ok so my mom knows i do pe i live with my fam and im 18 but anyways she said she had a dream that i woke her up crying saying i fucked up a blood vessel or vein of somesort and was fucked for life ..... can i get a perment problem or just temeproary injury .... im not doing anything insane just [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] with supra slammers for girth ... thought ive been going straight for like 10 days and only feel a soreness in the base left side of my penis where the slight curve is for me and i only feel it when i strech but it comes and goes idk what sore feels like but its not a pain though its bothersome and yeah gimmie some info please i aint stopping if i get an injury anyway as long as i know shit aint perment thought the soreness kinda gives me like a you better be carfeul cuz this looks like it can turn into pain if your not careful kinda feeling XD
I have had many injuries especially at first. Broken blood vessels mostly, and several larger veins. Takes up to 10 days to heal, so it sucks. But it does go away and I have nothing permanent visible. I use tools now mostly, from jelqtools, I believe they work the lower part of the penis more safely than the hands, and this is where most injuries occur. I wrote a blog and it went like this:
Jelq Tools

When you say hands are better than jelq tools I think you are not approaching the situation correctly. Anything that does Something is beneficial when it comes to any form of exercise, because variety is one of the keys to growth. I have used hands and tools for a long time, and do them at the same time. I find hands are best for working the tip, sort of to polish off what the tools do. I find the tools mimic what the hands do, but with much greater force and control. And more deep into the tissue.
I can get to the point of tolerable pain, or the maximum jelq possible, much easier with the tools, with less effort. Again, use the hands to then work the tip, the last two inches or so, to really drive the cells into that area. This, after all, is where you want them to go.
Here is the real advantage of the jelqtools I use: three of them reach halfway down my scrotum, deeply reach an area the hands can’t without difficulty, or not at all. Some of you have seen the jar lifter tool, and this can reach into this area and is valuable for this reason. W
You are now moving cells from an area never reached before, so I believe this is reason enough for use of tools, and second just to add variety if you have been using just your hands for a long time. I would like to hear back from others if they share or refute my opinion that tools are less fatiguing to use and more powerful than hands, at least on the lower part of the penis.

Variety is the shit,but you guys know how most dicks are natural curved a bit to the left at the base. The first time I tried semi erect bends I felt a little pain in the left cc. Today I do erect bends with success but still get that pain if if I'm bending to the left. Do I just bent to the right more? it isn't long since I've done this, maybe my tissues will break-in and tolerate the force without pain. This is really ghey cuz I don't know if its normal or I need extra days off.
i go agaisnt the bend sometimes but i more fofcued on getting the 10 right now i really wanna see peoples reactions with me having a 8 inch flacid or 7.5 i predict 7.5 or 8 flacid cuz my faclid gains with my erect and thankyou for your respionce brother injures but not permenant thats what i needed to hear
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dmoney101;607157 said:
don't worry...after all these years I still haven't heard someone say they completely destroyed themselves with PE lol

Agree. Men worry too much about hurting themselves but it needs to be known that this is extremely rare that a man gets injured and when the injuries do happen they are always temporary. PE requires intensity and strength, holding back in fear of injury will be counterproductive.
i dont believe ima injure myself to the point of no return but an injruy is possible if im not cautious it is for everyone

Same here. I only train with routines and exercise endorsed by DLD and I also listen to my body. I don't think I can hurt myself to the point of no return.
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