I bought a cylinder and a seal a few days ago (saw it as a cheap alternative to [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]bath mate[/words]) - I have been pumping at around 1-3hg. However no matter what - if i go in erect or semi - i come out flaccid. It's really annoying, I see no expansion at all from pumping. I don't know what to do and i'm getting quite frustrated from it all. I have ordered something to allow me to pump with water so I will see if this makes a difference.
go up to at least 5 hg, with practice you can go higher 7hg then 10 etc. water does help but im telling you its not the same as a [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]bathmate[/words]!
acromegaly;686798 said:
go up to at least 5 hg, with practice you can go higher 7hg then 10 etc. water does help but im telling you its not the same as a [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]bathmate[/words]!

What do you think makes the difference?
Start around 3-4hgs

Week 1:

Day 1: Pump: 5 minutes
Day 2: Pump: 6 minutes
Day 3: Pump: 7 minutes

Week 2:

Day 1: Pump: 8 minutes
Day 2: Pump: 9 minutes
Day 3: Pump: 10 minutes (increase pressure again at the 5 minute mark)
Day 4: Pump: 11 minutes (increase pressure again at the 5 minute mark)

Week 3:

Day 1: Pump: 12 minutes (increase pressure again at the 5 minute mark)
Day 2: Pump: 13 minutes (increase pressure again at the 5 minute mark)
Day 3: Pump: 14 minutes (increase pressure again at the 5 minute mark)
Day 4: Pump: 15 minutes (increase pressure again at the 5 minute mark and
again at the 10 minute mark)

Week 4:

Day 1: Pump: 16 minutes (increase pressure again at the 5 minute mark and
again at the 10 minute mark)
Day 2: Pump: 17 minutes (increase pressure again at the 5 minute mark and
again at the 10 minute mark)
Day 3: Pump: 18 minutes (increase pressure again at the 5 minute mark and
again at the 10 minute mark)
Day 4: Pump: 19 minutes (increase pressure again at the 5 minute mark and
again at the 10 minute mark)
Day 5: Pump: 20 minutes (increase pressure again at the 5 minute mark and
again at the 10 and 15 minute mark)

The days worked above should be adjusted to your schedule. This would be done AFTER your normal PE session.
Chas79;687069 said:
Start around 3-4hgs

Week 1:

Day 1: Pump: 5 minutes
Day 2: Pump: 6 minutes
Day 3: Pump: 7 minutes

Week 2:

Day 1: Pump: 8 minutes
Day 2: Pump: 9 minutes
Day 3: Pump: 10 minutes (increase pressure again at the 5 minute mark)
Day 4: Pump: 11 minutes (increase pressure again at the 5 minute mark)

Week 3:

Day 1: Pump: 12 minutes (increase pressure again at the 5 minute mark)
Day 2: Pump: 13 minutes (increase pressure again at the 5 minute mark)
Day 3: Pump: 14 minutes (increase pressure again at the 5 minute mark)
Day 4: Pump: 15 minutes (increase pressure again at the 5 minute mark and
again at the 10 minute mark)

Week 4:

Day 1: Pump: 16 minutes (increase pressure again at the 5 minute mark and
again at the 10 minute mark)
Day 2: Pump: 17 minutes (increase pressure again at the 5 minute mark and
again at the 10 minute mark)
Day 3: Pump: 18 minutes (increase pressure again at the 5 minute mark and
again at the 10 minute mark)
Day 4: Pump: 19 minutes (increase pressure again at the 5 minute mark and
again at the 10 minute mark)
Day 5: Pump: 20 minutes (increase pressure again at the 5 minute mark and
again at the 10 and 15 minute mark)

The days worked above should be adjusted to your schedule. This would be done AFTER your normal PE session.

Thanks for taking the time for this detailed reply. I'll be sure to increase the times over time, i''ll go for 7 mins today since I have had it a few days.
lightlyfried;687072 said:
Thanks for taking the time for this detailed reply. I'll be sure to increase the times over time, i''ll go for 7 mins today since I have had it a few days.

I would be careful with that much pumping, sessions that long can cause issues so be sure to keep a close eye on things.
lightlyfried;687231 said:
what should I be looking out for?

Crazy discoloration, a sharp pain, or excess fluid retention. Basically anything out of the ordinary. Pumping is best combined with manuals or other devices or some kind of all day stretch. A lot of guys will slap on a cock ring after pumping to keep expanded. It's a lot of trial and error honestly
well i had this learning experience today i hadnt let the valve open n i was using the hand pump the suction was ok,but it wasnt that powerful id say..Until i let the valve open the suction became way better even i felt a bit of pain..

luckily the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]BM[/words] is still working fine...BM [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]xtreme[/words] is a beautiful device!
Last edited:
acromegaly;687362 said:
Better than using air imo, but [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]bath mate[/words] is still the best case scenario.

I still don't understand why it's so good. But it would be advantages to me for convenience of using it in the shower
The way to properly pump and get the best results with the fewest issues is [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words]'s 5x5x3 method. If you have not tried it, please do!
lightlyfried;687072 said:
Thanks for taking the time for this detailed reply. I'll be sure to increase the times over time, i''ll go for 7 mins today since I have had it a few days.

