I'm not looking for sympathy here. Just maybe some advice. I'm not an emo, I don't slit my wrists, but it's probably going to sound like I am.'

Any way. I want your opinions on whether or not my life is pointless or not.

Basically, there's 5 things right now keeping my life from being successfull:

1) Being short (5' 6" tall)
2) Having a small dick (see sig. Can be fixed supposedly, but takes a long time)
3) Being overweight (I can fix that, so not my biggest problem)
4) Shyness (can also be fixed, and I have been working on that)
5) I'm a nice guy. Women seem to only be attracted to assholes. To them, assholes are the good guys, and good guys are the "mean" and "bad guys".

So any way, being short is my biggest problem I think. My shyness has been conquered, and in recent times, I have been being very confident. And therein lies the problem. Maybe I'm too over-confident. Because, it's being interpreted as being "mean" and "aggressive" to the people I know.

And there's no way around it. If I'm not over-confident, then people will look down upon me due to my small stature. If I'm over-confident, then people will think I'm an asshole. So I lose either way.

Yesterday at work, my eyes really opened up and I saw how much of a problem being short is. I finally worked up the courage and confidence to tell a girl that "she looks nice today". She replied with "omg you're so mean" and then walked away. WTF? I later asked her if she was serious, and she said yes, and then another girl that was standing there confirmed that "I was mean". I found this terribly ironic, since the 2nd one has an extremely mean boyfriend who abuses her and cheats on her, and she still clings to him. WTF.

I didn't understand. I have never been mean to these girls, or said anything mean. I've always complemented them and helped them when they needed it at work. If they did something wrong, I took the blame. But I'm still some how 'mean'.

Well after doing a lot of research and asking people, I found out why. It's because this is what people think:

Tall guy being confident = attractive
Short guy being confident = pipsqueek / asshole / agressive

So basically that sums it up. I will always fail at life, especially with women, due to my shortness. If I'm not confident, then women won't be attracted to me at all. If I'm confident, then they will just think I'm an asshole and not worth their time.

And it's not only women. Being short you get no respect from anyone. There's people 2-5 years younger than me that call me "buddy" and "kid". What the fuck.

You know what. These fuckers want to see mean and agressive? I'll fucking give it to them. Next time someone calls me buddy, kid, short dick, or anything, I'm going to fucking punch them in the gut or break their ribs. Then they'll see mean.

That's the only solution I can think of. I can't make myself taller, so I can only hope to show them what being 'mean' really is.
You can gain as much as a 1/4 a month if you find the right routine and techniques. God did not make it so easy for any of use to make the penis bigger.

You can also make yourself taller so I have read.
Pandora said:
You can gain as much as a 1/4 a month if you find the right routine and techniques. God did not make it so easy for any of use to make the penis bigger.

You can also make yourself taller so I have read.

ok well penis enlargement aside... I know I can gain there.. But I'm just saying, due to my shortness, is there really any point making my dick bigger?

I mean as I see it now, I can make my dick a lot bigger but it won't help any way, because I need to be tall to get a woman naked to begin with, l0l.

what way is there to make yourself taller?
pick the girls that are 5 feet even. i have run into plenty of those lately so i know they do exist. and why enlarge the dick of your short? because you'll have a fuckin third leg that's why. big things some in small packages my friend ;)
Not to diminish your frustrations... but try a receeding hairline at 17, to lose most of your hair by 30. Try having a sense of humor about the fact that instead of full head of hair, the rest of your body is covered in the bullshit. Just to look normal, you have to shave your head completely to hide the recession, and then shave your arms, back, ass... whatever else, just to come within range of normal. Try talking to women anywhere between those ages and see how they react at such a sight.

Talk about having to develop a thick skin in life. Most guys just have to get over rejection. That's just the beginning for the rest of us... no?

Just trying to lay some perspective. A lot of us are here because we hope the power of Penis Enlargement will overcome the OTHER areas that we CANT control. I'm one of them.
Everyone has their problems. You can always blame your shortcomings on external factors and get nowhere, or you can work hard and quit giving a fuck about the hand you were dealt.

Lots of 5'6" guys have had no problems with it. I've got friends that height who are ugly and still get laid a bunch. Napoleon was 5'6", with a small dick, bald by 19, and he still managed to do alright. Neil Strauss was 5'6". I could keep going.

