My guess is that because doctors and lawyers are the highest paid professions (on average they make even more than CEO's believe it or not), they realize that their money and status is what gets them a hot wife and as many mistresses as they can get away with.

So, naturally speaking a biggest dick is one of the pillars of female attraction in addition to money and status, so if doctors and their fraternal comrades want to keep a monopoly on getting the hottest chicks around, they need to downplay anything which might make the "average" man in terms of status more desirable :dance:

OK maybe that is just a dumb conspiracy theory, but in the ancient and medieval days the royalty made all kinds of laws and created all kinds of customs so as to keep the best mistresses all to themselves in their little harems while using royal women exclusively for childbearing, so it is not unheard of that a fraternal organization would do anything it can to keep competing groups of men from challenging their authority.

Oh yeah, and doctors don't make money off of NPenis Enlargement, but make money off of prescribing pills out the wazoo or getting referral fees for sending guys to shrinks to talk about SPS (Small Penis Syndrome).
Yea your probbably right, who can ya trust anymore!!! I know who, [words=]MOS[/words]!!!
MCTFB said:
My guess is that because doctors and lawyers are the highest paid professions (on average they make even more than CEO's believe it or not), they realize that their money and status is what gets them a hot wife and as many mistresses as they can get away with.

So, naturally speaking a biggest dick is one of the pillars of female attraction in addition to money and status, so if doctors and their fraternal comrades want to keep a monopoly on getting the hottest chicks around, they need to downplay anything which might make the "average" man in terms of status more desirable :dance:

OK maybe that is just a dumb conspiracy theory, but in the ancient and medieval days the royalty made all kinds of laws and created all kinds of customs so as to keep the best mistresses all to themselves in their little harems while using royal women exclusively for childbearing, so it is not unheard of that a fraternal organization would do anything it can to keep competing groups of men from challenging their authority.

Oh yeah, and doctors don't make money off of NPenis Enlargement, but make money off of prescribing pills out the wazoo or getting referral fees for sending guys to shrinks to talk about SPS (Small Penis Syndrome).

yep absolutely. The only point to making money ultimately is to get a hotter wife. The name of this game we call life is survival of the fittest.

That is why the dominant men in our society, from politicians to high ranking buerocrats to high priced doctors and lawyers, fear all aspects of masculinity. From bodybuilding to steroids, to penis enlargement. To banning fat, as fat is the hormone testosterone comes from.

And you are also understanding the way things work by pointing out that, they aren't neccessarily doing this conciously. Its subconcious and also a facet of organizational psychology.

I would also add that I don't believe its a conspiracy theory. Conspiracy theories are ones of which there is no evidence backing them up. There is tons of evidence supporting the fact that the 'powers that be' have consistently blocked anything that would strengthen other men's masculinity. Once you see how this type of thinking relates to all aspects of your life you will be free.

Never listen to your government or powerful people, on what you should learn, on what you should eat, on how you should exercise. Their advise will not only not lead you down their paths, it will screw you up. You have to go and talk to people who have no vested interest in you not becoming strong. This is something I feel strongly about, I've seen in many aspects of life, such as bodybuilding, but also in politics, our culture fuck people over. And not only perscribing 'solutions' that don't solve the problems, but actualy screw you up far worse then you are.

If you followed the government or doctors healthy eating plans, of very low fats, and low protein, you'd be a tiny skinny kid. Don't think that doesn't affect your ability to woe women. I have seen both sides of this, and now that I am very strong physically, even wealthy men have no chance against me competing for women. It attracts very primal desires within women. The penis may even do moreso.

Challenge authority at every step, don't be one of the sheep who loves suBathmateitting to 'the man'. That can only lead to a life of extreme mediocrity at best. If you want to be great you must challenge the status quo, you must question authority, and you must follow your own path.
Good stuff. I agree. It's all about the money, and in the end, money is all about the sex.

I think another side of this is that it wouldn't be politically correct to admit that men can enlarge their penises naturally, but women can't enlarge their breasts naturally. It's almost like saying men have an advantage over women (gasp!).
9cyclops9 said:
Good stuff. I agree. It's all about the money, and in the end, money is all about the sex.

