swolejah said:
Thanks for being negative about it...
I suffer from depression and I think that has to do with alot of it. I am also insecure. Random teasing about my size has done it to me!
I'm sure there are a handful of guy's that large on this site.
Hey man, the trick to cure the depression isn't getting a bigger one (although that's also coming, but improve the perfermance of what you already have. That's the important thig. If you get good and hard, and learn how to wait on the orgasm, that's the first step.
Then if you study how to tantalize a woman, she will get so turned on that she wouldn't care what size it is. It's only when a guy is narcisistic about himself that he gets the size hangup. Thats effeminate, and it's also self-destructive. Its the "look at me, but please don't look at me" syndrome. That's why it's so frustrating! You contradict good sense and don't even realize it.
So if you would just think of the other person, first! Then you won't care so much what she thinks of your body. If a woman loves you with a smaller dick, then you won't have to worry-- EVER-- if she was a size queen and picked you because you have a big one!
That's a bad deal anyway, because there is never satisfying a size queen for very long. They have a wandering nature.
You've seen these movies where a really rich guy plays the part of a poor fellow so that his pick of women isn't impressed first with his money? Well, like the old saying goes, He's either rich or he's got a big wanker. So now don't put the emphasis on your wanker. Put it on an unselfish desire that you have to make a woman happy. Be outgoing and kind, and thoughtful, and let her want to fuck you. Decide to be so sexy by being poutgoing and respectful and happy toward her, that she comes on to you, and you'll forget all about your hangup.
I guess what I'm saying is, get yourself another hangup!