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Aug 21, 2005
I was a member at �other PE site� since Nove 2003, was a forum donator, and a polite poster. I was banned after asking Thunder through a Pm to change my screen name to The BTC Killer. He asked me to choose a more "grown up" screen name, I put up a poll to see if BTC Killer was inappropriate in any way, and I was Banned! There really taking this too far lately.
Crash, I too was recently banned - I am Penis Enlargementst. Did you see what I was banned for? He banned me because I didnt beg at his feet for forgiveness when I didn't do anything wrong!
PenisHead said:
Crash, I too was recently banned - I am Penis Enlargementst. Did you see what I was banned for? He banned me because I didnt beg at his feet for forgiveness when I didn't do anything wrong!

You are exactly right, you didn't PM the man to say sorry for posting too much. I mean WTF? I was getting so upset in my Mini me surgical enlargement forum thread of all the members getting banned in there, just for speaking positive about surgery, and defending negative comments from certain Mods and members that claimed surgery was all bad. I counted 5 members that were banned in that thread alone!
Crashhex said:
change my screen name to The BTC Killer. He asked me to choose a more "grown up" screen name, I put up a poll to see if BTC Killer was inappropriate in any way{QUOTE}

You don't need a poll to understand that BTC Killer is not an appropriate name. Why in the world would you want to glorify a horrible, horrible person?
Penis EnlargementTER DICK said:
Crashhex said:
change my screen name to The BTC Killer. He asked me to choose a more "grown up" screen name, I put up a poll to see if BTC Killer was inappropriate in any way{QUOTE}

You don't need a poll to understand that BTC Killer is not an appropriate name. Why in the world would you want to glorify a horrible, horrible person?

I think the Between the cheeks killer is sili, is it glorifying a horrible man? Thats a little serious for me, sorry. Lighten up.
Maybe you should make it Between the cheeks killer instead of btc, bcuz that will make a lot people mad.
I dont see the need for banning but BTC killer is stupid. Use your head for one minute and think about the trauma the families went through, how heinous a man he is, and then tell me do you TRULY want to label yourself with such an assinine moniker???

I guess class doesn't mean anything anymore.
I dont see the need for banning but BTC killer is stupid. Use your head for one minute and think about the trauma the families went through, how heinous a man he is, and then tell me do you TRULY want to label yourself with such an assinine moniker???

I guess class doesn't mean anything anymore.

Look, I don't think you guys understand - it is a joke and it is a play on words, it is referring to behind the cheeks. Everyone jokes around and takes the piss out of things, this clearly had a comic side to us Penis Enlargement'ers. People need to lighten up and learn the difference between a joke and an attack.
Whatever, while BTK Killer probably isnt the best choice of names I dont care. I for one am glad to have you at MOS. I read a lot of your posts on �other PE site�, and it's good to have someone with surgery experience and such like you here.
Yea they are a heavily estrogen enfluenced bunch over there. I was banned as a former moderator and all around awesome contributor to the forum...I did things like help restore a LOT of valuable posts after the place was badly hacked a couple years ago. They banned me for unnamed reasons simply very vague ones.
I find MOS to be a "WAY" more positive community so, Welcome!

On the name thing, we just need to use the whole 'reasonable person' concept. How will the average person interpret the title? If I was to change my name to "911 Pilot" that might raise some eyebrows. To me it means my starting size is 9 and I'm shooting for 11, to a lot of others its a real inappropriate name. Anyways, I've read lots of your posts at �other PE site� and know you mean nothing by it.

I was almost banned myself from �other PE site� for standing up for DLD's pics. I was told that any pics that I might post will be deemed as shopped since I was in the defense of DLD... anyways, I better not get started on that again, I can start to feel my blood boil.
There's valuable stuff there, but the atmosphere, if you can call it that as it's not a real place, is on the opressive side. I've PMed thunder before on a few occasions and he's really short and doesn't seem to have much tact. Maybe I don't know how to talk to people through a computer properly. Ohhhh well.

Formerly known as Pest, did they really ban you for posting too much?

Penishead, I get what you are saying and the reality is that the BTC killer is amusing it's just not an appropriate moniker considering that the BTK killer was just sentenced a few days ago. I'm not a PC guy but there is a decency about it, even though it is unlikely that anyone involved would ever discover it. It just is not an appropriate name within context.
think about the trauma the families went through

... and since most of them are probably reading about Penis Enlargement over at �other PE site�, you can never be too knee-jerk proactively humorless. :)

Couldn't they just shorten it to BTC -for- you instead of ban??

I wouldn't worry too much about their reasons for banning people. It sounds like they're, in some cases, petty, and arbitrary. Their loss is MOS' gain.
Wow... why do they ban so much? I find it hard to believe that all of you guys who were banned were terrible flamers or something else. Weird...
Jes [words= said:
Extender[/words]]They even banned Slack and that guys a GOD
Slack is a god in his own mind, he wasn't banned. He was put on hold, and then apologized.
Actually I think slack got banned from here for going on some sort of ranting rampage about DLD and about him lying. Unless of course that was some other guy named Slackjawedyokel, as he said he never posted at �other forum� so I don't know. Could have been, unless of course someone knows for sure.
Crashhex said:
Slack is a god in his own mind, he wasn't banned. He was put on hold, and then apologized.
Slack IS a god, hes really cool, very helpful
millionman said:
Actually I think slack got banned from here for going on some sort of ranting rampage about DLD and about him lying. Unless of course that was some other guy named Slackjawedyokel, as he said he never posted at �other forum� so I don't know. Could have been, unless of course someone knows for sure.

That cant have been him they have total diffrent stats!
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