?:(Sometimes when i jelq all look down and all be bleeding, havent really found out where the blood is coming from i dont think its coming from the tip. But than again i really never notice till i look at the bottom of my head and see blood. Its weird, This does not affect my pe session as I am still able to continue jelwing at an erect state. maybe i need to warn up more but for the most part i do get good warm ups. maybe im jelqing way to hard you guys ever started bleeding during a good session?
Listen bleeding is not normal.I am not new:D(hi i am new)Find where is blood coming.and stop Penis Enlargement immediatly.take a week off.pls at first.This days do just a good warm-up
used to happen to me if I skipped a warm up. No pain, no lasting after effects. My advice would be not to worry but to just do a proper warm up every time.
I bled just today for the first time ever. I freaked out I stopped my Penis Enlargement session immediately. I did a 15 minute stretching session in the morning and then when I came back from my classes a couple hours later, I wanted to get in a jelqing session. I did my 5 minute rice sock warm up as usual...and started jelqing at about 50% erect. About 100 strokes in I looked down and saw a drops worth of blood on my tip.

Again, I freaked the fuck out and stopped immediately. I did a search on the forums and found that its probably just a small tear in your urethra (I know...JUST a tear right?) No Pain at all, no after pain, no pain during peeing....

I didnt really get an answer as to if I can continue on with my Penis Enlargement tomorrow...or should I wait a couple days? I should also add that I was on christmas vaca for about 3 weeks and only got in 4 sessions during that whole time so I guess you can say I went on a break. This was my third session since getting back on my routine.

So, is it safe to continue?
Yeah! i bled and I think it came out of the tip, but by the time i had looked down there was no blood around the tip just below. I think it has to do with not have a adequate warm up. but obviously its not doing any damage if i can still continue exercises fully erect. Anyone else have OPINIONS EVER BLED DURING A SESSION?
yup i bled, shot out of the tip like a super soaker. turned out i ripped the skin that connects the shaft to the head. took about 3-4 months off and started up again. since then i made sure to do plenty, plenty of warm up time. also maybe changing your grip might help, if you're pulling too much on one side i figure that sooner or later something has got to give.

idk just an idea
boobyman;328031 said:
?:(Sometimes when i jelq all look down and all be bleeding, havent really found out where the blood is coming from i dont think its coming from the tip. But than again i really never notice till i look at the bottom of my head and see blood. Its weird, This does not affect my pe session as I am still able to continue jelwing at an erect state. maybe i need to warn up more but for the most part i do get good warm ups. maybe im jelqing way to hard you guys ever started bleeding during a good session?

I used to bleed alot when doin erect jelqs because my routine was very intense. you bleed from the tip of your penis, from the inside. i always continued my routine after it bled though.
This is more than likely a tear in the urethra or the inner meatus. My advice is to give yourself about a week to recover. This, although not common, happens sometimes. You may also want to check to be sure the blood is coming from inside your penis opposed to outside. Check your outer meatus and the area surrounding your frenulum.
boobyman;328143 said:
i cant take a week off that like not working out for a week. but i will go lighter. thanks for everyones input:]

A week wont hurt anything. I took 2 years off and kept my gains...don't worry.
actually happened to me recently while hanging. no pain or anything. didn't thing anything of it the first time. then it happened the next day and i freaked and stopped Penis Enlargement all together for maybe like a month now or so. reading this has helped though and i was looking to start again anyway.
kratehate;328180 said:
What the hell? This thread is kind of scary to read, I can't believe all the people who have bled.
Believe it my friend. It is very real. I know...BLOOD?!?!?! Coming out of my Penis EnlargementNIS?!?! oh hell no.

It happens though. At least you know were not slacking on our routines though!! Go big or go home. No pain no gain. ;)
I must admit the first time i started bleeding i freaked out as well but, I just checked myself out had no pain, nor did my erection quality diminish so i came to the conclusion it was nothing that was to horrible..
So long as there is no blood in your urine, it probably is a minor thing. I have never bled from P.E., and I don't plan on it, but one never knows.
With the extreme expansion of girth work and the constant elongation of the penis through stretching minor tears are not common but they do happen.
I have seen blood from both the inside and out. I think it comes from to tight of an grip. A week or two layoff is all you need!
Doin good DLD, I hit a plateau and haven't made any gains for about a year so I took two months off. I started back hard two weeks ago in hopes of shocking my shit into growth. I haven't measured lately but the last measurement was at 8 1/2 bpel from the side at the top of the base. I have never trained 7 days a week but I will now....I want the 10 inch mark!

I havent done my Penis Enlargement in like a week so I planned on doing a big session today, 85jelqs in and a drop of blood dribbled out! Scarey as, I wasn't even going that hard :(

There goes THAT plan!
Xmetal;329585 said:
Doin good DLD, I hit a plateau and haven't made any gains for about a year so I took two months off. I started back hard two weeks ago in hopes of shocking my shit into growth. I haven't measured lately but the last measurement was at 8 1/2 bpel from the side at the top of the base. I have never trained 7 days a week but I will now....I want the 10 inch mark!

Well hopefully you will re-realize newbie gains and gain that 1.5" quickly.
well still bleeding however only when doing flacid stretches. Its weird but when doing foot long stretches or blasters where I can really feel my ligs pop with the stretch is when i start bleeding. The bleeding has no effect on my erection quality wat so ever so i dont see it being a problem. I took a week or so off to see if the bleeding would subside which it did not so im not to worried about it. Im guessing it is just the tissue in the inside tearing, I dont know...
boobyman;334866 said:
well still bleeding however only when doing flacid stretches. Its weird but when doing foot long stretches or blasters where I can really feel my ligs pop with the stretch is when i start bleeding. The bleeding has no effect on my erection quality wat so ever so i dont see it being a problem. I took a week or so off to see if the bleeding would subside which it did not so im not to worried about it. Im guessing it is just the tissue in the inside tearing, I dont know...

Sounds like a nick in your urethra that keeps getting reopened.
Do you see that being a problem? Its been going on for a couple months now and nothing really bad is happenning so far. but I guess the only way to prevent a problem would be just to be extra aware of how my junk is feeling and Eq ect.
boobyman;334978 said:
Do you see that being a problem? Its been going on for a couple months now and nothing really bad is happenning so far. but I guess the only way to prevent a problem would be just to be extra aware of how my junk is feeling and Eq ect.

It lasted with me for a few weeks, maybe even a month but eventually it disappeared. It was only a small droplet of blood when it happened. I took a couple weeks off and it went away.