I think another side of this is that it wouldn't be politically correct to admit that men can enlarge their penises naturally, but women can't enlarge their breasts naturally. It's almost like saying men have an advantage over women (gasp!).

Women can enlarge their breasts naturally. All they need to do is eat a McDonald's Double Quarter Pounder Value Meal Super-Sized with a Coca-Cola every day rofl

Also, money is man's only real creation on this planet as just about everything else of value is derived from something else that is tangible. The only reason money exists is because the mass majority of people on this planet accept it as being something of value even though nobody bases the value of money on any standard such as gold.

So money is basically just part of a system to get people to believe that there is this modern holy water of capitalism and materialism that they can drink and instantly they are great people with lots of respect.

Throughout history, money systems have gone up and down and changed a lot over time and at the end of every civilization (Greek culture, Roman Culture, the various Dynastic cultures of China, the Mongolian culture, perhaps Western Culture), at the end of the day money means very little.

On an unrelated note, I am pretty scared of what might happen to the western world when "peak oil" occurs and being thrifty, resourceful, and certainly not shallow when it comes to resources will be what determines what societies survive and what societies don't. I know at least in America we have several of the more recent generations including my own raised primarily on the religions of materialism and capitalism (also known as "The American Way"), and just judging by history, that was a recipe for the collapse of that civilization (look what happened to Rome when Romans stopped working hard and instead had slaves and province peasants doing everything for them including supplying their armies with able bodied men willing to fight for the empire).

Sex is really just a legal drug (if you call natural dopamine a drug), and just like drugs legal and illegal they can be bought and sold because they have value to addicts (which is everyone who has any sort of libido whatsoever), so yah sex is money and money is sex on a purely abstract level.
They reject it because they can make any money off of it. There's no surgery involved, no medicine to prescribe.
jGman said:
They reject it because they can make any money off of it. There's no surgery involved, no medicine to prescribe.
...but I also bet that the Average Joe out there on the streets rejects the idea as well.
Dario said:
...but I also bet that the Average Joe out there on the streets rejects the idea as well.

But that's because their doctor does.
I think everyone is jumping to conclusions about money and sex and money and a hot wife. In my opinion that thinking is a little naive. It is true that having money may make you more appealling to women, but not everybody who has money or wants to be successful is purely in it for the sex aspect. Some people may want a better than average lifestyle or provide for their kids. I know plenty of people who have a good amount of money and are still w/ their high school sweethearts.

I do agree though that there are people who have money and take advantage of the situation by getting a trophy wife or whatever else.

I also think that this thread has a very negative tone towards doctors. It sounds as if most people are agreeing that they are after only hot wives and want mistresses and thats why they don't want people to believe in Penis Enlargement. I guarantee 99% or more of doctors
1) don't know about Penis Enlargement
2) don't care about Penis Enlargement

Believe it or not, doctors have better things to do with their time than to falsify studies. The only people who could truly make money off people not believing in Penis Enlargement are the doctors who perform penis enlargement surgery, and I'm guessing its not even worth their time to do so.

Additionally, if doctors did know about Penis Enlargement, I don't think they would deny it b/c they have the 'in' already b/c they have money. I would think they would deny it b/c they would want to increase their own size w/o the whole world knowing about it. That way they would have both money and size.
Xulf said:
I think everyone is jumping to conclusions about money and sex and money and a hot wife. In my opinion that thinking is a little naive. It is true that having money may make you more appealling to women, but not everybody who has money or wants to be successful is purely in it for the sex aspect. Some people may want a better than average lifestyle or provide for their kids. I know plenty of people who have a good amount of money and are still w/ their high school sweethearts.

I do agree though that there are people who have money and take advantage of the situation by getting a trophy wife or whatever else.

I also think that this thread has a very negative tone towards doctors. It sounds as if most people are agreeing that they are after only hot wives and want mistresses and thats why they don't want people to believe in Penis Enlargement. I guarantee 99% or more of doctors
1) don't know about Penis Enlargement
2) don't care about Penis Enlargement

Believe it or not, doctors have better things to do with their time than to falsify studies. The only people who could truly make money off people not believing in Penis Enlargement are the doctors who perform penis enlargement surgery, and I'm guessing its not even worth their time to do so.

