vacutech is top of the line.i also have an northwest pumpworks pump.its second rate at best,but it works want a top pump vacutech is the way to go.
rod crowley;280659 said:
vacutech is top of the line.i also have an northwest pumpworks pump.its second rate at best,but it works want a top pump vacutech is the way to go.

THX ! What about the flared cylinder ? What is this feature for ?
i have not used flared but love the VT and dont know why i would need anything else for pumping. I started with a 2 inch tube of something else but did not like i grew out of it. i moved up to VT and it rocks.
airshy;280688 said:
i have not used flared but love the VT and dont know why i would need anything else for pumping. I started with a 2 inch tube of something else but did not like i grew out of it. i moved up to VT and it rocks.

[words= ]Hm[/words]... but they seem to have flared ones only, don't they ?
I still am on the fence of which pump and cylinders to buy between vacutech,lapdist,and pumptoys...I mean are all these excellent pumps and cylinders to buy? Please be honest with responses.Thank you.Please help me decide.Thank you very much.
I only have any experience with the Vacutech. They treated me very well and the packaging was very discreet as I recall. The product is very well made and have had NO PROBLEMS at all with the tube, pump, or hose. The only other pump I have any experience with was some no name porno shop typ of pump that first got me into it.

I would spend the extra money and go witht he Vacutech

koooky;280744 said:
I would spend the extra money and go witht he Vacutech

[words= ]Hm[/words]... How about Kaplan ? I saw some discussion too. Differences between Kaplan and VT ?
koooky;280744 said:
I only have any experience with the Vacutech. They treated me very well and the packaging was very discreet as I recall. The product is very well made and have had NO PROBLEMS at all with the tube, pump, or hose. The only other pump I have any experience with was some no name porno shop typ of pump that first got me into it.

I would spend the extra money and go witht he Vacutech

The ole john holmes pump is what got me the day it was top of the line.ive since purchased a nw pumpworks and a vacutech.the vacutech is definately the best money can buy.
kaplan is a good pump hands down.I know other guys who have them with no complaints.if you're searching for a bargain...kaplan is the way to go.
i got it. i got it. i got a VT. but, i sort of feel a bit pain at my pelvic bones while the cyliner is pushing against me... anyone know how to get rid of this problem ?? THX.
i had that problem with the velseal at first and it was very uncomfortable. somehow i adapted but had to raise the pressure slowly at first so it did not hurt.
i had a unique issue that came while combining hanging and pumping (not together of course) - but the hanging on my left side from btc angles was stretching my groin area so much it was very tender to pump over 5hg because of the pressure on the tender ligs and area. luckily that went away.

also - does your pump have a rubber base on it? that should create some relief if it does not.
trapeze;281329 said:
i got it. i got it. i got a VT. but, i sort of feel a bit pain at my pelvic bones while the cyliner is pushing against me... anyone know how to get rid of this problem ?? THX.
try a lower pressure until you get adapted to it.
I checked out that DR Kaplan pump site because I am interested in getting a pump just for something new. I feel that my penis is really conditioned and getting a pump would add a more interesting routine structure.

Some interesting things I noticed;

On the FAQ the average size is listed as 6-7 inches and the average girth is put as 5.5 inches (seems above average to me, but of course a marketing tactic to make me feel smaller perhaps).

The before and after photos are horrible and look fake.

I guess I will have to just keep looking. So far the pumps look pretty solid on that site.
rod crowley;281460 said:
The flared cylinder is supposedly used for girth pumping only.The thickwall supposedly is used for length.the thickwall is what i own,as my nw pumpworks is a flared cylinder.

But thickwall ones look pretty much the same as flared ones. thickwall ones don't push against pelvic bones hard when high vacuum ??
bro,any cylinder is gonna take some getting use patient and try a lower amount of pressure.if all else fails try the gonna give that a try just for the added comfort.remember..easy does it!
Hey Guys !

the tip of my penis(the tip of my glands) sort of swells a bit after pumping. it also appears somewhat different coloring then surrounding area. is it normal ? i don't feel uncomfortable for this, though. it just looks kinda scary. any ideas ???
mustang is still foreign in the usa,whereas vacu-tech is well known.i began with the john holmes pump in 92,Bought a nw pumpworks pump in 94 with good results using it i purchased my vacu-tech 3years ago,its top of the line.i also was sent a kaplan pump last year as a promotional works well and the bset thing is it was a freebie.but still,im preferential to mt vacu-tech.soo im a pump junkie!wtf??
The Vacutech guys were the most straight-up respectful people I've ever ordered Penis Enlargement gear from. Got the stuff promptly. Yes, the price is high, but from what I've read and experienced they are worth it. Their pumps have a taper near the base which I think really makes a difference in expansion.
Thanks for the quick responses guys. I recently made a speech in school about buying American made products and so forth so I'm trying to live up to what I preach...

Do y'all honestly think pumping alone can give me gains, or should I do it in conjunction with my Penis Enlargement exercises?

If I do do them in conjunction with the exercises, when should I do the pump, or do I do that on a totally different days?

Thanks Again,
DGreekStallion;289369 said:
Thanks for the quick responses guys. I recently made a speech in school about buying American made products and so forth so I'm trying to live up to what I preach...

Do y'all honestly think pumping alone can give me gains, or should I do it in conjunction with my Penis Enlargement exercises?

If I do do them in conjunction with the exercises, when should I do the pump, or do I do that on a totally different days?

Thanks Again,

You should be jelqing between sets at the minimum. Work the pump in to your normal girth routine, but add a day off the next day. Start out doing 3 sets of 10 minutes at 2-5" hg (progressively getting to 5 near the last session).
10inchadvantage;289459 said:
You should be jelqing between sets at the minimum. Work the pump in to your normal girth routine, but add a day off the next day. Start out doing 3 sets of 10 minutes at 2-5" hg (progressively getting to 5 near the last session).

I agree with 10inchadvantage, do your normal girth routine between sets, you will be fatter than you ever have been I promise. Stay away from long durations and high pressures, it will cause a donut, which is what you don't want, there is a fine line between pumping for gains and fluid build up, which is one reason I like to edge between sets. Edging seems to me to help flush any fluid build up that you get out of you penis, while keeping your penis in tip top working order.