Hello all, been a member for a long time but rarely have time to post because of being a travelling musician and always on the road and out of country! Thought I would share some interesting info with some of you who might be interested regarding Peter North and his so called "technique" for ejaculation.

Was out partying with some well known people in Europe who worked with him and said these supplements he takes have less to do than with actual physical mechanics of roping and distance. Not just kegels as have been mentioned here which we all know.

Apparently, the amount and force has to do with tensing your stomach/ab muscles (or sucking your gut in for those of us without ripped abs) and holding that position while you kegel during ejaculation. I was definitely skeptical at first, but can attest that I did an trial of this during 4 different times in the past two weeks and it is amazing! We're talking 7-8 shots just like Peter North himself! Apparently it has something to do with internal organs and applying extra pressure on them (prostate perhaps?). All I can say is it definitely worked and I felt like the man himself!

Thought I would share this info, because it has definitely benefited me and I would like to give back to [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words], since it has definitely helped me out in terms of gains over the years, making me more confident and obviously bigger. This has been a well kept secret everyone has always wondered about, and the above may be the answer, at least it works for me. Better than believing in all these claims of rare herb supplements and BS; there has to be a logical explanation for everything!

Not saying it will work for everyone, but give it a try, and perhaps we have a breakthrough!
goldmember said:
So are you sucking your stomach in, or flexing the ab muscles?

Thanks for sharing.

It's flexing the abs, because when you flex the abs, you are also flexing the BC muscle, which does the opposite of the PC muscle. The PC muscle tries to prevent ejaculation, while the BC muscle tries to push the sperm out.
It is more like flexing/tensing your abs at the "point of no return". You hold this feeling/position throughout this whole point, as well as during orgasm. In addition, you kegel during the entire process as well (it does sound a bit complicated and tiring and I do find it to be).

I don't know if this will work for everyone as everyone is different I suppose. However like I said, I have done this now 4 times to success and feel if done right, you will not see much difference between yourself and Mr. North in terms of ejaculation ability. It seems to be something that would be attainable in terms of actual execution of the process to make the roping technique happen by anyone who tried (though I am only going off personal experience).....
mkay45 said:
It is more like flexing/tensing your abs at the "point of no return". You hold this feeling/position throughout this whole point, as well as during orgasm. In addition, you kegel during the entire process as well (it does sound a bit complicated and tiring and I do find it to be).

I don't know if this will work for everyone as everyone is different I suppose. However like I said, I have done this now 4 times to success and feel if done right, you will not see much difference between yourself and Mr. North in terms of ejaculation ability. It seems to be something that would be attainable in terms of actual execution of the process to make the roping technique happen by anyone who tried (though I am only going off personal experience).....

Is this all to ejaculate further, or to ejaculate as long as PN does?
I find it to be both further, but mostly as long and as much volume as Peter North. I have always been able to cum a lot, however I'd be lying if I said it was as much as Mr. North. However, with this new technique, I find there to be no difference. 7-9 Big shots just like you see on his videos.

I would have thought it may be a one time thing, however this has happened 4 times now using the same technique I was told about. I also find it to be more of the thick variety that he is famous for (rather than milky and lose, though I do believe this may also have to do with diet more so than this technique).

Any more opinions or trials would be interesting, hope it works for everyone else like it has for me!
If i masturbate for around about 45Min's - 1hour, holding back the temptation to cum, once i do hit climax i can, what seems to be thin light white colored spray with a few shots of pure white cum, dunno why this is? THIS IS NOT USING PN TECHNIQUE, just original masturbating.
Ahh yes, first post.

Here we go!
In my opinion, from personal experience, i've found that flexing my pc muscle right before ejaculating to prevent it for a second or two longer forces me to push harder so that it will shoot more and farther.

I also find that flexing the abs doesn't really have anything to do with it for me, but that can vary from person to person. Lastly, another thing that I find helpful is actually really lame, but useful. Concentrate. After reading some 100+ page manuscript about multiple male orgasms I found that concentration is a key part of everything. Without it a lot of the things come out half-assed, which maybe why PN is able to get such a good shot, he loves his job!