Additionally, if doctors did know about Penis Enlargement, I don't think they would deny it b/c they have the 'in' already b/c they have money. I would think they would deny it b/c they would want to increase their own size w/o the whole world knowing about it. That way they would have both money and size.

I was only being halfway serious about the entire doctor thing in a sly effort to be somewhat jovial about the entire doctors not believing in Penis Enlargement issue, however in terms of women, maybe you grew up in a different generation than I did (I am 28), but very, very, very few women today will admire men for anything other than their superficial characteristics (money, penis size, you name it they will measure you by it). You can kind of make the same argument about men in their views of women as well, so being a gentleman, being nice, being respectful, being what used to be known as a "man" just is an entire waste of time when it comes to relationships with women these days.

So it is just better to accept the shallow world that certain generations have grown up in (including my own), and learn to play the new game of courting, as opposed to bitching and whining about why women are the way they are. If women want to act like whores and demean the more traditional qualities men used to value in women (thank feminism for reducing women to nothing more than a hole that breeds mouths to feed), then that is how they are going to be treated by us men.

Being a gentleman in today's day and age (such as opening the door for a lady) will with the vast majority of women be seen as either being a sign of weakness (which women will either take as a sign you are a good candidate to "use"), or else see it is a shallow attempt to make up for something else you might be lacking. I mean, the media driven image of the true alpha male doesn't have to do jack shit for the ladies to have them all over him.

So you can either accept the way people are (both men and women) and learn to live and adapt in this world, or else you can whine and complain about the moral decay of western culture like Jerry Falwell does (whining and complaining hasn't done much to make the world a better place has it?). Oh yeah, I guess you can shoot yourself as well.

Truth is, for societal values to ever improve in a civilization, things have to get much, much, much worse before they get any better. The roaring 20's were one of the most decadent times in American history and the great depression wiped most of that decadence out of American culture for several generations. Americans have had it way too damned easy the last several generations, so it is no wonder people have become as superficial as they are now.

Hey, I wouldn't be choking my chicken for a few extra inches if it were not for the fact I am single, unmarried, and the dating scene out there is like World War III where the side with the best weapon of mass destruction is the side that probably will win. So, like most people here, I am here working on my weapon of mass destruction for shallow reasons, but nevertheless necessary ones if you even want to realistically be in the game anymore.
MCTFB said:
Women can enlarge their breasts naturally. All they need to do is eat a McDonald's Double Quarter Pounder Value Meal Super-Sized with a Coca-Cola every day rofl

Also, money is man's only real creation on this planet as just about everything else of value is derived from something else that is tangible. The only reason money exists is because the mass majority of people on this planet accept it as being something of value even though nobody bases the value of money on any standard such as gold.

So money is basically just part of a system to get people to believe that there is this modern holy water of capitalism and materialism that they can drink and instantly they are great people with lots of respect.

Throughout history, money systems have gone up and down and changed a lot over time and at the end of every civilization (Greek culture, Roman Culture, the various Dynastic cultures of China, the Mongolian culture, perhaps Western Culture), at the end of the day money means very little.

On an unrelated note, I am pretty scared of what might happen to the western world when "peak oil" occurs and being thrifty, resourceful, and certainly not shallow when it comes to resources will be what determines what societies survive and what societies don't. I know at least in America we have several of the more recent generations including my own raised primarily on the religions of materialism and capitalism (also known as "The American Way"), and just judging by history, that was a recipe for the collapse of that civilization (look what happened to Rome when Romans stopped working hard and instead had slaves and province peasants doing everything for them including supplying their armies with able bodied men willing to fight for the empire).

Sex is really just a legal drug (if you call natural dopamine a drug), and just like drugs legal and illegal they can be bought and sold because they have value to addicts (which is everyone who has any sort of libido whatsoever), so yah sex is money and money is sex on a purely abstract level.

Good post. I to am concerned about peak oil, and have been since the late 90's when I started to read about resources. And I'm not some socialist who is scared of the earth running out of resources.. However when your political leadership blocks any real alternatives, such as nuclear or tidal power, you set the stage for a monumental collapse.

