This truly is amazing !!

In 1997 it was reported in the European press that plastic surgeon Dr. Jörn Ege Siana, director of the Scandinavian Clinic of Plastic Surgery, located in Copenhagen, Denmark, a penis enlargement expert who performed more than 1,000 penile enhancement operations and creator of the "Jes [words=]Extender[/words]®", had enlarged a penis that was initially 4.5 cm long and after surgery, which consisted of severing the suspensory and fundiform ligaments of the penis, followed by physiotherapy with the device. The "Jes [words=]Extender[/words]®" extended it to 19cm. The use of physiotherapy combined with surgery, apart from preventing scar retraction, provides an additional gain that is directly proportional to the time [words=]traction[/words] is used. Although we have no knowledge of such impressive 14,5 growth being mentioned in any literature or congress in the medical field, it is considered a world record.

The penis enlargement world record of 16 centimeters was obtained by combining surgery and physiotherapy:

In the 5th World Congress of Penile Enhancement, sponsored by the American Academy of Phalloplasty Surgeons, held in Bal Harbour, Florida, USA, the Brazilian doctor Bayard Ollé Fischer Santos presented a fully documented case on pictures from the beginning to the end of the treatment, which basically consisted of the same technique used by the previous record-holder, in which the patient began with 11cm and reached 27 cm, with a gain of 16 cm. The summary recorded in the congress annals defining the entire experiments is as follows:

"Unprecedented case report: Increase of 16 cm in penis length by means of surgery and physiotherapy".

This work introduces a case of length increase from 11 cm to 27 cm. Patient JCV, 32, Caucasian, was seen on 10/11/94 alleging dissatisfaction with his penis size, the dimension of which were 11cm long and 10.5cm of perimeter during erection.

He had prostectomy on 02/20/95. After healing, he used [words=]traction[/words] by gravitational force with PLD device until 04/30/95 when he was suBathmateitted to a severance of suspensory and fundiform ligaments of the penis and liposculpture. After healing he resumed use of PLD. On 04/27/97 he underwent new surgery to correct penis asymmetry as a result of fat reabsorption and removal of some lipid cysts. After healing, he started using dynamometric [words=]traction[/words] with the "Jes [words=]Extender[/words]®" device.
During the year of '97 he made two more adjustments in the force to be used on the device, which was between 900-1000 grams. He returned on 03/28/2000, as he had reached the maximum stretching length of the device (27cm), which was even slack now, and requested another 5-cm stretching bar. He reported that he had worn the "Jes [words=]Extender[/words]®" device in the last three years for more than 12 hours a day with a [words=]traction[/words] between 900-1000 grams and applied a vial of Pregnyl® (5000 UI Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) every 15 days. He reports that his member reached 27cm in length during erection and that he has been having busy sexual activity and good quality erections. We know that a flaccid penis, when stretched, reaches the erection length, which is verified on the use of the device by the patient with its maximum stretch, which is 27 cm.

The importance of this record is not only associated to this patient's amazing penis enlargement, which was even beyond the medical opinion that considered the treatment successful when the penis reached 16 cm in length, but also to attest that a penis can be really enlarged, with no risk to its functions, in spite of many doctors' insistence that penis enlargement is impossible.

This notable fact could not go unnoticed by the international press. The newspaper "Le Monde", of Paris, France, on the 25th of January 2001, reported this record, which was considered for registration in the Guinness Book. At the time the record registration was waiting for the research department to sanction the publication. The registration of this record in the Guinness book was subsequently approved, attesting to its scientific credibility and acknowledging it as the case of greatest penis enlargement in a single patient.

Source: Andrology Clinic of Dr. Bayard Ollé Fischer Santos
Author of the book "A Medida do Homem" (The Measure of Man)
I've read about this once before but didnt take note of the fact this guy didnt just have the usual suspensory ligament cut but also the fundiform ligament aswell which to me is key here as that will help ten fold in his gains.

The dld expressive stretch targets the fundiform ligaments, infact not many methods from what I have seen in natural Penis Enlargement target that ligament apart from the stretch just mentioned.

Usage of the [words=]extenders[/words] afterwards in his post op care will have helped a great deal with additional tension and elongation to the region, so it healed in that longer fixed state ... it could have been any make of [words=]extender[/words] imo as they all do the job.

If you have dick surgery I would suggest from this to go for one which hits both Suspensory & Fundiform ligaments with the good aftercare of [words=]extender[/words] usage in the weels and months ahead.
Interesting read. I remember reading about that in last years World Records book. Maybe someone will get in for most enlarged penis by natural method soon.
REDZULU2003;353454 said:
The dld expressive stretch targets the fundiform ligaments, infact not many methods from what I have seen in natural Penis Enlargement target that ligament apart from the stretch just mentioned.

do you have a link to that stretch?
Not really a true record if surgery was involved, at least in the Penis Enlargement world.
Hi_I_AM_neW19;353529 said:
Re: WORLD RECORD Penis EnlargementNIS INCREASE(with surgery):)

Thats better:) Anyone can get pectoral implants but someone who gains the muscle through exercise is the winner in my opinion.
Jørn ege is from Denmark (the country im from aswell) And he is NOT seen as a good doctor, alot of people have been disfigured by his surgerys and he also lost his license to operate on people because he was too reckless, there where an article with guys having their balls sewed unto their penis, and females with breasts looking like something frankenstein would think was hot.
Also after those operatins people denied to pay, and he got Hells angels to cash in for him.

I know he is a pioneer in Penis Enlargement since he was one of the first to develope a stretcher (as i know)
But do remember that this guy is one crazy son of a.....