I think your post goes along with what DLD had been saying for Penis Enlargement in terms of visualization technique (ie, believing that your penis is growing while you do the exercises). I know that this works for me in the "PN technique" I have posted here, however it is done with the same process of both flexing abs and PCing during and after the point of no return in order to achieve the same effect.

Alfalphie, sorry it hasn't worked for you, wish i could explain better perhaps, maybe something else is going on, and I'm just attributing it to abs and PC? It does continue to work for me however. I do eat eggs every morning and this might contribute to volume perhaps (I did read once that someone theorized he ate a lot of eggs before shoots) but I only eat two so I can't imagine that makes a big difference. Too bad he's not a member here and could tell us! (not that he ever would I guess......)

Hope this helps some other people who have tried/will try/are thinking of trying this technique!
mkay45 said:
Alfalphie, sorry it hasn't worked for you, wish i could explain better perhaps, maybe something else is going on, and I'm just attributing it to abs and PC? It does continue to work for me however. I do eat eggs every morning and this might contribute to volume perhaps (I did read once that someone theorized he ate a lot of eggs before shoots) but I only eat two so I can't imagine that makes a big difference. Too bad he's not a member here and could tell us! (not that he ever would I guess......)

Sorry? There is nothing to be sorry about, your post is worth lots of value. I do believe that it is because of the BC muscle that the sperm is being SHOT OUT. By flexing the abs (and it helps to thrust the hips up and do "crunch", to flex) your BC muslce contracts as well.

I'll probably be able to do more than just 2 squirts. I just came very quickly to test your tip. About your load size, I think that you are eating right for getting more volume, but you may also have 2 vas deferens. I've heard that the reason that PN ejaculates so much is because he has 2 vas deferens instead of one.
Weird, ive never hard problems with cuming. The first shot for me is the most powerful and the last 8 gets smaller and smaller. So I get in about 9 squirts already but not with the load capacity as preston or peter north. I've mostly seen alot of preston and he packs alot of it.
PenilePersist said:
Claims "THE SECRET" to his amazing cum shots is a 500% Concentrate extract of "Luchaio Ling Chih". Anybody have experience with that herb or this product he is pushing?

IMO thats a load of bullshit and he is getting fucking rich off it or whoever is getting rich of that site is paying him a fuckload for that testimonial.. if its the adult entertainment industrys heavy guarded secret why doesnt every adult entertainment star shoot as much. most of them shoot just like the rest of us.

IMO the only thing they try to guard is photoshopping and camera angles to make dicks look bigger
MissionPossible said:
IMO thats a load of bullshit and he is getting fucking rich off it or whoever is getting rich of that site is paying him a fuckload for that testimonial.. if its the adult entertainment industrys heavy guarded secret why doesnt every adult entertainment star shoot as much. most of them shoot just like the rest of us.

IMO the only thing they try to guard is photoshopping and camera angles to make dicks look bigger

We are sharing penis enlargement "secrets" on a public forum, so why doesn't every guy have a big dick?
I seen somewhere on HBO that this dude bi-sexual. Man thats fucking wrong. I don't care if they pay triple for gay shit. Never let man ass near my dick :D
seven_wants_ten said:
We are sharing penis enlargement "secrets" on a public forum, so why doesn't every guy have a big dick?

I know what you mean, but MissionImpossible has a very good point. Marketing lies for greed is nothing new and very common. Also, relative to what ithiel just posted, according to wikipedia Peter North is the same guy who is unequivocally on film taking 10 inch dick in his ass from his gay adult entertainment start in the industry and he still lies about it and claims he had a stunt double for the penetration .... like anybody will believe him. He is a bold faced liar.
PenilePersist said:
according to wikipedia Peter North is the same guy who is unequivocally on film taking 10 inch dick in his ass from his gay adult entertainment start in the industry and he still lies about it and claims he had a stunt double for the penetration

PenilePersist said:
...according to wikipedia Peter North is the same guy who is unequivocally on film taking 10 inch dick in his ass from his gay adult entertainment start in the industry and he still lies about it and claims he had a stunt double for the penetration .... like anybody will believe him. He is a bold faced liar.

I have to agree with PenilePersist as Peter North is a bold face liar.

