I'm not looking for sympathy here. Just maybe some advice. I'm not an emo, I don't slit my wrists, but it's probably going to sound like I am.'
Any way. I want your opinions on whether or not my life is pointless or not.
Basically, there's 5 things right now keeping my life from being successfull:
1) Being short (5' 6" tall)
2) Having a small dick (see sig. Can be fixed supposedly, but takes a long time)
3) Being overweight (I can fix that, so not my biggest problem)
4) Shyness (can also be fixed, and I have been working on that)
5) I'm a nice guy. Women seem to only be attracted to assholes. To them, assholes are the good guys, and good guys are the "mean" and "bad guys".
So any way, being short is my biggest problem I think. My shyness has been conquered, and in recent times, I have been being very confident. And therein lies the problem. Maybe I'm too over-confident. Because, it's being interpreted as being "mean" and "aggressive" to the people I know.
And there's no way around it. If I'm not over-confident, then people will look down upon me due to my small stature. If I'm over-confident, then people will think I'm an asshole. So I lose either way.
Yesterday at work, my eyes really opened up and I saw how much of a problem being short is. I finally worked up the courage and confidence to tell a girl that "she looks nice today". She replied with "omg you're so mean" and then walked away. WTF? I later asked her if she was serious, and she said yes, and then another girl that was standing there confirmed that "I was mean". I found this terribly ironic, since the 2nd one has an extremely mean boyfriend who abuses her and cheats on her, and she still clings to him. WTF.
I didn't understand. I have never been mean to these girls, or said anything mean. I've always complemented them and helped them when they needed it at work. If they did something wrong, I took the blame. But I'm still some how 'mean'.
Well after doing a lot of research and asking people, I found out why. It's because this is what people think:
Tall guy being confident = attractive
Short guy being confident = pipsqueek / asshole / agressive
So basically that sums it up. I will always fail at life, especially with women, due to my shortness. If I'm not confident, then women won't be attracted to me at all. If I'm confident, then they will just think I'm an asshole and not worth their time.
And it's not only women. Being short you get no respect from anyone. There's people 2-5 years younger than me that call me "buddy" and "kid". What the fuck.
You know what. These fuckers want to see mean and agressive? I'll fucking give it to them. Next time someone calls me buddy, kid, short dick, or anything, I'm going to fucking punch them in the gut or break their ribs. Then they'll see mean.
That's the only solution I can think of. I can't make myself taller, so I can only hope to show them what being 'mean' really is.
Any way. I want your opinions on whether or not my life is pointless or not.
Basically, there's 5 things right now keeping my life from being successfull:
1) Being short (5' 6" tall)
2) Having a small dick (see sig. Can be fixed supposedly, but takes a long time)
3) Being overweight (I can fix that, so not my biggest problem)
4) Shyness (can also be fixed, and I have been working on that)
5) I'm a nice guy. Women seem to only be attracted to assholes. To them, assholes are the good guys, and good guys are the "mean" and "bad guys".
So any way, being short is my biggest problem I think. My shyness has been conquered, and in recent times, I have been being very confident. And therein lies the problem. Maybe I'm too over-confident. Because, it's being interpreted as being "mean" and "aggressive" to the people I know.
And there's no way around it. If I'm not over-confident, then people will look down upon me due to my small stature. If I'm over-confident, then people will think I'm an asshole. So I lose either way.
Yesterday at work, my eyes really opened up and I saw how much of a problem being short is. I finally worked up the courage and confidence to tell a girl that "she looks nice today". She replied with "omg you're so mean" and then walked away. WTF? I later asked her if she was serious, and she said yes, and then another girl that was standing there confirmed that "I was mean". I found this terribly ironic, since the 2nd one has an extremely mean boyfriend who abuses her and cheats on her, and she still clings to him. WTF.
I didn't understand. I have never been mean to these girls, or said anything mean. I've always complemented them and helped them when they needed it at work. If they did something wrong, I took the blame. But I'm still some how 'mean'.
Well after doing a lot of research and asking people, I found out why. It's because this is what people think:
Tall guy being confident = attractive
Short guy being confident = pipsqueek / asshole / agressive
So basically that sums it up. I will always fail at life, especially with women, due to my shortness. If I'm not confident, then women won't be attracted to me at all. If I'm confident, then they will just think I'm an asshole and not worth their time.
And it's not only women. Being short you get no respect from anyone. There's people 2-5 years younger than me that call me "buddy" and "kid". What the fuck.
You know what. These fuckers want to see mean and agressive? I'll fucking give it to them. Next time someone calls me buddy, kid, short dick, or anything, I'm going to fucking punch them in the gut or break their ribs. Then they'll see mean.
That's the only solution I can think of. I can't make myself taller, so I can only hope to show them what being 'mean' really is.