Doing this new exercise for 2 weeks now and already half inch of the inner dick has become exposed.
The exercise:Follow the steps mentioned below:
1.Do 100 quick kegels while your buddy is stretched straight up.
2.stretch straight out and pass the non-gripping hand underneath the space between the scrotum and the ass hole.To do so you need to sit down with your legs spread as wide as possible and pass the non-gripping hand behind the scrotum.
3.Now try hard and place your fingers(non-gripping)on the forearm of the gripping need to just touch the forearm NOT grip it.At this point the space between the scrotum and ass hole should rest on the wrist of the non-gripping hand and your buddy is stretched outward and slightly downward.your scrotum will rest on the wrist of the non-gripping hand as well.
4.Now pull the wrist of the non-gripping hand slightly up against the outward and downward stretch.So,you can imagine that you are doing the A-stretch where the fulcrum is placed behind the scrotum.
5.At this point you will feel slight pain on your ligs as well as on the bulb of the buddy.
6.Now do a reverse kegel for 15 secs and then rest for 15 secs while still stretching with max intensity.
7.repeat the RK/rest cycle for 3 more times.So,you are stretching for a total of 2 mins.
8.Now do BTC stretches-30 secs holds each:left,center,right.The BTC is important to make the way clear for you inner dick which will become exposed(relocating the exit point).
p.s:Newbies should not try this.
The exercise:Follow the steps mentioned below:
1.Do 100 quick kegels while your buddy is stretched straight up.
2.stretch straight out and pass the non-gripping hand underneath the space between the scrotum and the ass hole.To do so you need to sit down with your legs spread as wide as possible and pass the non-gripping hand behind the scrotum.
3.Now try hard and place your fingers(non-gripping)on the forearm of the gripping need to just touch the forearm NOT grip it.At this point the space between the scrotum and ass hole should rest on the wrist of the non-gripping hand and your buddy is stretched outward and slightly downward.your scrotum will rest on the wrist of the non-gripping hand as well.
4.Now pull the wrist of the non-gripping hand slightly up against the outward and downward stretch.So,you can imagine that you are doing the A-stretch where the fulcrum is placed behind the scrotum.
5.At this point you will feel slight pain on your ligs as well as on the bulb of the buddy.
6.Now do a reverse kegel for 15 secs and then rest for 15 secs while still stretching with max intensity.
7.repeat the RK/rest cycle for 3 more times.So,you are stretching for a total of 2 mins.
8.Now do BTC stretches-30 secs holds each:left,center,right.The BTC is important to make the way clear for you inner dick which will become exposed(relocating the exit point).
p.s:Newbies should not try this.