Peter North as (Matt Ramsey) in the 1984 film The Bigger The Better with Rick Donovan (gay-adult entertainment star) best known for having a very thick, 10-inch (25-cm) penis. In the famous scene, Donovan topped male straight adult entertainment legend Peter North At that time (70s/80s) a lot of adult entertainment actors without acting experience had to do Gay Films to break into the industry and work their way into straight films. They didn't do stunt double for penetrations, but they did do cock double for the close-up pop(money) shots.

It is interesting to note that North recently claimed to use a supplement in order to boost his volume of ejaculate, detailed within the video of 'confession'. Speculation may be made as to whether this is a true confession, or simply a fake promotion for financial gain. However, it would seem unlikely that Peter would be so quick to revoke his 'claim to fame' for a quick spot of cash.

Bottom line . . . it's about the money since he is no longer in front of camera or he would have let us all in on the secret 20 years ago.

All in all I still wish I could do pop shots of his caliber.... DAMN!
mkay45 said:
Hello all, been a member for a long time but rarely have time to post because of being a travelling musician and always on the road and out of country! Thought I would share some interesting info with some of you who might be interested regarding Peter North and his so called "technique" for ejaculation.

Was out partying with some well known people in Europe who worked with him and said these supplements he takes have less to do than with actual physical mechanics of roping and distance. Not just kegels as have been mentioned here which we all know.

Apparently, the amount and force has to do with tensing your stomach/ab muscles (or sucking your gut in for those of us without ripped abs) and holding that position while you kegel during ejaculation. I was definitely skeptical at first, but can attest that I did an trial of this during 4 different times in the past two weeks and it is amazing! We're talking 7-8 shots just like Peter North himself! Apparently it has something to do with internal organs and applying extra pressure on them (prostate perhaps?). All I can say is it definitely worked and I felt like the man himself!

Thought I would share this info, because it has definitely benefited me and I would like to give back to [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words], since it has definitely helped me out in terms of gains over the years, making me more confident and obviously bigger. This has been a well kept secret everyone has always wondered about, and the above may be the answer, at least it works for me. Better than believing in all these claims of rare herb supplements and BS; there has to be a logical explanation for everything!

Not saying it will work for everyone, but give it a try, and perhaps we have a breakthrough!

I know exactly what your talking about. I've done it back accident and I usually cum pretty far without it. But I do remember one time shoot 3 and a half feet once and I was blown away.

But I can't try the technique until I actually get some more girls because I've stopped wanking it to keep all the built up tension.

For those who don't really understand it, there is a black adult entertainment star can't remember his name. He always holds back for a few seconds and then screams all loud in the damn scene. It kind of looks like that.

The way I think of it is that I'm going "O shit I'm about to cum", I then act as if I don't want to cum and I kegel and in this technique you tense your stomach. Then It's like you can't hold it no more and you tense your chest harder and I'm assuming reverse kegel. I never consciously thought about this because I always had a sniper shot but not as far as peter north.
ak89 said:
For those who don't really understand it, there is a black adult entertainment star can't remember his name. He always holds back for a few seconds and then screams all loud in the damn scene. It kind of looks like that.

Sounds like Lexington Steele to me.
I'm going to wank off in 10 minutes, I'll let you all know if this worked for me. I'm going to flex my abs and kegel as described in the first post. Though I don't really have abs, (i'm fat) so I'm not sure if that will work.. well I mean I can flex them, but they don't show or anything, they are behind the fat lol....

here i go
seven_wants_ten said:
We are sharing penis enlargement "secrets" on a public forum, so why doesn't every guy have a big dick?

Because taking a supplement is easy. Man1 and Man2 both take for example 25mg of that supplement and thats it. But for Penis Enlargement how do we know Man1 will put as much intensity into their workout as Man2.

And Penis Enlargement comes over time, most supplements kick in after about a week..
AK 89 has got it right, that's about the feeling and description to add to my previous post on this. I still achieve very good success with this technique and can honestly say I am no longer amazed by Peter North after being able to achieve this. To those who still want to try this, I would suggest following AK 89's addition to my post of tensing your stomach muscles first and then kegeling before you orgasm. It may even help some to throw a reverse kegel in between those two if possible (it, stomach tense, reverse kegel, kegel) if you want to practice this technique to where you can make it happen with regularity.........
I'm gonna try this technique tonight.

