You guys ive been having this problem lately. I usually do Penis Enlargement at night before I shower and sometimes im way too tired to do Penis Enlargement. I goto school in the morning and play tennis afterwards everyday, then even after that still play basketball or go for a jog. So by night im pretty tired and sometimes dont have enough in me to get in a Penis Enlargement session. Do any of you guys got this problem too(maybe working too much, not necessarily sports)? And what do you think I should do about it?
I have the same problem.. just feel way to tired to keep an erection for a full Penis Enlargement session.. but as DLD said in a thread before just do it and get it done, sometimes you dread it but it has to be done..
Thats really not that draining of a daily schedule man. LOL. Seriously, when I was still active duty Marines a few years ago...Some days I'd be coming off a 15 hour day on my feet, having run 3 miles that morning, dealing with a lot of mentally and physically draining stuff...then come home to a bitchy wife and her little girl (I'm divorced as of a few years ago by the way ;)) and still somehow muster up the "energy" to do my Penis Enlargement.

Pop a No Doz or drink some coffee if you need an energy boost. I think Desire has more to do with whether or not you really want to do your Penis Enlargement. Or, a few months from now when youre dissapointed with yourself because youre not getting any results from Penis Enlargement, you can reflect on how your being so "tired" has held you back.
Yeah try running first thing in the morning, then going to 10 hours of straight class, then 6 hours of rehearsals and recording sessions. Then I go home and try to compose some and do some homework.

Take a break every once in a while from Penis Enlargement, sure, but you can still fit it in. It's not an exhausting activity.
Bob, just try do what ya can.
Some peeps are better at handleing this than other, like still for example and the 15 runs in the marines, not many could than be arsed to do pe afterwards, so hes special in some ways.

You just have to push ya'self sometimes or do SMALL bits throughout theday when ya can.

I suppose I may as well go on about my hard worklife lol everyone else here has.
Was never AWAY from the Fire Service, worked shifts .. 12 hours each 4 on 2 off but ya were fucked on the 2 off from the 4 ya did on.
I had to deal with dead bodys, burnt kids and than somehow get an erection.
Alot of the time I didnt lol I skipped alot when I was a fireman.
Nowadays as a trainee cop I get more time, but that WILL change as I fall into full service.
Its more mental than anythin else man, like I said not that I was tired from my jobs, it was the STRESS of what I dealt and deal with eachday, sex and masturbation is the LAST THING on ya mind after arresting pieces of scum allday and getting called a pig on every corner, but I want to be the biggest so I do what I can.

DO WHAT YA CAN mate, I NEVER do alll that 5 on or 7 on shit cos I just cant do that for the reasons above, so I do WHAT I CAN, WHEN I CAN ... that consists of 1 on 1 off or 3 on 5 off .. the days can be ANYTHING really when I get chance I do my pe.
I always makesure I do AT LEAST 30 MINUTES, thats all I belive is needed.
DO IT EXTREME , I push myself to the edge eachtime ... make sure my cock is red roar when I'm done man.

At the end of the day ya can work around this, just do WHAT YA CAN, WHEN YA motto, check my routine/progress thread out in that section up top as sticky will give you an idea of exactly what type of days I do when i comes to a session in Penis Enlargement.

If you train that much and use up a lot of energy, your body needs to repair. After I hoop for two or three hours or lift, I take a five minute cold shower hitting my legs if I hoop or if I lift whatever body part it was that I worked that day, and I feel great afterward. I've also noticed that i sleep better, and I wake up in a better mood in the morning. I also take the cold showers after a Penis Enlargement workout, and I;ve noticed my flaccid hang is much better. I know that's herasay, but it does work. Good luck man.
Whenever i feel too tired to Penis Enlargement, i just think to myself that i'm missing an opportunity to get bigger and that if i don't Penis Enlargement that's one more day that i'll have a small cock. My next thought is always, f*ck being tired, i want a big dick.
sikdogg said:
Whenever i feel too tired to Penis Enlargement, i just think to myself that i'm missing an opportunity to get bigger and that if i don't Penis Enlargement that's one more day that i'll have a small cock. My next thought is always, f*ck being tired, i want a big dick.

