his parents if something goes wrong. But still i think it was the right thing to do...
well i think it could go different ways. but if u wanna help him, go for it. personally, i'd help him out if i were you. he seems pretty confident about it from what u were telling us.
Yeah. He started. He's doing a shorter version of the beginner's routine. He left this morning, because that blasted hurricane missed us. We still almost got water in our house, though.
9cyclops9 said:
Look at Bob, he's 12. lol

Just kidding.

Dude... whats you problem? What do you gotta lie to people? You damn well know im 12 and a HALF now.... jeeeeez
teach him or he'll tell on you! ;) hehe for sure though, good thing you told him.. :)
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