I know what your saying about money, the paper itself is worthless. Money is just a convienient way to barter. It is troublesome that we are no longer basing the money on anything though. All it is based on is other money, or even in very recent times the own money itself. Like the canadian dollar is based on promises to pay loans in canadian dollars. That won't last through one crisis. Luckily for our political leaders a crisis hasn't come yet, but to me it would seem to be immenent, for many reasons.

Wealth however is very valuable when it comes to marriage. America is probably the one place in the western world where the average person can raise healthy kids. Therefore other factors like physical attraction especially matter as much or more. In other places like Canada, the average wages are so low, and the opportunity is so low, that people simply can't afford to have children. Most people in europe too are having few if any children, and a huge reason for that is the fall in the standard of living. Of course their governments tell them how amazingly, wonderfuly, awesome they are doing each year, but the reality is they are living in poverty compared to days gone by.

In that type of world, where only a financialy successful man could provide the means to even have children, wealth becomes the main factor. Also even in america, being with a wealthy man gets you through the rough times, whereas if there is crisis which I think is coming, many poor people will have trouble nourishing their children fully. At least for a while until new political leadership is brought in. And I'm not talking about going democrat, I'm saying a completely new power structure without the current old boys club and special interest.

And I agree sex is like a drug.. or probably more accurately many drugs mimic the pleasures that sex brings. The pleasures of sex and the emotions of love are biological drivers so that we will seek out those behaviors. Just like pain from a hot stove is a signal to you to take your hand off the element. Effectively prostitution where the woman can't become pregnant is closer to cocaine then we think. They both are ways of tricking our biological system to release the chemicals that produce orgasm, the reward to us for spreading our seed. Without actualy spreading our seed in a useful way.

I think the more apt analogy for women 'pe', is kegeling and whatever exercises they do to tighten themselves up. However the breast one was good, I hate how women are always trying to diet and get skinny, losing their ass and breasts. I mean I can see if the woman is fat, trying to lose weight, but it seems to be an obsession with even skinny girls. Having said that some guys do like skinny girls, but the average man ultimately does seek out a mate with healthy wide hips and a good deal of fat on them. I've noticed myself that my desires have trended towards more and more womanly curves as I became a man.
MCTFB said:
I was only being halfway serious about the entire doctor thing in a sly effort to be somewhat jovial about the entire doctors not believing in Penis Enlargement issue, however in terms of women, maybe you grew up in a different generation than I did (I am 28), but very, very, very few women today will admire men for anything other than their superficial characteristics (money, penis size, you name it they will measure you by it). You can kind of make the same argument about men in their views of women as well, so being a gentleman, being nice, being respectful, being what used to be known as a "man" just is an entire waste of time when it comes to relationships with women these days.

So it is just better to accept the shallow world that certain generations have grown up in (including my own), and learn to play the new game of courting, as opposed to bitching and whining about why women are the way they are. If women want to act like whores and demean the more traditional qualities men used to value in women (thank feminism for reducing women to nothing more than a hole that breeds mouths to feed), then that is how they are going to be treated by us men.

Being a gentleman in today's day and age (such as opening the door for a lady) will with the vast majority of women be seen as either being a sign of weakness (which women will either take as a sign you are a good candidate to "use"), or else see it is a shallow attempt to make up for something else you might be lacking. I mean, the media driven image of the true alpha male doesn't have to do jack shit for the ladies to have them all over him.

So you can either accept the way people are (both men and women) and learn to live and adapt in this world, or else you can whine and complain about the moral decay of western culture like Jerry Falwell does (whining and complaining hasn't done much to make the world a better place has it?). Oh yeah, I guess you can shoot yourself as well.

Truth is, for societal values to ever improve in a civilization, things have to get much, much, much worse before they get any better. The roaring 20's were one of the most decadent times in American history and the great depression wiped most of that decadence out of American culture for several generations. Americans have had it way too damned easy the last several generations, so it is no wonder people have become as superficial as they are now.

Hey, I wouldn't be choking my chicken for a few extra inches if it were not for the fact I am single, unmarried, and the dating scene out there is like World War III where the side with the best weapon of mass destruction is the side that probably will win. So, like most people here, I am here working on my weapon of mass destruction for shallow reasons, but nevertheless necessary ones if you even want to realistically be in the game anymore.