Everything else can be fixed easily. I'd tell you to give height increase a shot, but I think at this point it'll poison your mentality even more, and it'll fuck you up mentally in the long run. I'd get to 8x6 first. Seriously look up chemical Penis Enlargement and shit. If you seriously go after chemical Penis Enlargement and weight loss, then in 2 years you can be jacked with an 8x6+.
I can identify with you Big Charlie. I have the part the hair on my ass just to take a shit dude. rofl rofl I have found a few women along the way that liked all of the hair though and they see it as manly and a testosterone thing.

bigcharlie said:
Not to diminish your frustrations... but try a receeding hairline at 17, to lose most of your hair by 30. Try having a sense of humor about the fact that instead of full head of hair, the rest of your body is covered in the bullshit. Just to look normal, you have to shave your head completely to hide the recession, and then shave your arms, back, ass... whatever else, just to come within range of normal. Try talking to women anywhere between those ages and see how they react at such a sight.

Talk about having to develop a thick skin in life. Most guys just have to get over rejection. That's just the beginning for the rest of us... no?

Just trying to lay some perspective. A lot of us are here because we hope the power of Penis Enlargement will overcome the OTHER areas that we CANT control. I'm one of them.

I don't want to make you think that I'm disregarding the anxiety you feel about your lot in life but a lot of what you're going through is pretty typical with young guys. Every problem seems insurmountable, every setback seems to re-confirm our self-loathing, every rejection is a life-ending event.

But it all ain't so.

The biggest difference between you and any other guy who's overcome similar, (or actually far worse) circumstances is simply the decision making process you have or have not gone through.

You're right: you are whining. Blunt, painful maybe, but plain and simply true. Instead of focusing on what you don't have (and perhaps don't need, either) try appreciating just what you DO have.

When you wake up in the morning are you in an iron lung? A hospital bed? ICU ?
Can you breathe on your own? See, hear, feel? All your limbs function properly?
Are you being tortured to death by some psycho serial killer? Or perhaps bombed and shot at by the enemy? Are you cold, starving, hunted, abandoned and left to die?
Can you sleep peacefully at night in your own bed?
Do you lack food, clothing, water, shelter?
Is your life or health under constant attack?

I could go on and on and on, but I think, I hope, you get my point. Start recognizing and being grateful for all the things you actually have to your advantage and for your comfort, gain a little life experience and get some perspective and I believe your indulgent self-pity will fade rapidly.

Your life, to a great extent, will be just how you CHOOSE it to be. It can be an eternal soul crushing experience or it can be a source of unending joy and wonder....the only difference is your approach to it.

Dr. Wayne Dyer writes in
"The Power of Intention" that, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

We useta say that a bitchin' Sailor is a happy Sailor; if you've got the luxury of complaint then life ain't too damn bad after all.

Remember, life is to be enjoyed, not merely endured.

Good luck

Oh, and for my opinion on the title of your thread:
Your life is as pointless or as necessary as you make it.
It's all your decision and only your decision.

Again, Good Luck !
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My roommate in college was short, overweight, not good looking, bad breath, below average size dick--and I swear to you, he had more women than you could shake a stick at.

How did he do it? He knew how to talk them right straight into bed. When he didn't make it with a giirl, he just let it roll off his back and moved on. Man, he never let it stop him. And when he struck pay dirt, they came back to him wanting more. I thought it was all bullshit until I saw him operate.

I swear to you he had a girl every week. The one thing he did have was self-confidence, a sharp mind, charisma, and a wonderfully ironic sense of life. He always kept them guessing. And when he didn't land one, he never let it get him down. I learned more about how to deal with women from this little guy than anyone I ever knew. He taught me a lot.

You admitted that you feel your biggest problem on your list was your height. PLENTY of dude your height and shorter than you get HOT chicks. Look at celebheights.com and surprise yourself with who isn't as tall as you thought yet who obviously gets the hottest chicks on the planet ... like Dave Navarro .... the scrawny, short, big eared, goth-punk-rocker dude with all the right charm .... and yes, money .... but money won't get you married to Carmen Eclectra and having all the other hottest chicks in the world throwing themselves at you. Charm/attitude does the latter for the most part .... and fame markets your charm to a wide audience so a lot of people actually realize what they like about your persona. It's all about the attitude, charm, etc personality. Feeling as negatively as you do about yourself will have the opposite effect that you want.

