Doesn't necessarily have to be a new girth method. Really its not a matter of reinventing the wheel here but increase your intensity if gains have stagmented and rest more to. Horse squeezes, double horse squeezes, [words=]
SSJ[/words]'s and ATS Rollers are amongst some of the most intensive girth work I have done. Pumping is a great one and obviously clamping, you can do pretty much anything in the clamp with many times more the effectiveness. The wet jelq as already suggested is often used, abused and then dumped which is a big mistake by all as its not just a grower but also great for overall dick health. I don't see many exercises that 'flush' in the blood with the milking motion of the jelq but lots of holds and squeezes are plenty about. Again, many feel the wheel has to be reinvented incl DLD but actually it doesn't. Intensity and good form are so much more important in my opinion.
If you really want to do something newer and intense then try double horse squeezes in the clamp or pump then do some edging clamped with SSJs again in the clamp.