HAHAAHAH so true MCFTB. Great advice to, women are shallow, you could bitch about it your whole life, or you could go out and reach the shallow goals to satisfy them. Hence why I'm here to. Women today would rather have an asshole with a 9x7 cock, then a warm hearted loving man with a 6x5. Thats the reality.

And as MCFTB said it sucks but however much you dislike it, if you want to win, you gotta be 'packing', or making big money, or pumping iron or all three. I actualy sort of like it to be honest, I like that you can treat women like shit and they will love you for it, if you got it going on. What can I say I like unfairness sometimes, as long as I can atain what it takes to be the one being unfair.

I've seen women who are with some stud and he cheats on them and calls them names, and they are all over him. Meantime I see some guy who would jump in front of a bullet for them, and he is the last person they would want to date. Thats the reality and in honesty its sort of funny.

Actualy I have studied the evolutionary reasons why women choose such selfish men, and there is real reasons for it. That are actualy logical, there is MANY, I will write a thread on it sometime.
Bah. Screw that. I'm not lowering myself to their level. I'll keep going on being a gentleman and all the other stuff. I've never had sex, and I won't until I'm married. And the girls that are really worth my time are the ones that like stuff like that. My gal would never date a jerk because she has high standards. Sure, there aren't many like that left, but when you find a real gem, it makes it all worth it.
9cyclops9 said:
Bah. Screw that. I'm not lowering myself to their level. I'll keep going on being a gentleman and all the other stuff. I've never had sex, and I won't until I'm married. And the girls that are really worth my time are the ones that like stuff like that. My gal would never date a jerk because she has high standards. Sure, there aren't many like that left, but when you find a real gem, it makes it all worth it.

Agreed. Unfortunately, I once had a real gem and her being the not so socially intelligent person with her bitch friend turned her into something else shortly before I was about to get married to her.

Thank god I didn't (cancelled wedding 2 weeks prior when I found out some interesting stuff about what she had been doing or who she had been doing lately that was very hard to swallow at the time).

So, my advice to you is if you find a real gem, you better protect it. In other words, other guys are your enemy (don't yah love it when women believe the stupidest shit?), and her friends are your enemy, especially nowadays as they will be the ones trying to help their so-called friend "improve" with one of those assholes who have all the superficial qualities they admire, yet can play a good enough game to get them to believe he is a "nice guy".

Anyways, you get the idea. Unfortunately, in my situation in the past my options at the time were to murder a few people (yah it sounds extreme, but in a different day and age, defending the honor of your wife or fiance was acceptable and encouraged behaviour) or else walk away from the situation, so I walked away and in retrospect it was really hard to do, but worth it in the long run because she probably would of flaked out somewhere along the line as well. Also, we were both virgins when we started dating, so she had no prior history of slutdom, but the last I heard she got knocked up a month later after we broke up and judging by the character of that guy, he is probably nowhere to be found these days, so I guess she got what she deserved.

So needless to say, I still want kids but don't care much for the wife so if I ever end up getting married, there will be one fatass prenup that comes attached to whatever sized penis I finish up with when I retire from Penis Enlargement rofl
i think there is starting to be a clash between the growing metrosexual/intellectual/rich male population and the traditional rugged/athletic minded group.
it could be true that the richer half is manipulating their power to demean real masculinity, and ive started notice elements of it, but im trying to not jump to conclusions.
i dont know, i just think its sad how "wussy," sensitive, pushover men are being represented in media as a the ideal version, like say in friends and other shows like that.
oh, and i think on an individual basis most doctors reject pe mostly b/c its not a science with extensive for sure explanations for growth and they dont want to advise something that could potentially lead to injury without supervision or applying it properly. still, on a national level the other theories could be true, doctors are always throwing a lot of info at the public and a lot of the times it just exaggerated basic prinicples.
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This post brings to mind an old saying that was quoted to me by an old timer!! It goes like this: "Bad Guys Cum First, Nice Guys Don't Cum At All!"

Actually, the MAIN reason that would come to my mind would be the potential for a MAL-PRACTICE suit and or the potential to lose their ability to practice medicine. Doctors spend years and big $$ on schooling, and degrees. The last thing they want to do is advise one of their patients....even passively ("well, I havent heard of that but it SOUNDs like it 'might' work") to engage in some exercises to enlarge their penis, and then turn around and get sued because their advise allegedly led their patient to serious injury or impotence.