I know what you mean about being tired to Penis Enlargement (I do it at 5:30 AM before work). But I try to think like sikdogg stated above and that gets me through it.
BeBobBox said:
thanks guys

Bebobbox. If you are too tired drop some of those sports. Its really simple. What do you want more to play basketball some, or to fuck some?

I asked myself this question a few months back, and it made me dedicated like you wouldn't believe. BEBOBBOX what would you rather have a college education or a huge cock.

Then how much time are you willing to put into getting a college education? Years and many hours EVERY day?

Thats right if you're serious about pe just make room in your schedule.
It's not that physically draining and a few minutes is better than nothing at all. Look, if you've got an early exam the next morning or something, you might consider taking a night off, but if you still have time to get some sleep but just feel tired at night--force your way through it.
Just do it. The most important thing to remember is "DO IT NOW". If you feel like you are to tired or you dont have the strenght tell yourself to "do it now" and remember why you started to Penis Enlargement in the first place
I did stretching about 5 hours earlier than jelqing today splitting them up and it seems to be better than saving it all for the end of the day
Sometimes im depressed whit no willpower at all,evenso i just get my ass up and start a session sometimes im like whats the purpose of doing this crazy stuff,but once i get things done i go to sleep feeling better....
Do it in the morning.

Or try passive stuff. All day [words=]extender[/words] like [words=]phallosan[/words] [words=]forte[/words] or vac [words=]extender[/words] with a leg strap.

Or face the fact that being larger is just not a priority for you. If you want something bad enough you will persevere. If you've simply forgotten why it's important for you, here's a reminder that you did, recently, decide it was important enough to do, and you will, inevitably, come to that conclusion again. It is the nature of the beast.

Maybe logic does the trick
shortdick;633881 said:
Sometimes im depressed whit no willpower at all,evenso i just get my ass up and start a session sometimes im like whats the purpose of doing this crazy stuff,but once i get things done i go to sleep feeling better....

We should always pat ourselves on the back when we make it through a difficult day and still get our routine in.
Today iwas tired after a shitty day, I got to my place and I started the routine I had in mind and I have just finished my routine....
Take a nap and get back on the horse! There should always be time to make your dick bigger and that alone should wake you up.
Sometimes you just need to tell yourself "It's not about being too tired" and just get on with it. Excuses get you nowhere. Consistency gets you results

Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place, and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Now, if you know what you’re worth, then go out and get what you’re worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain’t you. You’re better than that!

BeBobBox;67500 said:
You guys ive been having this problem lately. I usually do Penis Enlargement at night before I shower and sometimes im way too tired to do Penis Enlargement. I goto school in the morning and play tennis afterwards everyday, then even after that still play basketball or go for a jog. So by night im pretty tired and sometimes dont have enough in me to get in a Penis Enlargement session. Do any of you guys got this problem too(maybe working too much, not necessarily sports)? And what do you think I should do about it?
Simyan;634845 said:
Sometimes you just need to tell yourself "It's not about being too tired" and just get on with it. Excuses get you nowhere. Consistency gets you results

Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place, and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Now, if you know what you’re worth, then go out and get what you’re worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain’t you. You’re better than that!

Very powerful post!
When I have my goal and mindset in place. Whether I'm tired, not in mood, or feeling good about it. I'm always grateful each day I completed a session of PE-training. Each action, step gets me closer, that's what keeps me doing it...daily.
if i pe today then i am motivated to do it for next day ...the more you do the more you wanna dld says train 7 days a week but dont
Threak-X;634926 said:
When I have my goal and mindset in place. Whether I'm tired, not in mood, or feeling good about it. I'm always grateful each day I completed a session of PE-training. Each action, step gets me closer, that's what keeps me doing it...daily.

