sikdogg said:
You say that you're not judging but that's exactly what you've been doing since your first post. Jakb never asked for opinions on whether he should get involved with 3-some or not, but simply how should he go about finding a third partner. He had already made up his mind to do it. It was your first post that triggered your holier-than-thou attitude. I just simply responded with my thoughts and experience on the subject, which i have alot of and you have none of.
Already made up his mind to do it? Maybe maybe not. If he made up his mind, why would he seek advice? Often when you seek advice and know all the facts you can change your mind. And please don't give me some Jerry Springer audience member psychobabble about I have a "holier-than-thou" attitude and "you have no right to judge me". Guess what dude, I am not judging you, but you assume anyone who tries to argue the costs and benefits of engaging in extreme sex as if there are actual psychological negatives is "judging you". Seriously, I have no idea who you are nor do I really care. Swingers are a dime a dozen as are people who will fuck anything that moves, so your "experience on the subject" is irrelevant considering I could go walk down the street to the titty bar and ask some lonely patrons and/or strippers if threesomes are a good thing or not. I find it a bit hypocritical that you would call me "holier-than-thou" yet at the same time pretend you are in some elite group of super swingers out there whose libido is unmatched by those idiots who choose to live in monogamous relationships. Who is judging who now?
sikdogg said:
You talk about matters that you simply have no idea about.
Last time I checked it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that men are highly aroused by the sight of multiples of naked and horny women. Wow ingenious!
sikdogg said:
Getting involved in a 3-some is not fetish nor is it extreme.
I never said a threesome was a fetish, but I did suggest threesomes are in the league of extreme sex. If you think Bukkake adult entertainment is the threshhold for what constitutes extreme sex, well then your mind is already warped so far beyond normal reality from adult entertainment and orgies that I just don't see us finding common ground. And just because I said threesomes are a form of extreme sex, did not mean I said they were good or bad, rather I was suggesting originally that extreme sex such as threesomes has consequences very few people really consider.
sikdogg said:
In fact it's alot more commonplace than you would think (have you seriously talked to a typical highschool/college kid lately).
No shit sherlock. Of course, our country is becoming more and more illiterate and the effects of widespread adult entertainment on our society have only recently taken hold. Whether you want to argue that as being a good thing or a bad thing is another debate, but threesomes and other forms of extreme sex is undoubtedly the result of programming via pornography. An ex-girlfriend of mine used to have a boyfriend who had a pissing fetish. Why did he? Well the first time he came the gal he was with pissed on him. The fact that his first sexually pleasurable experience occurred while getting pissed on associated pissing with sexual pleasure deep within his brain. adult entertainment does the same thing when you masturbate to it and since I don't want to get into a lengthy explanation of how human intelligence associates experiences and learning, lets just say you can pretty much socially program someone with a predisposition to be homosexual to be straight and someone who has a predisposition to be heterosexual to be homosexual, just as you can spread mass propaganda to control a country politically. Human beings are open to suggestion so just because there is a multibillion dollar industry which actively tries to program its customers to keep buying more and more of their product just as Coca-Cola tries to do the same with advertisements associating its product with "good feelings", means zilcho with the bi-with-boyfriend trend in world popular culture.
sikdogg said:
You passed judgement that because i practice and need extreme sex, that i'm somehow depraved or unable to enjoy one-on-one sex without knowing anything more than the fact that my wife and i enjoy sex with other people and/or group sex.
Where did I say you were depraved? For crying out loud, the fact you are getting all sensitive about this makes me think I am mistakenly talking to a lesbian giving advice on how to pick up single guys for a threesome. Seriously, I don't care who you and your wife choose to screw or what the nature of your relationship is whether you cheat on each other right in plain view, or you do it behind each other's back. You share your wife with other people and to me that is just fucked up and most mainstream cultures around the world would tend to agree with that position. Nevertheless, that is not the point. The point is that if you engage in heighened sexual acts where something extra is associated with the pleasurable experience for too long, your brain will become hardwired to only be receptive to that little extra you added into your sexual practices. That "little extra" is a fetish. Can you stop swinging and go back to one one one sex and be happy or will you always constantly crave the taste and touch of the flesh of other people? Could you ever quit swinging cold turkey and go back to things the way they used to be? If not, well then it shows you need more for less when it comes to sexual gratification.
