Sometimes it just blows my mind that it is so difficult for some men to believe that natural penis enlargement works. I think some think that it is too good to be true. Others I think are just skeptics from an over-saturated market of dishonest penis enlargement pedelers. I was one of the men who thought Penis Enlargement was just plain bullshit. It wasn't until I did pe for other reasons that I realized it was real. I think my unexpected realization that natural penis enlargement was not a hoax is the reason for my Passion in this business.
One of the sole purposes of the penis is to enlarge. This is obvious when we get an erection. The penis in the most basic terms is a flesh bag that fills with blood. Once I was able to start believing in penis enlargement these basic facts always stuck in my head. I think the way I broke it down to such simple terms allowed my to make very good gains. To me stuffing more blood into a flesh bag was much easier to understand then the magical promises that floated around the internet. And as far as stretching my penis to become longer this was so easy to believe. I was always amazed with the tribes that would stretch their lips for a lip plate. The more recent trend in the youth that get piercings and how they slowly stretch their openings to receive a bigger and bigger Gage jewelry. If these types of stretchings were common, accepted fact then why was stretching my penis so much different? It isn't.
I just hope more men can start to see the simplicity in penis enlargement. It is no big is something that is very basic and factual.
One of the sole purposes of the penis is to enlarge. This is obvious when we get an erection. The penis in the most basic terms is a flesh bag that fills with blood. Once I was able to start believing in penis enlargement these basic facts always stuck in my head. I think the way I broke it down to such simple terms allowed my to make very good gains. To me stuffing more blood into a flesh bag was much easier to understand then the magical promises that floated around the internet. And as far as stretching my penis to become longer this was so easy to believe. I was always amazed with the tribes that would stretch their lips for a lip plate. The more recent trend in the youth that get piercings and how they slowly stretch their openings to receive a bigger and bigger Gage jewelry. If these types of stretchings were common, accepted fact then why was stretching my penis so much different? It isn't.
I just hope more men can start to see the simplicity in penis enlargement. It is no big is something that is very basic and factual.