Last but not least, DO NOT judge all women on that experience you had at work with those two dumb bitches. The only thing she MAY have somewhat reasonably gotten upset about (though she still over-reacted BIG time instead of being understanding about your attempt to compliment) was the implication that she doesn't look nice all the time. Her getting upset may also imply that she has a crush on you ... and or was PMSing. The hypocritical dumb bitch who agreed with her is obviously not worth a thought .... much like the whole situation for the most part. Plenty of chicks would have taken your words as a compliment and maybe challenged you a bit with a reply like "So you're saying I don't look nice all the time?".

However, for example of what you might do in such a situation:
Try using different words than "nice". Try subtle words that will take away from the idea that a woman looks like shit on other days and instead imply that she always looks good but now she looks even better .... even if that's a lie. Or in cases where the chick KNOWS she is usually ugly ... you may get away with saying something like "Damn, I knew you were holding back on how hot you are! .... Hiding all of that sexiness! .... What, did you think I wouldn't be able to get my work done if you looked like this all the time? You're probably right! ;) ". Of course be careful with such sweet talk at work - as it can easily be considered "sexual harassment" in today's fucked up world; but this is what we call charm or "game" and it will get you more pussy than ALL the 6+ foot tall guys you can find who don't have it.

*HOWEVER, if you find some way to make yourself taller that really works .... let us know. ;)
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thanks for the advice everyone, this forum is great, you all put up with my bullshit here so much lol. I posted this post at another (non-pe) forum for I can have more responses total, and they are all like getting my IP address and calling the police telling them I'm going to commit suicide even though I'm not going to lol <:( I hope the police don't show up and give me a criminal record because I wanted to work for the FBI after I get out of college!!!
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PenilePersist said:
misterious, like Dave Navarro .... the scrawny, short, big eared, goth-punk-rocker dude with all the right charm

dude dave navarro is 5 foot 9 which is 3 inches taller than me <:( and tom cruise is even taller than me and people are always hating on him for being short.. doesn't make me feel better ?:(
PenilePersist said:
[Her getting upset may also imply that she has a crush on you ...

haha you really think so? I don't think so, she has a boyfriend who she talks to every day..

but I'm going to be seeing her again at work tommorow, what do you think I should say to her? When she says hello to me I think I am going to say "no sorry [name], I'm not talking to you today because you always say I'm mean".
The number one thing that makes or breaks physical attractiveness in people is weight. Even having a nice looking face is very dependent on how much bodyfat you have. Get in shape and you'll be surprised how much girls start to hit on you.
misterious said:
I'm not looking for sympathy here. Just maybe some advice. I'm not an emo, I don't slit my wrists, but it's probably going to sound like I am.'

Any way. I want your opinions on whether or not my life is pointless or not.

Basically, there's 5 things right now keeping my life from being successfull:

1) Being short (5' 6" tall)
2) Having a small dick (see sig. Can be fixed supposedly, but takes a long time)
3) Being overweight (I can fix that, so not my biggest problem)
4) Shyness (can also be fixed, and I have been working on that)
5) I'm a nice guy. Women seem to only be attracted to assholes. To them, assholes are the good guys, and good guys are the "mean" and "bad guys".

So any way, being short is my biggest problem I think. My shyness has been conquered, and in recent times, I have been being very confident. And therein lies the problem. Maybe I'm too over-confident. Because, it's being interpreted as being "mean" and "aggressive" to the people I know.

And there's no way around it. If I'm not over-confident, then people will look down upon me due to my small stature. If I'm over-confident, then people will think I'm an asshole. So I lose either way.

Yesterday at work, my eyes really opened up and I saw how much of a problem being short is. I finally worked up the courage and confidence to tell a girl that "she looks nice today". She replied with "omg you're so mean" and then walked away. WTF? I later asked her if she was serious, and she said yes, and then another girl that was standing there confirmed that "I was mean". I found this terribly ironic, since the 2nd one has an extremely mean boyfriend who abuses her and cheats on her, and she still clings to him. WTF.

I didn't understand. I have never been mean to these girls, or said anything mean. I've always complemented them and helped them when they needed it at work. If they did something wrong, I took the blame. But I'm still some how 'mean'.

