stridge said:I can't tell if Pandora is being serious or not, but in the event that he is, I'd say 10inch is far more correct in his arguments.
The physiological facts are that there is no lethal toxicity level of THC saturation in humans - you can't do immediate harm to yourself smoking pot. On the other hand, thousands of people in the US alone drink themselves to death every year. A person of low bodyweight or tolerance can drink themselves to death in 15 minutes with a cheap bottle of vodka. One study often cited involved reserachers injecting rats with a chemically enriched THC formula that would have been the equal of a human consuming the THC content of several hundred joints, all at once. The rats passed out and slept soundly for about a day, came to, and had no adverse health effects whatsoever. Try to imagine what would happen if you intravenously exposed a rat to the proportional equal of a human consuming even a hundred beers or shots of liquor. Actually, you don't need to imagine, because I can assure you that the result would be instant death. So, there's one plus for pot.
Secondly, no study (and there have been many) has shown that marijuana and THC create a chemical dependency in the human body. Mental and social dependency, just as with any other substance, but you do not develop a cellular need for the substance. Alcohol, on the hand once again, is physically addictive and can literally rewire the brain and organ function of a drunk so that they must have the substance to function normally. Another plus for pot.
Essentially, the risk associated with smoking pot in terms of health is related to long-term heavy usage possibly altering memory and certain cognitive function - which is still a fairly unknown realm of research. Also, just like smoking tobacco, marijuana contains tar, carbon, and carinogenic compounds that probably aren't too great for you. This is, however, small potatoes compared to the severe health problems that alcohol fosters in its abusers. Regular heavy drinking is directly linked to such a large number of chronic illnesses and health disorders that I won't even bother listing them. Pot, on the other hand, has been hailed by medical researchers and practical experience for its medicinal effects and ability to aid those suffering from afflictions ranging from cancer to glaucoma to chronic pain.
Also, Pandora, the example about the guy going berserck on his family - just because he was growing pot doesn't mean he was under the influence of marijuana or that had anything to do with his violent and insane behavior. You're taking an example of association and assuming it to be causation. He could have been on other drugs, had a long history of mental illness and violence, etc, but suggesting that the fact that he had pot plants around is somehow directly linked to the brutal slaughter of his family is beyond a far stretch of logic.
Frankly, I don't understand how anybody could seriously make the argument that pot is somehow more 'dangerous' or 'risky' than booze, especially considering the the poor judgement and aggressive behavior that alcohol has been proven to insitigate in many individuals, especially at high levels of consumption.
That being said, I still prefer drinking.
I feel that, their has not been a good enough study on the Psychosis effects is could possible have on a human.
What a discussing anyway, I tell you I don't know where I even get this stuff from some day lol.