Hey guys,

I am new to the site and researching Penis Enlargement before getting started. Frankly, the things that you guys are doing to your johnsons scares the hell out of me. :O It all sounds very painful and seems like it would cause damage. But I guess you are all having good results.

Anyway, I was wondering a few things.....
1. Is Penis Enlargement Permanent? Will I be able to stop the Penis Enlargement exercises once I reach my goal or will I have to do these exercises for life to maintain my new size?
2. What are the negative side effects of Penis Enlargement? Softer Erections, Erectile Disfunction, crooked wang, etc.

So far I really like this site. Very well organized and great content. I will be considering signing up to get the videos to see exactly what the exercises are all about. I definitely do not want to mess up my penis by doing something wrong. I think that I have a very attractive penis right now and I do not want to end up with some abnormal growth out of the side of it or something. ;)

My main concerns are flaccid length and ball length. I do not mind showing my erect penis to a woman, but I hate getting undressed in a flaccid state. I always say that my penis is very efficient....When it is at rest it shrinks up tremendously for easy travel and when it is ready for action it is pumped and ready to go. My wife and I are swingers and there have been several occassions when I have had to get naked in a pool or just hanging out with other people and I feel ashamed of my lack of prowess in the flaccid state. My measurements are with me in a fairly warm room, but when I get cold my balls and my penis damn near dissapear. :P Also, when I get hard and excited my balls shrivel up and rise up into my body. Very annoying, uncomfortable and not real attractive.

x_WhiteSnake_x said:
1. Is Penis Enlargement Permanent? Will I be able to stop the Penis Enlargement exercises once I reach my goal or will I have to do these exercises for life to maintain my new size?

Penis Enlargement is permanent, but only if your gains are cemented. Usually after one reaches their goal size a maintenence routine is performed to make sure the gains to not go away. After a period of time (kinda varies person to person) the gains will become "cemented" and will remain even when not doing a maintenence routine.

x_WhiteSnake_x said:
2. What are the negative side effects of Penis Enlargement? Softer Erections, Erectile Disfunction, crooked wang, etc.

For negative side effects I'd check out the Boo Boo's and Bandaids forum. That pretty much sums up everything you can get, as well as erectile difficulty and such. However, this can be avoided with a good understanding of how to perform the exercises and an awareness of your limits. Careful conditioning of your dick before moving onto more intense exercises is very important. Also most of these "side effects" go away with just a day or two of rest. Hope that helps, good luck!
Thanks for the quick responses guys. It is good to hear that the changes are permanent if you cement them with a maintenance routine for a while. I am gonna continue to research this topic some more and then make a decision whether or not I am willing to put in the time and agony that is necessary to enhance my size.

I am currently also researching male multiple orgasm and/or ejaculation control. I have quick nights and slow nights, but I want to be able to have absolute control in the bedroom and be on my own schedule as to when I orgasm. I tried the reverse kegel this morning with my wife and it seemed to work pretty well for me. I have done kegels in the past to try to get a strong PC and to help me last longer but whenever I get close and started doing kegels as was suggested by Dr. Barbara Keesling in her book "How To Make Love All Night" I would just get there faster. However the reverse kegel for me is less intense and actually interrupted the climax sensation. I hope that this was not just a fluke. I will try it again and see what happens. I will also try this technique with other women and see if I am able to hold back even when having intercourse with someone new.

Thanks Again,
Well I am on my 3rd week with no Penis Enlargement and so far I have not lost any length, I have lost a bit of girth but nothing substantial enough to get upset about. I am pretty sure once you have it cemented losing it would only happen through surgery.
Im2mackin said:
WHY would somebody want to lose there cemented gains through surgery......(retoricle question)

Ive always wondered if Penis Enlargement is supposed to hurt if you do intense exercises for begginers? becuase it sounds like that it is that way for most people, but when i started i could pull on it as hard as i want and do intense jelqs and i didn't feel much pain?
Ive always wondered if Penis Enlargement is supposed to hurt if you do intense exercises for begginers? becuase it sounds like that it is that way for most people, but when i started i could pull on it as hard as i want and do intense jelqs and i didn't feel much pain?
YEA LPSG, Those guys are a riot with there stories.."Today i was walking to the milk store and the owner looked at me in total awe. I caught him staring at my 13 inch flaccid cock hanging down the side of my tight jeans. HE gave me a dirty look like i was a outcast and not welcome! I really hate when people are prejudice against me because i have a massive cock its not fair. I wish god didn't deform me in this way!. WHY.. WHY ME!!"...LOL thats a fake story but they do say things pretty similiar in context over at the LARGE Penis EnlargementNIS SUPPORT GROUP.