Well after doing a lot of research and asking people, I found out why. It's because this is what people think:

Tall guy being confident = attractive
Short guy being confident = pipsqueek / asshole / agressive

So basically that sums it up. I will always fail at life, especially with women, due to my shortness. If I'm not confident, then women won't be attracted to me at all. If I'm confident, then they will just think I'm an asshole and not worth their time.

And it's not only women. Being short you get no respect from anyone. There's people 2-5 years younger than me that call me "buddy" and "kid". What the fuck.

You know what. These fuckers want to see mean and agressive? I'll fucking give it to them. Next time someone calls me buddy, kid, short dick, or anything, I'm going to fucking punch them in the gut or break their ribs. Then they'll see mean.

That's the only solution I can think of. I can't make myself taller, so I can only hope to show them what being 'mean' really is.

Let's start with the most important thing holding you down:

Ok, now we can get on with the discussion. There are two types of people: people with an external lotus of control and those with an internal lotus of control. People with external believe that they are made by things that occur as outside stimuli, such as "I have such a great girlfriend because she happened to meet me in a class when I was having a good day", "the reason I got a bad grade is because that teacher is out after me", "I'm not rich because I didn't get a good enough job offer like some of my friends did." Whereas the internal person would see things as, "I have such a great girlfriend because I am a confident, caring person who actively works to bring others up instead of down", "the reason I got a bad great is because I was too busy partying and not studying enough", "I'm not rich because I haven't managed/invested my money wisely and frugally, and/or I have not driven myself enough to get a good job." It sounds like you are an external person.

As far as height, dude, there are short guys who get laid all the time. A good friend of mine is 5'7", with a small penis, and he has gotten laid so many times you'd think he owned the girls. This man has confidence in his abilities and doesn't put up with shit. It really shines when around women.

As far as the "nice guy" thing, I'm a nice guy to people, however, I'm not a pushover, and I'm a man. There is no real secret to getting good women (not slut ass bitches who will never be good in relationships and sleep around with everyone, I'm assuming you don't want these girls). It's called being a GENTLEMAN. Give her your attention when you're out, girls love it. Do the little things, tell them how beautiful their dress matches with her hair, how good she smells, how much you enjoy just talking with her. Hold her hand, walk confidently (be a MAN!), let her know subconsciously that you are a good protector, this will make her want to get closer to you. KISS HER HAND, for some reason girls LOVE this at the right times, can't explain it, just something very ROMANTIC about it, which they (good girls) love. I can explain this stuff in more detail if you wish.

On the note of sex, you MUST realize that you don't need sex. I learned this from having sex and such. It's not nearly as big of a deal as you think. It's cool when you're with the right girl, but other than the connection of you and your partner, it's really nothing more than a complicated jack off session. It's my theory that a man becomes much more confident and level headed when searching for women when he truly, honestly realizes that he doesn't need sex. This really opened new doors of confidence for me. However, to counter myself, I get laid frequently so it's easy for me to say this, I'm not sure how I'd hold up if I had been single for a few months. However, I'll know this summer because my girlfriend lives in Dallas and I'll be in Houston, so we won't see each other much at all. I didn't have sex for the first 18 years of my life, I'm sure I can go a few months without having it. Now I know what to look for if I ever have to go and look for women again. It isn't about the physical sex, it's really about getting to know the women and enjoying their company. Women seem to LOVE men with that attitude, as my girlfriend really appreciates all the non-sex we do. I LOVE going out with my girl and doing non-sexual things, they are still very fun and I have never regretted going out and doing things with her, we always have a blast! It's those moments that I really cherish, just holding a girl I love, appreciating her because she is so special to me, both in and out of bed. I just feel so filled with pure joy just looking at her and laughing with her. It's a very spiritual feeling as well, if that makes any sense. It sort of transcends time.
As far as your life being worthless. No one's life is worthless. We all go through such unique experiences that everyone is valuable on this planet. We can all learn from each other and we all contribute things to this planet. I mean honestly, a person's life is priceless, we all go through the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, we all see Heaven and Hell in our lifetime, many times usually. The depth of each human life is so precious, I don't see how ANYONE would ever want to kill someone. When you really look back at it, life is just an unbelievably interesting experience. Even in the most fucked up of situations I'll sit back and just laugh at it. And no, I'm not high right now.
misterious said:
dude dave navarro is 5 foot 9 which is 3 inches taller than me <:( and tom cruise is even taller than me and people are always hating on him for being short.. doesn't make me feel better ?:(

I don't think Dave is 5'9 . Read the comments on the site too, not just the reference form his comments on Stern's show. Typically, people exaggerate their height by an inch or two and measure with shoes on.
I know some people who have met dave in person and guess he was about 5'7 or 5'6.

