Can weaker erections be due to nerve damage from gripping to hard and pulling too hard.

Also I just got some samples of levitra The first time I took it, it was awesome hard erections. Second time a little less third time even less. They came in those pop out things each one sealed I poped them all out and put them in an old medicing thing. Can air exposure ruin the integrity of the pill or no?
Erections are not effected by nerves, the only physical damage that can effect erection is to the blood vessals and circulation. Nerve damage will just effect sensation. The penis is tougher than many people think so I think nerve damage through Penis Enlargement is rare.

As for the levitra Kausion_420 is probably the man to ask as I know he takes it and I cant see theres any way that air can degrade active ingredients in any medication.

Maybe you have just overworked it a tad too much so your erection strength is suffering a bit.
I know for a fact the Dorsal Nerve plays a huge part in erections. How do you think you get stimulated without sensation. It branches out to both CCs and the Glans.
I see what you are saying but its easily possible to get an erection by just seeing a sexy image or having a sexy thought with no touch required.
PocketCowboys said:
Can weaker erections be due to nerve damage from gripping to hard and pulling too hard.

Your inability to maintain a quality erection is something we all go through. Erection problems are caused by either a PSYCHOLOGICAL (mental, anxiety) or PHYSICAL (blood vessel, nerve damage or impairment) reasons (sometimes a combination of the 2) It is important to determine the specific cause before you jump to conclusions and scare yourself.

Physical causes of erectile dysfunction (including weaker erections) include:
Problems with the nerves of the penis. Disease like diabetes or multiple sclerosis(sp?) can cause nerve damage. Surgery, injury, or radiation to the penile area may cause damage to the nerves of your penis. Hardening of the arteries may make it difficult for a man to get and keep an erection. As far as never damage causing activities that constrict blood flow to the penis it would need to be long term blood flow restriction for it to cause nerve damage (keep in mind this is difficult to do); ie: Blunt trauma to the pelvic area, continuous bike riding on a narrow, hard seat, hanging too heavy and too long, clamping for too long, pretty much any activity that has the potential to restrict blood flow to the penis for an extended time. Most nerve damage can be dealt with medically and in even extreme cases, nerves do regenerate.

Since I am not a doctor (I only play one on the internet:D) all I can do is give you information. Electro-diagnostic testing is the only positive way to check for nerve damage (this is done by a neurologist). Keep in mind that masturbation, vigorous sex or for that matter Penis Enlargement are not usually associated with the nerve damage or rehabilitation.

If hormonal levels are too low (testosterone or thyroid hormones) you could see dysfunction. Many drugs have dysfunctional side effects. Most blood pressure, SSRI's, anti-psychotics, pain and anxiety medications come with slue of negative penis performance and libido side effects.

Illegal drugs can be a source of erection problems due to the lack of testing of side effects of illicit drugs. Alcohol also has physical and mental ramifications on the penis. Tobacco also narrows blood ways to the penis. Over the counter medications and herbs should also be studied before you start taking them. Combination of over the counter items with prescribed medication could be a huge factor in erection loss.

Most of the time psychological problems are the other source of dysfunction in men. It is easier for us to think we have a physical problem but in most cases it is all in our mind. Things like dating problems, ODD, ADD, Anxiety disorders, performance fear, stress, depression, etc. can all be a massive function in dysfunction:D (that rhymes)
