i was gonna post this in my boo-boo topic but i'll say it here instead.
i say let it heal and take it easy. i stopped for two-three weeks to let a tiny little tear about the size of this period " . " heal. tiny tear but hurt like a mofo. it seemed to heal but lately i've gotten used to pulling the foreskin back when i piss and when i do this it sometimes feels weird. i think it's because possibly there's tiny scar tissue where it tore.
anyway i started doing A-stretch blasters and bundled blasters ( these are the SHIT and are my main exercise now doing only a set or two of normal stretches, cranks and
btc to warm up first ) about a week or so after i started up again. a few days ago i think i overdid it and after i finished the session of stretching with a straight out stretch i looked at my hand and it was bloody as heck and so was my glans, all covered in blood and it smelled strongly like rust. it didn't hurt in this case. first time i ever bled Penis Enlargementing. aside from not-worth-mentioning little things at the base of the glans a couple times.
i still haven't decided if it was from overdoing it and bleeding from the pee hole or if the tear on the frenulum reopened, it was hard to tell having everything covered in blood, but from appearance the frenulum tear seemed reopened after washing. frenulum tears bleed ALOT and this was from a tiny little cut. it probably was from my grip that so much came out but still.
doing some modified FR restoration might help stretch out the fren so it is less problematic over time. it seems okay now and i'm back to blasters soon.
trust me you don't need a frenulum tear that is serious. mine was no where near as serious a some guys' here and it's been a bitch. imagine a serious one. but if it happens stay calm and don't freak and let it heal. if it's serious go to the ER. i know what it feels like thinking it's a waste of time and like you're in a hurry but it will take you longer in the long run if you keep getting hurt. i always thought that if i bled like some of the stories i've read here i'd freak big-time, but when it happened i didn't. i actually smiled after a bit and thought, "yea, well it happned to me. join the club"
learn from what you did wrong to help yourself in the future.
always be patient when Penis Enlargementing. when you stretch if your grip is too uncomfortable including too much tension on the fren ALWAYS STOP and re-grip. play with that grip until it's comfortable enough the same way you would when readjusting your ass in your seat.
OH! and about what to do if you're ever out of commision: if possible i would reccommend seeing how wrapping works for you! i started this a bit before the blasters. after stretching to help capitalize on the healing stage for better gains and a cool side effect i saw was it seems to improve girth too. when i unwrap the lil son of a gun just expands. helps with hang too. you'll need to experiment until you get the right feel for how tight to make it and so on but you'll get it after a while and it's great! sometimes i'll wrap it in a way where it seems blood can go in but doesn't come out as easily so the head will expand. now i believe that if your head can hold more blood the rest will fatten up to as a result. if you try this always do it at home where you can take it off for an emergency. take it from me you don't wanna be out somewhere or driving when all of a sudden you just gotta take the thing off :s