It's not about competition, or keeping their patients on a lower level of pussy scoring ability. LOL, use your heads guys...the one on your shoulders.
yea I'm with still, doctors are stubborn and don't want someone without much knowledge in medicine telling them they could get their penis bigger. there's so much spam about penis enlargement, they probably think its all a hoax without even looking into it
The entire medical profession does not have one set belief on natural penis enlargement. Most of the profession has little or no knowledge about it. For the portion of the medical community that does know about natural penis enlargement it is economically better to debunk the effectiveness of natural penis enlargement. Pharmaceutical companies, being a part of the medical picture, do profit from medications (penis enlargement pills, creams, patches) which are in direct disagreement with natural penis enlargement. Doctors who perform phalloplasty make a great deal of money and it is in their financial best interest to disagree with natural penis enlargement.

Dr. Paul said:
The entire medical profession does not have one set belief on natural penis enlargement. Most of the profession has little or no knowledge about it. For the portion of the medical community that does know about natural penis enlargement it is economically better to debunk the effectiveness of natural penis enlargement. Pharmaceutical companies, being a part of the medical picture, do profit from medications (penis enlargement pills, creams, patches) which are in direct disagreement with natural penis enlargement. Doctors who perform phalloplasty make a great deal of money and it is in their financial best interest to disagree with natural penis enlargement.


I don't really think the true pharmaceutical companies have any interest in penis enlargement. The companies that sell the pills and creams and patches are usually bogus and either from another country or are some random startup. There is no way a reputable pharmaceutical company would sell a non-FDA approved product like a Penis Enlargement pill when other companies who sell them have been shut down and sued for everything they have. Why risk your legit products and profits for a phoney one?

stillwantmore said:
Actually, the MAIN reason that would come to my mind would be the potential for a MAL-PRACTICE suit and or the potential to lose their ability to practice medicine. Doctors spend years and big $$ on schooling, and degrees. The last thing they want to do is advise one of their patients....even passively ("well, I havent heard of that but it SOUNDs like it 'might' work") to engage in some exercises to enlarge their penis, and then turn around and get sued because their advise allegedly led their patient to serious injury or impotence.

It's not about competition, or keeping their patients on a lower level of pussy scoring ability. LOL, use your heads guys...the one on your shoulders.

I do agree that this is a deterrence for it, but I honestly think doctors just don't care. Or even if they do, they would have to spend their time and money on studies which could get them what? "Oh great, I found that NPenis Enlargement really works, but there is so much free info on the internet that I can't profit from it."

The whole thing about malpractice is cause for concern, but they could always just be referred to someone else who has less to lose if sued. In cases with people with terminal illnesses, people are often referred to or informed of alternative methods of healing (such as acupunture, meditation, herbs, etc). I suppose someone could set up a Penis Enlargement clinic and take the 'risk' off the doctor and be used as a place when you don't have much hope elsewhere.
blue1214198203 said:
i think there is starting to be a clash between the growing metrosexual/intellectual/rich male population and the traditional rugged/athletic minded group.
it could be true that the richer half is manipulating their power to demean real masculinity, and ive started notice elements of it, but im trying to not jump to conclusions.
i dont know, i just think its sad how "wussy," sensitive, pushover men are being represented in media as a the ideal version, like say in friends and other shows like that.
oh, and i think on an individual basis most doctors reject pe mostly b/c its not a science with extensive for sure explanations for growth and they dont want to advise something that could potentially lead to injury without supervision or applying it properly. still, on a national level the other theories could be true, doctors are always throwing a lot of info at the public and a lot of the times it just exaggerated basic prinicples.

Ya man I've been saying this for a number of years. Friends show is the ultimate example. When I used to live at home I couldn't help but watch it in the background as my family loved it. I was like fuck ross chandler are little wimps.

Every time I saw ross he was getting married and whining about some dipshit thing. I said no wonder all the women leave him. They want a man not a girlfriend. Its like with sex, yes a toungue can be good, but if the girl wanted licked she could get a girlfriend who 'gets' her. Ultimately they want to be taken hard by a large sized cock.