Don't go over 5hgs for the first month or so. I've been pumping for 6 years and recently learned that too much pressure is a waste of time for me. I dont go over 6.5 hgs anymore.
Anthony78;687511 said:
If you want to learn from an underground pumping legend check out Prelude99 over at Newart.com. He's up to a 4 inch cylinder.

ya i wish he posted here, but noobs would probably never leave him alone lol.
i think he started with 7 inch girth and hes going for 15 or something
Yes prelude is in fact a underground legend. Legend as in myth, fake
The other day someone put up a link to his thread and the chump comes across very pervy, I don't like him. The pics weren't even mind-shattering like everyone says. Yall just fans, if I prefer the [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]jes[/words] over the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]sizegenetics[/words], its virtually the same thing, only the stickers change. Also he's from the pro-pumpers camp so fuck him, salvini camp all day nigga!
When you do PE you should take pieces from different routines and find what works for you. [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]Size genetics[/words] might work better for someone and hanging might work better for the next person. That's how DLD came up with [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words]. He started with a basic [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] and discovered if he did super sets then it worked. He'd did his research and came up with [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words]. If I see someone struggling with girth or length I'll help them out any way I can even if it means directing the to a different page. The important thing is if you see something beneficial bring it back to the brotherhood.
That's th thing playboi, and I cant stress this enough. There's nothing on any site that isn't on [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]mos[/words]. Here there's been much innovation over the years, ask anyone around and they'll confirm that other websites are in a dark age compared to here
Why are people saying dont pump more the X'hgs when you cant measure in hg's with a [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]bath mate[/words] anyway????
The way I go about that is by coasting just below the max pumped length for a given set. Gradually increasing pressure as I feel the cock absorb vacuum and subsequently transferring pump length to pump girth. When i totally nuke my shit with all i got its apparent how hg isn't being used efficiently mainly from the discomfort. Fully compressed the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]x40[/words] is eleven hg but add in a vac mod and you could have up to complete vacuum
templnite;687567 said:
The other day someone put up a link to his thread and the chump comes across very pervy, I don't like him. The pics weren't even mind-shattering like everyone says. Yall just fans, if I prefer the [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]jes[/words] over the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]sizegenetics[/words], its virtually the same thing, only the stickers change. Also he's from the pro-pumpers camp so fuck him, salvini camp all day nigga!

thats racists lol
Don't let it get to you. Some people are legends in their own mind and set in their ways. People who are miserable in their own skin will find any reason to disagree with someone.
lightlyfried;687733 said:
2.25. x 11. The diameter was an over shoot but i've been using seals to counteract that.

I've tried the seal method. For me it seems to pull my sack in even harder. Do you get that problem? I didn't need a seal for the 1.75in tube, and I almost dont need one for the 2.0in tube, but the 2.25 for sure (note I bought the 2.25in tube thinking that was the right one, but 2 inches turned out to be much better).
MoreThanLuck;689042 said:
I've tried the seal method. For me it seems to pull my sack in even harder. Do you get that problem? I didn't need a seal for the 1.75in tube, and I almost dont need one for the 2.0in tube, but the 2.25 for sure (note I bought the 2.25in tube thinking that was the right one, but 2 inches turned out to be much better).

Not with a seal, I can't seem to maintain an erection with or without a seal however.
lightlyfried;689046 said:
Not with a seal, I can't seem to maintain an erection with or without a seal however.

Grab some generic Viagra! It is so cheap at alldaychemist, like 80¢ a pill!
lightlyfried;689531 said:
im 19 wont that be a bad idea? plus im from uk

No dawg over there the age of sexual consent is sixteen :blush:
doublelongdaddy;689508 said:
Grab some generic Viagra! It is so cheap at alldaychemist, like 80¢ a pill!

What DLD said. I frequently use cialis these days so I can have better girth sessions. Turning on some adult entertainment helps too during pumping. Just note though that Viagra and cialis can help with erections big time, but they don't do all the heavy work. You still need to have desire. So if you're taking any antidepressants or anything that can kill the labido, then they won't help you much.
acromegaly;689983 said:
my libido is insane, im horny 24/7. i think [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]bathmate[/words] sessions 2x a day is making it worse too lol

Mine has been very low lately, not sure why. I am not depressed or going through any real stress, just a lack in libido. I hope this clears up soon.
doublelongdaddy;689993 said:
Mine has been very low lately, not sure why. I am not depressed or going through any real stress, just a lack in libido. I hope this clears up soon.

You should probably get a girl to gag on it just to make sure everything's OK
acromegaly;690028 said:
You should probably get a girl to gag on it just to make sure everything's OK

My sex drive has always been pretty high
Hell, if I don't masturbate for 2 days I become so horny - every girl I see gets so much more attractive, lol.
I would suggest using your pump with adult entertainment on the go , and while in it explore your other erogenous zones to keep hard while in it e.g. nipples stroke your thighs etc whatever feels good an use that to keep the erection, sometimes I close my eyes and really listen out for the feeling of blood getting sucked into the penis and expanding it which is exciting and fuels things which is great as it kinda fuel to the other fuel .

also try not to masturbate too much if that's something you do and save your sexual energy for the pumping / girth part of routine
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