[/QUOTE]The fact is that we do this only several time a month and the rest of the time we enjoy our time together.[/QUOTE]
Only several times a month? Seems like a pretty regular part of your "lifestyle" now. I mean, could you go back to not swinging and still enjoy each other just as much? You see my point? If you were happy with just your wife and she was just happy with you, you would not feel the need to get fulfillment from other people sexually?
sikdogg said:
We are very close and talk about everything. We prolly have sex 5-6 times a week BY OUR SELVES and it is very satisfying. We don't have a need to have sex with other people, we choose to for the pure pleasure of it and when the time comes that one or both of us no longer wants to do it, we will stop no questions asked.
Well good for you and your wife being close, but an ex-GF of mine who was previously married used to swing with her ex-husband. Anyways, I should of ran from her immediately because lets just say she had some serious issues, but he gave the same line and well lets just say human beings have their own brains so speaking for someone else as a couple is pretty naive if you ask me. Plus, the way sex lights up the dopamine receptors in your brain could be argued to be one of the most addictive drugs on the planet (hey before the age of birth control it kept the species going), so you saying "oh well we will just quit fucking other people when the time comes" is easy to say but every couple I have known who got involved in swinging is 10 years down the road either separated or else living together as basically roommates for "the sake of the kids". Please and while I am at it, I will stop masturbating to adult entertainment because it offends Jesus. Hahahaha!
sikdogg said:
That is our agreement to one another. We are closer and prolly have a better relationship than you could ever experience because we simply hear each other and refuse to judge each other's decision and/or action. This is what allows us to participate in what you call extreme sex and still come out the best of lovers and friends.
And again you say I am "holier-than-thou"? Plllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeassssssse. MY RELATIONSHIP IS BETTER THAN YOURS is sooooooooo high school. No idea what your age is but I would imagine you are older than me which makes these words kind of funny coming from what I would assume is a 30 year old plus man. Yah, my relationship is great with my straight girlfriend right now, and no we don't go to swinger parties or shove weird objects up each others asses, but we have a lot of fun doing other things besides sex, though last night after about an hour and a half of me pumping her, she got on top and sprayed the walls with a massive orgasm that would likely make you jealous. But then again she is with me, MCTFB.
sikdogg said:
Bottom line is that you claim that you're not passing judgement but that's exactly what you've done since your first post... and yes i must be stupid because i'm allowing myself to be programmed to only be receptive to more and more extreme content in my life and that i'm also blind to the science behind how the human mind adapts to life experiences good or bad. Thank you o holier-than-thou for opening my eyes to my misguided ways, may i burn in eternal fire for not agreeing with you.
I think it is clear you have the holier-than-thou attitude. Though if you are going to use the holier-than-thou argument on someone it might help if you had a leg or two to stand on. I will take a wild guess that you don't practice any particular faith, so criticizing other people for being "holier-than-thou" as a jab to them believing in god (as if that is a bad thing) is about the biggest form of hypocrisy you can find these days among moral relativists who are too chicken to make decisions on right and wrong because it might involve having to look in the mirror someday and not liking what they see.
And the funniest thing is that even though I am not passing judgement on you (I only do that with people I care about in life or who I am directly involved with personally) I can pass judgement on you and there is not a damned thing you can do about it, except either choose to ignore it or childishly allow the unfavorable opinion someone has on you or your lifestyle mess with your head. If you are so proud of your lifestyle, why do you act so insecure when one person "gasp" actually suggests that maybe sharing your woman with another person, man or woman is not all it is cracked up to be and that on any discussion forum someone coming up with a devil's advocate position is actually a good thing?
Or is it just that anyone who thinks swinging and threesomes is not a good thing is closed-minded even though they have turned down numerous opportunities themselves (not including just calling up some escorts or going to a brothel which any scHydromaxuck can do if you have the money) for FFM threesomes because they maybe take some care as to what kind of experiences get dumped into their cranial region because extreme experiences can permanently alter your brain chemistry in a negative way?