Throw one more thing out for technique .. cos anyone can be dumb -- or exhausted or drunk: You don't -have- to be 100% wrought iron erect, before the fact, to get in there...
With the girl already juicy, obviously, you could just do a couple of kegels to get blood flowing in the right direction, grab yourself low at the base, and squeeze that thing with your hand so all the blood (what there is of it at that point, anyway) expands up into the top half .. making the top half erect and perfectly capable of getting in there for a second. You're also kinda doing a 'Uli' .. so the girl isn't going to be thinking 'wtf is this limper doing?', she'll think 'omg that head is smokin big, this is gonna be good'.
Seriously, repeat this 'Uli Dip' three or four times max and your dick will abandon your ignorant overthinking brain and go into "oh yeah ninja that's some sweet hot p-ssy" mode. Then just slow stroke for a bit and you're gold, well ... wood.
Like you're saying, it works fine for waking up rock hard. It's your brain that's screwing it up. Give it a few dips to set itself on autopilot, it knows what to do.
Two caveats:
1) don't get acrobatic if you need to resort to this. It works, but some mechanism is trying to hold you back and could still fight with you if you're pulling out to get all Kama Sutra everywhere ...
2) "Why the hell am I working so hard on P.E. if" -- If you're going too intense at Penis Enlargement, you're messing with your unit's epithelial function and you'll get erection degradation. The mind can wander all over the place during sex, heck 'focusing on baseball' or whatever on purpose is a cliche for a reason. But if you have actual (temporary but) physical degradation of your erection quality already.. then any mind wandering can sabotage you because you're not at full power in the first place. To beat this, to stay more focused, make a real personal connection with the other person .. rather than just a physical connection with your crotches.
Last thing, and this applies to any aspect of your life.. not just sex. Your subconscious is ridiculously powerful ... and it doesn't program in negative modes.
You're thinking 'don't mess up and go soft' (or whatever) but the mind doesn't work in negative mode and what your subconscious hears is 'mess up and go soft'.
... Not super useful.
'OMG what if I can't keep it up?' ... subconscious hears 'I can't keep it up'.
'Dammit, what if I just go soft again" .. subconscious hears 'go soft again'.
You've gotta work that sh*t in an Affirmative mode. 'This chick is bangin hot!' , etc , ...
And do it a lot because you're already habituated into negative scripting. It can take a while to derail your old rut and rut-in new habits.
Forward programming affirmative scripting for your subconscious can boost your entire game too because (leaking as confidence) it also affects body language...
After years of messing with the concept (and of doing Penis Enlargement) I simplified the entire thing personally .. when dealing with any female, whether they're a potential partner or not, .. to 'My Nine Inch Cock Makes Babies'.
Wear -that- when meeting and dealing with females. rofl
You don't have to pull out a ruler. Just use it for the effect on body language. Own it. Unless smirking and making women blush can secretly cause cancer, I've never seen a single downside.