So the technique is tense/hold your stomach in and then kegal when ejaculating. This should be good since I haven't had an orgasm in 9 days.
My GF is coming over tonight she loves for me to blow my load on her face like some adult entertainment scene. If I can conquer this tonight shel'll feel like she did her job and some dirty little slut.

I'll let you know how it CUMS outs.
Threak-X said:
I'm gonna try this technique tonight.

So the technique is tense/hold your stomach in and then kegal when ejaculating.


What I want to know is when you're kegeling and doing this, do you hold your kegel, or kegel on and off with each spurt .... :O
Ok, when you get to Point of No Return, tense your stomach muscles like you're doing ab crunches. Hold this feeling throughout entirety of ejaculation. While holding this feeling of tense stomach muscles, when you get to the point of orgasm, reverse kegel and then kegel (this gives you the "rope technique" that you so frequently see with Peter North). For every shot/rope/etc of ejaculate, you must reverse kegel before it comes out and then kegel when it's on it's way out. That should give you the exact same money shot that you so frequently see with PN.

I did this last night again to success and managed about 7-8 shots, just like Mr. North himself. Again, hope this helps to all and works for you........
mkay45 said:
Ok, when you get to Point of No Return, tense your stomach muscles like you're doing ab crunches. Hold this feeling throughout entirety of ejaculation. While holding this feeling of tense stomach muscles, when you get to the point of orgasm, reverse kegel and then kegel (this gives you the "rope technique" that you so frequently see with Peter North). For every shot/rope/etc of ejaculate, you must reverse kegel before it comes out and then kegel when it's on it's way out. That should give you the exact same money shot that you so frequently see with PN.

I did this last night again to success and managed about 7-8 shots, just like Mr. North himself. Again, hope this helps to all and works for you........

lmao its funny because I was wondering why they hell mines was just pouring out like a water fountain and then one big shot and then smaller ones.

I tried it twice, I was trying to stop jerking off but I had to try the technique so I tried it. I was scared the first time as too much was coming out.rofl

I may try to get a chick over here next week so I can hose her down.
This is very interesting. The only thing i'm a little lost on is the tensing of the ab muscles.

Does this basically mean "suck in" your stomach, or do you kind of "push it out" as to harden the muscles?
kiplynx said:
This is very interesting. The only thing i'm a little lost on is the tensing of the ab muscles.

Does this basically mean "suck in" your stomach, or do you kind of "push it out" as to harden the muscles?
No...don't suck it in, hold your stomach like you are gonna take a punch. Tense the muscles.
Wow! Very interesting thread fellahs...

Feel free to take my words as a grain of salt. I just watched Peter North's "testimonial" twice to gather an opinion of whether or not he was just trying promote the product (acting, lying) or saying something he truly believed. I watched the video for the first time get an overall impression. The second time, I watched the video for specific, non-vocal signs that we (all humans) do subconsciously when we are either lying or concealing the truth.

I learned about certain techniques that the FBI use during interrogations to detect whether a person is being truthful or not. The primary technique is something referred to as "eye axising." What this refers to is the subconscious shifting of the eyes to one side or the other (also up and down) while talking. The first thing I needed to do was determine his dominant hand, and he appears to be strongly right handed (he pop-shots with his right hand, and he does most of his non-verbal directing with his right hand as he speaks). Eye axising dictates that when he is telling the truth, he will involuntarily shift his eyes to side of this dominant hand (to the right) as he is speaking about specific details. His eye axising was also consistent with his story of revealing something that has been a secret because he looked down a bit too as he spoke. Looking down normally indicates when a subject is speaking about something they are guarded or uncomfortable speaking about. Looking up indicates that the subject is trying to conjure up an thought or abstract image (you look up to recall images, and think about things and answers.... don't you!.... yeah you do!). Based on his eye axising, and consistency of his vocal tonality (which is another thing that intelligence agencies monitor-sometimes with computer programs) I conclude that Mr. North was telling us a story he believes to be true. In other words, he really believes that those pills do what he says they do.

