Anyone of you guys ever had a rumor about you that you had a small penis? I can't really put my finger on it but I can't help but feel like people think I small for reason.

Also alot of times when Im walkin down the hall or something I'll notice guys lokin at me and pull their pants up, or pull their shirts down, or often times put their hands in their pockets, as if to make a "junk related adjustment".

I know that this has either happened to someone else or for some reason some of you have looked at another stuff and made an adjustment for some reason.

Can anyone provided any insight into this for me Im feelin really self conscious about it. My biggest fear is that im walkin around lookin small

Also on a sperate note... I get pretty self-conscious in the gym sometime, because of workout shrinkage. I'd say it never get smaller than 4x4.5 but it gets really stiff. You think girls are aware of gym shrinkage?
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First why do you think theres a rumor have you fucked a girl that the guys you suggest are making the ajustment know, if i heard someone had a small dick and he was walking down the hall i wouldnt do the adjustment unless i heard he was a big dick then i think someone would do that to be macho and want him to think they are big. And that 4x4.5 at the gym is that flaccid because i think thats probably average im probably around 4.25x5.25 but i feel thats small so dont worry about it i think girls only notice a guys crouch if hes really big anythink else would be a guess unless you wear thin shorts with no boxers or something.
Wait, why would people think you have a small dick?

I dont see what your getting at, has anyone even seen it? How can you think someone is small unless you've seen it yourself, good judgement I guess.

You cant judge a book by its cover, so you assume people think you have a small dick?

I think that people stare at me, and talk about me behind my back when I'm in public, i guess we all have our anxieties.

And just so you know, its alot easiar to fix your apperance or "the budlge" as some say than making actual erect gains, stretch a little flaccid and in 2 weeks you'll notice.
mine is actually around the same, less girth actually. I think I get more looks at the goods then the rest of the guys there. I don't wear tight shorts or anything, just comando. :)
scubaman70 said:
Anyone of you guys ever had a rumor about you that you had a small penis?

I like to start the rumors:D The first thing I tell a girl, when the sexual occasion arises, is "mine looks just like a penis, only smaller." When they see it they are like "DAMN!"
Dude, from what I have gathered people adjust their bulge because they notice someone else has a bigger bulge. It's competition man, it's a human thing. When I hang out with my commrades, I notice one in particular making bulge adjustements constantly - tightening his belt, wearing his pants higher etc.

I also know a dude who will just grab his crotch, trying to make it seem like there is some mass there. It's just competion man. Relax, and make it a positive motivator. Just to more P.E., or invest in a cable clamp and do some ADC.
doublelongdaddy said:
I like to start the rumors:D The first thing I tell a girl, when the sexual occasion arises, is "mine looks just like a penis, only smaller." When they see it they are like "DAMN!"
Does this ever backfire? I.e. they believe you and don't proceed to fool around.
I hope maybe I am being paranoid. For instance this weekend I went out to a couple clubs. I could have sworn I heard some chicks say the word "small" when I passed by.

Another instance I thought I didnt hear what the chicks said at first but I caught the end of "yea he's cute though" I could have sworn that they must have been saying that even though I looked small I was still a cute guy.

At the gym its the worst though. Like a week ago I got this girls number. I called her a few times and she never called me back. I thought maybe it was because she looked at me while I had post work out dick. (for me about 4x4.5- 5x4.8, but it gets kinda stiff and does the thing where it sticks out I assume making it look smaller)

I hate to be a pussy about the whole thing but its just like I know I have a really nice size penis at it just sucks that maybe its not acuratley represented. Any thoughts and analysis would be much appreciated, as these posts are my psycho-therapy. THanks guys.
Hey scubaman,

I've read a couple of your posts here and I think you are definitely suffering from paranoia. That's not meant as a put down. You have a bunch of things to contend with that make you deeply self-conscious, like:

1) Penis expectations because of your race

2) Your height

I myself am 6'4" and my 7.25 doesn't look it to me.

I've seen a few "get over it" and "it's easy just do this" types of posts (not necessarily in this thread) doling out advice. These aren't very helpful in my opinion.

I'm a deeply self-conscious guy and am bipolar. I am *constantly* comparing myself unfavorably to others, beating myself up over figments and making irrational assumptions about what others think and say about me. If I had a buck for every time I though a bunch of girls were laughing at me, I'd be wealthy.

You seem to be aware that a lot of what you are feeling comes from an irrational place. That is an important realization and it's the first big step in getting over your insecurities (you will probably never get over them entirely, but you can make them manageable).

There's a lot of advice out there for handling situations like this in the form of self-help books and tapes. There is always the route of speaking with a shrink or the like. I recommend that you start looking into these things, but I think doing something to break through the beliefs you've built up over time would be really helpful and really get you going.

This is a pretty kamikaze approach, but I think doing this is worth thinking about:

1) Find a chick with a blabber mouth (which is most of them)

2) F*ck the sh!t out of her

The best way to combat the unreal is with the real. And clocking some chick with that seven and a half is definitely for real.

Also, the adjusting the pants/hands in the pocket thing is *their* insecurities. They are trying to move their pants around or puff out the fabric to hide their *own* insecurities. If I was trying to demoralize the opponent, I'd wear pants that would assure that my package was visible from orbit - not play with the way my slacks hang :)
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dude I don't know how old you are but if you are in high school everything in that region is subject to scrutiny by everyone invluding yourself. You are your own worst enemy. Just do Penis Enlargement and once you're out of high school you won't ever look back at these awkward days.
TOday was another bad day. When I was walkign to my car to go to lunch from work, this one lady leans out of her car and goes "hey little man you wanna go to lunch with us" I was so fuckin pissed the whole day I could have exploded.

Im 6'3 205 so I know she couldnt have been talkin about my stature. I just dont know how to deal with this stuff mentally. Its not like I can just be like "fuck you bitch im 7.5 x 6" ya know?
Do you stay in a small city were everybody know each other if so you might be right if not its probably in your head, and maybe you look young and thats wat she meant.
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    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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