Just be carefull with the things that came from him, please
Aimingforthetop;353559 said:
Jørn ege is from Denmark (the country im from aswell) And he is NOT seen as a good doctor, alot of people have been disfigured by his surgerys and he also lost his license to operate on people because he was too reckless, there where an article with guys having their balls sewed unto their penis, and females with breasts looking like something frankenstein would think was hot.
Also after those operatins people denied to pay, and he got Hells angels to cash in for him.

I know he is a pioneer in Penis Enlargement since he was one of the first to develope a stretcher (as i know)
But do remember that this guy is one crazy son of a.....

Just be carefull with the things that came from him, please

Do you have sources for these allegations?
Aimingforthetop;353559 said:
Jørn ege is from Denmark (the country im from aswell) And he is NOT seen as a good doctor, alot of people have been disfigured by his surgerys and he also lost his license to operate on people because he was too reckless, there where an article with guys having their balls sewed unto their penis, and females with breasts looking like something frankenstein would think was hot.
Also after those operatins people denied to pay, and he got Hells angels to cash in for him.

I know he is a pioneer in Penis Enlargement since he was one of the first to develope a stretcher (as i know)
But do remember that this guy is one crazy son of a.....

Just be carefull with the things that came from him, please

Me too, where did you find this?
I can find probably 100's of articles from news papers, but it will take like forever for me to translate them, since they are in danish.

so im just taking 1 of them, i simply googled his name and the very first thing that popped up was this article:


Jørn Ege and his dangerous surgery.

The country escaping plastic surgegeon has been exposed to alot of critisism because of his plastic surgery.

Both patients and kolleges have in years thrown complaints at Jørn Ege especially his kosmetik procedures like fatsuction and penis extention.

in 2004 the young Louise from Læssøe told TV2 news how she had to be under medical attention on a public hospital, because of side effects from a fat suction, which ruined the skin of her stomach and brought her life in danger.

The Public hospital had to do surgery on her for 3 days to safe her life.

other women have experienced things like that aswell, because Jørn Ege don't want to follow the experts recommendations about sucking the maximum of 4 liters of liquid out during a fat reducing operation.

Penis extension with the reverse effect
also alot of the male patients has filed complaints against Jørn Ege because of his penis extention operations, which has in more cases had reverse effect.

The clean up of Jørn Eges Threatment of patients has been really expensive for the public Hospital, and His patients has without success tryed to Claim damage on him, The payed for Jørn Eges experiments that he made on them, which by the organised surgeons is seen as irresponsible.

We are not talking about discount surgery, because Jørn Ege has taken a good price for his work. So good, that he at some point had 3 clinics, one in copenhagen, one in berlin and one in Nyborg at the same time.

He had 3 cars, 2 big mercedes and a brand new porche.

forbrugerrådet (i don't know what to translate this into, the direct translation would be: The usercouncil or the money user council, basicly its a thing in denmark that looks out for tricks and scams on the market, and they can shut you down if you run a shop and cheap people)
Forbrugerrådet turned in Ege
Also forbrugerrådet has been on the warpath, Because Jørn Ege announced in a free newspaper about his breast enhancement operations with before and after pictures, which was found to be manipulated to make it look better.

Its the most of the article the rest doesn't really matter its the same thing about something illegal he has done.

Its a well known fact in Denmark that this guy is insane, and there is a SHITload of articles about him, but then again denmark is a country of 5mill people, alot of people in the US thinks denmark is just a city :)

At the end of this, Jørn Ege is probably the only Real surgeon in denmark that has made Penis extention operations, and also i have heard that he was a Top surgeon before all these things happened. And remember the line between being b
a genius and being insane is really small, so i don't say: Never listen to what this man has made, but i do feel the urge to say: Be ekstra Careful.

look out for your penis and yourself guys :)

If you want to know anything else about the subject just PM me
Aimingforthetop;353749 said:
I can find probably 100's of articles from news papers, but it will take like forever for me to translate them, since they are in danish.

Interesting- I'd be interested in reading more on this.
Aimingforthetop;353905 said:
You want me to find 100 articles about him? :)

You don't have to do that- just the most popular ones from non-biased sources will do- thanks :D

While I'm not a big fan of phalloplasty or doctors that perform them, you do have to admit that the [words=]JES[/words] [words=]extender[/words] is a work of genius.
This talk of the fundiform ligament is new to me. In pictures, the larger ligament shown in front is the Suspensory you always hear about getting cut. Is the one towards the verr base of the inner penis the Fundiform?
I'm assuming that one way in the back of the image is the Fundiform... but if that's cut, wouldn't the erection pretty much always be less then horizontal?

I'm confused and intrigued, as this sounds like the safest method of surgical lengthening, just having the ligs cut. It also sounds a bit dangerous doing both ligs but I don't know much about the ligaments to begin with.

Edit: Currently reading Redzulu's links.
Last edited:
samzman;353996 said:
he could have saved tons of money by just doing pe

Or he could have just given the money to [words=]MOS[/words]:)
In this they talk about that he only got 2 years jail for frauding people and that he got off easy:

this is about him sending a beatup squat after some of the people who owned him money:

he is telling about how he thinks its a conspiracy against him that he got 2 years of jail+ have to pay a fine of 4,7 mill dk (around 1 million american dollar esti)

Some of his patients has made a group together against him, he actually stuffed a females ass with breast implants (that is kind of funny if you look away from the complete insanity in it)

im not gonna translate them all mate don't have the time for it :(

And yes i do believe that this guy was genius in some ways, but as i already stated, its a thin thin line between being a genius and a mad man :)
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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