Anthony Kiedis is about 5'8. Flea is about 5'6. Both Red Hot Chili Peppers get crazy amounts of pussy gravitating towards them.

If you're within 1-3 inches of somebody's height the difference almost not noticeable at all unless that's all you're looking for.

It seems you're still looking for way to think poorly about yourself. I suggest you stop. There is a difference between realism and cynicism and between self criticism and self degradation.

haha you really think so? I don't think so, she has a boyfriend who she talks to every day..

You'd be surprised how women can think, I suppose. It's just an idea from reading your posts, but hell yes it is very possible. Chicks get bored and they'll talk to anyone ... and talking to their "boyfriend" makes them feel special and is especially nice to flaunt in front of people to make them feel important, superior AND ... to create a bit of jealousy and or "hard to get" vibe to project toward people they are attracted to.

but I'm going to be seeing her again at work tommorow, what do you think I should say to her? When she says hello to me I think I am going to say "no sorry [name], I'm not talking to you today because you always say I'm mean".

Not a bad choice of words. I might call her "moody woman" or something a bit funny and to the point of turning the poor attitude labels on her. But, it's not just what you say .... it's how you say it in tone and in body language ... so keep that in mind as well.

spinner2 said:
The number one thing that makes or breaks physical attractiveness in people is weight. Even having a nice looking face is very dependent on how much bodyfat you have. Get in shape and you'll be surprised how much girls start to hit on you.

For Inititial Physical attraction, you're probably right. However, you can be fat and get more pussy and more infatuating love from women than a skinny and muscular guy.
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misterious said:
thanks for the advice everyone, this forum is great, you all put up with my bullshit here so much lol. I posted this post at another (non-pe) forum for I can have more responses total, and they are all like getting my IP address and calling the police telling them I'm going to commit suicide even though I'm not going to lol <:( I hope the police don't show up and give me a criminal record because I wanted to work for the FBI after I get out of college!!!

This makes mae think of this post I wrote in reply to another depressed soul on the forum:

man inhale, exhale, keep your head up. My life aint a silver platter either. Keep strong, good days is ahead. Turn to God he'll change your life. First hand account I got of this.
dude i think im in the same boat as you are, i got this napoleon complex thing going on and i think i cant succeed in life due to my height.
Talked to some girls, they don't seem to really care about height. Also You probably should do the Penis Enlargement, it cant hurt to have a large sausage. Look at Ron Jeremy.
hey im 5'8,not the most confident when it comes to women,but i still get some.
just be cheeky wiv it,an anyone who says u are mean cos u pay them a compiment really aint worth the compliment you gave em.theres plenty of fine girls out there less than 5 foot 6,actually,now i think about it,pretty much every girl iv ever fancied/fucked/had relationship with,has been smaller than me.
better to be small than to be a complete asshole.if you are a good person,yall get the women/the right woman anyways,an really who wants to be with a woman who wud only go for a guy who is tall?(well,unless u just wanted a fuck obviously).shallow bitches like that dont derserve a minute of your time.
anyways thats enuff of my drunken ramblings,im off down the bars to find some short nice young ladies lol.
just kidding.
I am 5'9", 6% body fat, not ugly, above average dick, athletic, and good humor. I barely get chicks at all. I got laid once. It is all your approach. You are looking at all the shit you can fix... what kinda society tells you you were born defective? Your chance is as good as anyones. What is wrong with not getting chicks ALL the time. I'll tell you, if you are in high school popular kids date popular kids no matter what. Wait until after high school when true character plays the role. Just focus on who you are and better yourself to what you want not what society wants. When you built who you are (may not neeed it) you have everything to fall back on. There is no "good" there is no "bad". 1,000 wise men can tell you what you can do...but you actually have to realize yourself that this image you have of yourself is purely painted in your own mind.
Man I just read this, the op feels his life is pointless because he is 5'6"? Man, I wish I was that tall. I'm only 5'3" with shoes on. When I was in my teens and early 20s, yes my height bothered me alot. Hell, I even tried pointless height increasing products that never worked. But if your serious about height increasing, I found out that you can wear elevator insoles in your shoes that can make you appear 2 1/2 inches taller. I really don't care about height so much now. Sure, its an issue, but it takes a back seat to getting a bigger penis, and I'm currently trying to learn a foriegn language. But once you achieve your final size, whatever it is, then you'll forget all about your height. Shit, when I reach my goal, whatever it may be, I'll be too distracted by my 3rd leg, and I'll start a rumour that I'm called the "longest yard", so it'll be my nickname.:)
Kal-el said:
Man I just read this, the op feels his life is pointless because he is 5'6"? Man, I wish I was that tall. I'm only 5'3" with shoes on.