Based on what you guys said, if he was talking about not taking it up the ass on film then that son-of-a-biscuit's eyes would have been jerking to down and to left!!!:mrgrin: Sometimes people try to fool you and open their eyes really wide, while staring at you confessing how honest they are being. As soon as their concentration breaks, they'll look down and away from their dominant hand if they are lying.

Just for kicks, go back and see if you notice the things I mentioned about eye axising and tonality to draw your own opinion. If you think it's bullshit, just keep in mind that all intelligence agencies are trained in this. Also keep in mind the fact that these signals are transmitted involuntarily by the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is not critical, and can only be programmed to lie after extensive practice (which normally manifests itself as a mental pathology, because the subconcious mind will only do what comes naturally and what you train it to do, however, conflict arises when behaviors are opposite of what it best for the individual subject). The subconscious mind controls 90% of you daily functions (i.e. you don't think about moving your fingers in certain configurations when you type, or tie your shoe or do most things throughout the day... all those non-thinking actions [walking, sitting, standing, writing, even talking] are controlled by your subconcious... think about it). Learning to communicate with, and understand communications of the subconscious mind is invaluable.

I'm gonna accumulate my seed and try the techniques that you guys have been discussing. I really hope I can get the hang of it cuz that dudes' pop shot are beyond amazing. I'd be a legend if I could do that!
busyrand said:
Wow! Very interesting thread fellahs...

Feel free to take my words as a grain of salt. I just watched Peter North's "testimonial" twice to gather an opinion of whether or not he was just trying promote the product (acting, lying) or saying something he truly believed. I watched the video for the first time get an overall impression. The second time, I watched the video for specific, non-vocal signs that we (all humans) do subconsciously when we are either lying or concealing the truth.

I learned about certain techniques that the FBI use during interrogations to detect whether a person is being truthful or not. The primary technique is something referred to as "eye axising." What this refers to is the subconscious shifting of the eyes to one side or the other (also up and down) while talking. The first thing I needed to do was determine his dominant hand, and he appears to be strongly right handed (he pop-shots with his right hand, and he does most of his non-verbal directing with his right hand as he speaks). Eye axising dictates that when he is telling the truth, he will involuntarily shift his eyes to side of this dominant hand (to the right) as he is speaking about specific details. His eye axising was also consistent with his story of revealing something that has been a secret because he looked down a bit too as he spoke. Looking down normally indicates when a subject is speaking about something they are guarded or uncomfortable speaking about. Looking up indicates that the subject is trying to conjure up an thought or abstract image (you look up to recall images, and think about things and answers.... don't you!.... yeah you do!). Based on his eye axising, and consistency of his vocal tonality (which is another thing that intelligence agencies monitor-sometimes with computer programs) I conclude that Mr. North was telling us a story he believes to be true. In other words, he really believes that those pills do what he says they do.

Based on what you guys said, if he was talking about not taking it up the ass on film then that son-of-a-biscuit's eyes would have been jerking to down and to left!!!:mrgrin: Sometimes people try to fool you and open their eyes really wide, while staring at you confessing how honest they are being. As soon as their concentration breaks, they'll look down and away from their dominant hand if they are lying.

Just for kicks, go back and see if you notice the things I mentioned about eye axising and tonality to draw your own opinion. If you think it's bullshit, just keep in mind that all intelligence agencies are trained in this. Also keep in mind the fact that these signals are transmitted involuntarily by the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is not critical, and can only be programmed to lie after extensive practice (which normally manifests itself as a mental pathology, because the subconcious mind will only do what comes naturally and what you train it to do, however, conflict arises when behaviors are opposite of what it best for the individual subject). The subconscious mind controls 90% of you daily functions (i.e. you don't think about moving your fingers in certain configurations when you type, or tie your shoe or do most things throughout the day... all those non-thinking actions [walking, sitting, standing, writing, even talking] are controlled by your subconcious... think about it). Learning to communicate with, and understand communications of the subconscious mind is invaluable.

I'm gonna accumulate my seed and try the techniques that you guys have been discussing. I really hope I can get the hang of it cuz that dudes' pop shot are beyond amazing. I'd be a legend if I could do that!

