So I have a leftward curve on my penis; it's not too prominent, but it's there. I was scanning the forums for information and found that the following 4 things were the most commonly recommended and cited as successful in correcting leftward or rightward curvature:

1.) Jelqing against the curve while the penis is erect.
2.) Stretching out the shorter side of the penis while flaccid (so if the bend is leftward, the shorter side is the left side, and if the bend is rightward, the shorter side is the right side).
3.) Single-side jelqing, i.e., jelqing only the left or right chamber, whichever one is needs to be made bigger to even out with the other. Similarly as above, if the curve is to the left, the smaller chamber is usually the left one, and if the curve is to the right, the smaller chamber is usually the right one.
4.) DLD bends, which is essentially erect stretching against the curve with slight modification.

So these are the things I've come across- I've started practicing them recently so I haven't seen any progress yet in my curvature but it is way to soon.

I wanted to see if anyone else is puzzled by the fact that the overwhelming majority of people who have penis curvature have it to the LEFT, with very few people whom I've come across having it to the right. Is it something genetic or the way pants are made? Does anyone have a clue why curvature to the LEFT is really dominant?


P.S. This thread regards only left/right curvature, and even though some of the techniques can be applied to up/down curvature as well (according to what I've read), it should still be considered as primarily referencing left/right curves.
Sounds like a good plan of attack, how long have you been following this routine?
doublelongdaddy;348929 said:
Sounds like a good plan of attack, how long have you been following this routine?

I've only been doing this about 4 days DLD, so it's too soon to really be expecting anything. I also forgot to mention another method of attack that people usually recommend on here, and that is adjusting and readjusting the penis in the pants throughout the day so that it rests against the curve.

Krispin;348963 said:
I've only been doing this about 4 days DLD, so it's too soon to really be expecting anything. I also forgot to mention another method of attack that people usually recommend on here, and that is adjusting and readjusting the penis in the pants throughout the day so that it rests against the curve.


OK, thanks. I really think this routine will do it. One of the best curvature workouts I have ever seen.
doublelongdaddy;348966 said:
OK, thanks. I really think this routine will do it. One of the best curvature workouts I have ever seen.

I'm really glad you approve and thanks for the optimism- I'll post progress reports within a few weeks.

I started Penis Enlargement mainly to correct a 30 degree leftward curvature. Have used a modified fastsize and jelquing to the right side and have reduced the curvature to about 20 degrees since Jan 09. The fastsize is useful, though not nearly as effective as the company claims.
Will this help with an upwards curvature? Mine is kind of bend like a banana, if you know? So if I bend it downwards, I could "fix" it?
Krispin;348882 said:
I wanted to see if anyone else is puzzled by the fact that the overwhelming majority of people who have penis curvature have it to the LEFT, with very few people whom I've come across having it to the right. Is it something genetic or the way pants are made? Does anyone have a clue why curvature to the LEFT is really dominant?

Could this be because the majority of ppl are right handed? Putting more stretch on the rightmost side of the penis?

Btw why you want to fix an upward curve? I'm trying to get one at the moment, they are great G-Spot hitters!
In penis enlargement it is so important to build strength in the hand that is weaker in order to keep good balance in gains. Using a hand ball to squeeze or any other method of building strength will definitely keep things balanced.
Because it takes away a few centimeters if I measure with the upwards curve, but if I bend it down, and it goes straight ahead, it's longer, that's kind of why :p My upwards curvature is very dominant, I could have some, but no that much though..
Switch;358198 said:
Because it takes away a few centimeters if I measure with the upwards curve, but if I bend it down, and it goes straight ahead, it's longer, that's kind of why :p My upwards curvature is very dominant, I could have some, but no that much though..

The "usable" amount of penis is still there regardless of the curve but I understand what you are saying.
I also have some curvature to the left.

So here is where I have some questions though. The common explanation of why this happens (assuming not a plaque or peyroines) is because the side with the curve is shorter. This doesn't seem to be the case with me.

If I force it absolutely straight and feel the two tips of the corpora cavernosa (under the head), it definately feels like the left side, (the side with the curve) is longer.

What would you reccomend to strenghen or elongate the shorter corpora cavernosa? From what I've read, I should probably be attempting to jelk only the short side (what's the best way to do that?). as Well as stretching the right side (by pulling the penis to the left side of my body)

Can anyone offer their experience and thoughts on this?


Anybody have specifics for curvature? I've read the basics on this forum but it seems like possibly the cause is not the same as what has been postulated here (short side = weaker/shorter side)

Anybody have experience with the longer side needing to bend as seems to be the case with me?


To add a curve erect jelq with the curve shape you desire, to lose a curve, erect jelq against the curve....very simple:)
I wanted to see if anyone else is puzzled by the fact that the overwhelming majority of people who have penis curvature have it to the LEFT, with very few people whom I've come across having it to the right. Is it something genetic or the way pants are made? Does anyone have a clue why curvature to the LEFT is really dominant?
[words= ]Hm[/words] good question, I think it's because the major part of the ligaments is on the right side of the penis, so more length goes there. I also have a slight left curvature, but I find it hard to understand why it should fade away if stretching to the left. See when I stretch to the left, I feel the intensity on the right side of my penis and visa versa. Could only be my perception though...
First of all, excellent routine. I will be applying this in my own fashion towards the end of this month. I will also be using the [words=]size-genetics[/words] [words=]extender[/words] to help balance out my slight bend.

I am right handed, I have a slight bend going to the right, but it's not in the middle of my shaft and it's at the extreme base. It makes my dick hang to the right, but it doesn't look bent per-say.

I believe this is from always hanging and "wearing" my dick to the right while inside my pants my entire life.

I have recently started wearing it to the left whenever I can consciously remember to do so.

Also I found that my ligament at the base has two primary attachment points.... kind of like a left and a right. The left side rides higher than the right, like towards my bellybutton more, at the extreme base where it attaches to my pubic bone. I have been doing leftward stretching under the cheeks to try and balance it out. It has been about a month of doing this and it's slightly straightening out I think.

Interesting topic to be sure, I will keep everyone posted if I have any significant results in the future! Good luck!
sizerp (or others) any progress to report? I also have a curve right at the base. I've tried erect jelks against the curve, but my sense is that I'm not getting a lot of pressure because the curve is right at the base and so I'm not getting much of a pumping effect at the curve.
Mr._Clark;435329 said:
sizerp (or others) any progress to report? I also have a curve right at the base. I've tried erect jelks against the curve, but my sense is that I'm not getting a lot of pressure because the curve is right at the base and so I'm not getting much of a pumping effect at the curve.

Yes, after another month in the [words=]Size Genetics[/words], I've noticed my base lean being more corrected and centered. I think will take some time to get it perfect, but the small improvement has kept me motivated to continue wearing the [words=]SG[/words] whenever possible throughout my length journey.