Even joey acts tough, one hit and he'd be crying like a sissy baby though.

Then I go out and I see all these people my age acting just like them. Meanwhile I act arrogant and quick to anger a lot of the time. I don't bitch and beg for solutions I just tell people, heres what we are doing. I must admit with all my would be competition acting like little sissy wussy boys it makes it pretty damn easy to get girlfriends.

I'm the guy who walks in when Ross and jenifer anistan are dancing, and shoves ross across the room. You'd expect the girl to leave, but they don't.
A few weeks ago I was at a club, and dancing with this girl she went to leave, so I just grabbed her and pulled her back. Like my unconcious just took over, I wasn't planning on doing that or anything. I was seriously expecting to be slapped or for her to scream or something. But she just smiled and danced with me more. I was like wtf, oh well hehe.

This metrosexual style of living works for attracting men. We like women who are like that to some degree. It doesn't work for attracting women. The last person I'd listen to on how to meet women was a gay guy.

Last month I met this girl, I was going to play frisbee golf. Anyway I was driving home hella fast giving people rides, then this cop walked out and wanted me to pull over. I don't pull over unless forced. So I just gunned it and went around him. He ran for his bike. Anyway I was driving hella fast and took a surprise route. Anyway this girl I saw her again a week later, there had been 4 guys with us before and her. And she was one of the other guys friends. She asked me over to her place in front of 3 other guys the next weekend.
randolf said:
Ya man I've been saying this for a number of years. Friends show is the ultimate example. When I used to live at home I couldn't help but watch it in the background as my family loved it. I was like fuck ross chandler are little wimps.

Every time I saw ross he was getting married and whining about some dipshit thing. I said no wonder all the women leave him. They want a man not a girlfriend. Its like with sex, yes a toungue can be good, but if the girl wanted licked she could get a girlfriend who 'gets' her. Ultimately they want to be taken hard by a large sized cock.

Even joey acts tough, one hit and he'd be crying like a sissy baby though.

Then I go out and I see all these people my age acting just like them. Meanwhile I act arrogant and quick to anger a lot of the time. I don't bitch and beg for solutions I just tell people, heres what we are doing. I must admit with all my would be competition acting like little sissy wussy boys it makes it pretty damn easy to get girlfriends.

I'm the guy who walks in when Ross and jenifer anistan are dancing, and shoves ross across the room. You'd expect the girl to leave, but they don't.
A few weeks ago I was at a club, and dancing with this girl she went to leave, so I just grabbed her and pulled her back. Like my unconcious just took over, I wasn't planning on doing that or anything. I was seriously expecting to be slapped or for her to scream or something. But she just smiled and danced with me more. I was like wtf, oh well hehe.

This metrosexual style of living works for attracting men. We like women who are like that to some degree. It doesn't work for attracting women. The last person I'd listen to on how to meet women was a gay guy.

Last month I met this girl, I was going to play frisbee golf. Anyway I was driving home hella fast giving people rides, then this cop walked out and wanted me to pull over. I don't pull over unless forced. So I just gunned it and went around him. He ran for his bike. Anyway I was driving hella fast and took a surprise route. Anyway this girl I saw her again a week later, there had been 4 guys with us before and her. And she was one of the other guys friends. She asked me over to her place in front of 3 other guys the next weekend.

so true. women are mean to mean and talk down to men because they want you to snap back at them and put them in their place (not in a sexist way just stand up for yourself).
its weird but most girls WANT to be secondary to a guy and be dominated, its their nature, scuse the wording but they "get off" on it i guess.
i mean just look at our genetic makeups and how we have sex, it all adds up, just dont go thinking were superior human beings cause were male, there is a balance between us.
My doctor knows I Penis Enlargement and is quite impressed with my results. He seen me before Penis Enlargement and throughout my enlargement.
Supra said:
Who would not be impressed with you cock man, your fucking huge!

No, that is not what I meant. I was trying to say that he, as a doctor, experienced my physical change.
doublelongdaddy said:
No, that is not what I meant. I was trying to say that he, as a doctor, experienced my physical change.

Not to be immature, infantile, or homophobic, but wow that sounded homoerotic if you ask me rofl