Do you have more info on this technique to see if people are lying? I wanna use it when girls are telling me my penis size doesn't matter...
Just do a quick search on the internet or maybe go check something out at the library. I never got any official training materials because I had the opportunity to learn allot of the stuff from people who were excellent at this (I have a couple friends in government, and military intelligence, and also learned this from one of my sales managers a while ago). Just search for techniques for lie detection. I can always tell when girls lie though because is just doesn't feel true.... you know what I mean. Girls are either to cowardly or careless to tell you the truth in a lot of situations, but what I described above works across the board irregardless of sex. Just figure out the dominant hand, and work from there. Pathological lyers may get past you though because they actually believe what they are saying... these are the same people who can lie on a lie detector test (which is such bullshit b/c that test shows whether or not you are nervous about a question, not whether or not you are lying... they give false negatives and positives all the time).
If you're on the topic of Mr. north, you can simply watch one of his videos or famous money shots and see that he does this exact same technique of tensing his stomach muscles. I have seen it in a few videos and that is where I got the idea for the first part which works for me.

the reverse kegel has to do with the amount that comes out I believe and the kegel right afterwards has to do with the force at which it is released (what I like to call the "roping effect")

Honestly I believe that if you are all able to practice and in turn master this exercise above, which is free without supplements, you will be amazed at how much like Peter North you have become........
thx for this post

I am now addicted to giving girls money shots now. Just for a little test I wanted to see how consistent I could be doing this and it seems like first 2 times its pretty good. The 3rd time I tried I was still able to shoot pretty far but not at the volumes of the first two. Could thing I'm still pretty young, the ladies will now no me as the "Loose Cannnon"
wolfkeeper said:
Eye movement cues have been experimentally disproven. They do not work.
And polygraph tests aren't 100% accurate either...
Where's your backup for your claim or do I just take you word for it?

misterious just wanted infomation on the subject which I provided (links)
Last edited:
Threak-X said:
And polygraph tests aren't 100% accurate either...
Where's your backup for your claim or do I just take you word for it?

misterious just wanted infomation on the subject which I provided (links)

Wolfkeeper is right. For proof, just grab any introductory psych text book.
jqsderrida said:
Wolfkeeper is right. For proof, just grab any introductory psych text book.
I grabbed an introductory psych text book. It didn't work. Should I open it and read it?

Seriously, why is it I can find more psychology books about how to detect the human behavior on Lies and Deceit than any book disproving the technique?

I never made a claim of Right or Wrong I simply supplied misterious with links on the subject inquired.

I studied Psychology for 8 years this technique isn't 100% accurate. It's just a tool to use, it will never hold up in court per se. Judge her eyes darted to the left and downward after each statement...She lying!!!

Thanks for the disproof of your claim... guys
Threak-X said:
I grabbed an introductory psych text book. It didn't work. Should I open it and read it?

Seriously, why is it I can find more psychology books about how to detect the human behavior on Lies and Deceit than any book disproving the technique?

I never made a claim of Right or Wrong I simply supplied misterious with links on the subject inquired.

I studied Psychology for 8 years this technique isn't 100% accurate. It's just a tool to use, it will never hold up in court per se. Judge her eyes darted to the left and downward after each statement...She lying!!!

Thanks for the disproof of your claim... guys

Lol, my good man, there have been a mryiad psychological studies statistically analyzed to reveal that there is no significant relationship WHATSOEVER between eye movement and lying. SPenis EnlargementCIFICALLY: (DePaulo et al., 2003). If you would like more information, I would suggest looking more in depth into that introductory psychology text, or, perhaps, try using a scholarly journal.
well,i gave this a try and found that it does indeed increase the distance of the first shot,but it didnt alter how much i shot out unfortunatly.
i can usually shoot around 3 foot,but with this technique of tensing stomach muscles an reverse kegaling i managed about 4 or 5 foot.
gonna try an hold off for a few days and try again, cos the amount that i shot mite be down to the fact i shot my load this morning lol
I need this! Or even easier just have lightning start the stock performance five and I’ll be all set!
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