Because I'm short, AND at the same time have a small penis. If I was short but had a big penis, I would be fine. If I had a small penis but was tall, I would be fine. But I have both. That just shows you how terrible my fucking luck is. What's the point in being alive when you have luck that bad.

As far as Penis Enlargement goes I have seen some small results but from what I am generally reading here the results are not permanent in the end unless you do Penis Enlargement for the rest of your life, but I don't have the time to do that every day until I die. If only there was some way to make Penis Enlargement gains permanant without having to do it ever again then maybe my life could be better.
misterious said:
Because I'm short, AND at the same time have a small penis. If I was short but had a big penis, I would be fine. If I had a small penis but was tall, I would be fine. But I have both. That just shows you how terrible my fucking luck is. What's the point in being alive when you have luck that bad.

As far as Penis Enlargement goes I have seen some small results but from what I am generally reading here the results are not permanent in the end unless you do Penis Enlargement for the rest of your life, but I don't have the time to do that every day until I die. If only there was some way to make Penis Enlargement gains permanant without having to do it ever again then maybe my life could be better.

Where are you reading that info on here? Almost everything I've read say the exact opposite! I mean, yes from what I hear you will lose SOME gains that aren't cemented if you stop cold, but the reason people do Penis Enlargement for the rest of their life is because it helps the bloodflow of your dick and overall sexual health. It also feels great so I don't understand what the big deal is?
Seriously though, you think if DLD stopped cold his dick would shrink back to a 6 incher? Where would all that tissue go? Can I ask you a serious question: Is there anything GOOD about your life? Not trying to be sarcastic, Ive just never read anything positive from you.
misterious said:
Because I'm short, AND at the same time have a small penis.

Likewise. But I did'nt sit around and complain about it, I did pe, thus I'm here. And what was once small or average, is just above average now.

If I was short but had a big penis, I would be fine. If I had a small penis but was tall, I would be fine. But I have both. That just shows you how terrible my fucking luck is. What's the point in being alive when you have luck that bad.

Dude try not to be so negative here bud. I mean there's people out there that would kill to be in your position. Shit, a friend of mine has cancer and got his leg amputated, but he's not complaining. I have a chronic illness but I still work 40 hours a week and don't complain. You have to look at the bright side of things.

As far as Penis Enlargement goes I have seen some small results but from what I am generally reading here the results are not permanent in the end unless you do Penis Enlargement for the rest of your life, but I don't have the time to do that every day until I die. If only there was some way to make Penis Enlargement gains permanant without having to do it ever again then maybe my life could be better.

Generally speaking I think you are right here, except once you achieve the size you want, I believe you don't have to pe so intensely any more, but you are correct, you still must pe. I don't believe you can stop cold turkey, I don't know maybe someone more knowlegeable can chime in here. From what I gather, pe is a marathon, not a sprint. Anyway, take care friend and keep your head up!
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Maybe you could consider the possibility that some people want to keep you down and will semi-consciously attempt to extinguish your attempts at self improvement. Just treat everyone equally otherwise you'll be a hypocrite and of course employ a priori course of action. You'll see how far you 'll get pushed, how long they'll hold you down.
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    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    tbean750 is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    Guest pedguin has joined the room.
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    silverberg is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    thescholarjt is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    mos is our newest member. Welcome!
      MoS Notifier MoS Notifier: mos is our newest member. Welcome!