Yup, when you push yourself and get started the mood will get better and better and time goes on. It is kind of like being depressed, taking a brisk walk will get you out of the funk but you have to start to make it happen.
well i just had a [words=]ssj[/words] session yesterday but stretchings and the [words=]bathmate[/words] session didnt happen.....
shortdick;634979 said:
well i just had a [words=]ssj[/words] session yesterday but stretchings and the [words=]bathmate[/words] session didnt happen.....

You should be combining these two with the 5x5x3. Why are you leaving out the [words=]BathMate[/words]?
I just dont have a clear view of why im into PE..i understand the stigma you have and that you just dont have enough luck whit the ladies,im really unlucky,and i got use to it,
Anyway i just dont know i overthink sometimes... life is a biaatch hahah
Longth;634283 said:
Do it in the morning.

Or try passive stuff. All day [words=]extender[/words] like [words=]phallosan[/words] [words=]forte[/words] or vac [words=]extender[/words] with a leg strap.

Or face the fact that being larger is just not a priority for you. If you want something bad enough you will persevere. If you've simply forgotten why it's important for you, here's a reminder that you did, recently, decide it was important enough to do, and you will, inevitably, come to that conclusion again. It is the nature of the beast.

Maybe logic does the trick

yep maybe getting larger may not be a priority anymore i have like a million things to solve before being concerned about my penis,i would like to find solutions first once i get my mind clear and my shitty existence gets better i might think about PE besides that sex and girls arent gonna come soon....
shortdick;635083 said:
yep maybe getting larger may not be a priority anymore i have like a million things to solve before being concerned about my penis,i would like to find solutions first once i get my mind clear and my shitty existence gets better i might think about PE besides that sex and girls arent gonna come soon....

Mate can I recommend you check out "The Chimp Paradox" book. Look it up, it changed my life! Gave up drugs, became extremely successful with ladies, returned to PE. Basically helped me become the person I wanted to become.
Simyan;635085 said:
Mate can I recommend you check out "The Chimp Paradox" book. Look it up, it changed my life! Gave up drugs, became extremely successful with ladies, returned to PE. Basically helped me become the person I wanted to become.

Yes sr i will check the book out yeah actually i would say that i have a lot of shit to deal whit but i know that theres a solution for most things in life i enjoy working and learning,learning new skills is a great thing,today i was not in the mood for PE but i just started and i have finished my session...And yeah drugs are bull IMO maybe weed is a bit healthier,but is great that you quit doing drugs.and would be great when bros that are dealing whit addictions,overcome their addictions....we are all in this together hehe
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Simyan;635085 said:
Mate can I recommend you check out "The Chimp Paradox" book. Look it up, it changed my life! Gave up drugs, became extremely successful with ladies, returned to PE. Basically helped me become the person I wanted to become.

I need this!
Simyan;635264 said:
I'm going to do a post in the mental well being section. Seriously changed my life!

Gonna check now, if not ready I will see it when it is.
Sometimes we have to decide what's most important to us. Most of us have things we must do like work, school, etc. Other things though like sports and other activities shouldn't get in the way of you doing PE if it is important to you. PE has to take priority over things like that if you want success. If those things make you to tired for PE then I say don't do them, or do them on your off days or whenever it won't interfere with your PE.
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the chimp paradox is a decent is about keeping logic and emotions in their perspective places and using them together in a synchronized manner inorder to avoid chaos.......only read half the book ....i seems to be a nice book not extraordinary but nice
pogzee;635324 said:
the chimp paradox is a decent is about keeping logic and emotions in their perspective places and using them together in a synchronized manner inorder to avoid chaos.......only read half the book ....i seems to be a nice book not extraordinary but nice
If you read the other half, it might become extraordinary to you... {LoL}
You guys ive been having this problem lately. I usually do Penis Enlargement at night before I shower and sometimes im way too tired to do Penis Enlargement. I goto school in the morning and play tennis afterwards everyday, then even after that still play basketball or go for a jog. So by night im pretty tired and sometimes dont have enough in me to get in a Penis Enlargement session. Do any of you guys got this problem too(maybe working too much, not necessarily sports)? And what do you think I should do about it?

Reduce the sport and give more time to PE. PE is very important. I don't want to have a godlike body with a small penis.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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