How to get rid of this fat pad



so ive been doing pe since june havent gained anything. Im on [words=]srt[/words] right now but still havent seen anything. My bp is 6.5 in and homestly after not seeingg any gains i just wanna get my bp to be my nbel. But how do i get rid of the fat pad?
theman6;664740 said:
so ive been doing pe since june havent gained anything. Im on [words=]srt[/words] right now but still havent seen anything. My bp is 6.5 in and homestly after not seeingg any gains i just wanna get my bp to be my nbel. But how do i get rid of the fat pad?

If you haven't gained anything in months of PE you're doing something wrong..i see you have a lot of problems with've made a lot of threads...i would suggest write down everything you do,maybe even take pics or a video,and post it here,so we can help you.

About the fat pad, diet+cardio.

Diet : No junk food,no alcohol,no sugar,no white bread,nothing that has a lot of calories ( careful here,healthy foods like peanut butter,peanuts,nuts etc,have tons of calories ) stick with good meat,fish,chicken breast,vegies,fruits,tons of water daily.

Cardio : Any cardio is good,but i prefer the H.I.I.T type,google it,much more efficient.
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ChilDsh;664742 said:
If you haven't gained anything in months of PE you're doing something wrong..i see you have a lot of problems with've made a lot of threads...i would suggest write down everything you do,maybe even take pics or a video,and post it here,so we can help you.

About the fat pad, diet+cardio.

Diet : No junk food,no alcohol,no sugar,no white bread,nothing that has a lot of calories ( careful here,healthy foods like peanut butter,peanuts,nuts etc,have tons of calories ) stick with good meat,fish,chicken breast,vegies,fruits,tons of water daily.

Cardio : Any cardio is good,but i prefer the H.I.I.T type,google it,much more efficient.
You didn't mention strength training but otherwise that was on point. HIIT is really the only cardio that works for fat loss. Strength training with <1 minute rest between sets the whole workout is also excellent cardio. And your workout can be much shorter when you do that. Way harder though.
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tb007;664754 said:
You didn't mention strength training

Yea i forgot about that...another tip i can give you,theman6, is drink green tea..very good for weight loss..but this is a plus,don't expect to drink green tea alone and lose will work combined with a good diet and cardio,it will speed up the process :)
Fat pad contains fat. Lose fat. Ways to lose fat:
Change diet- 1) Go on a caloric deficit 2) Replace heavy fattening foods with fruits and vegeatbles 3) Create smaller portions of your foods instead of big meals
Start exercising- 1) Look up routines on lifting 2) Do calisthenics 3) Do a hybrid of lifting, calisthenics (bodyweight), and cardio 4) Just pure cardio Ex: Running, jogging, swimming, riding your bike, etc.
theman6;664740 said:
so ive been doing pe since june havent gained anything. Im on [words=]srt[/words] right now but still havent seen anything. My bp is 6.5 in and homestly after not seeingg any gains i just wanna get my bp to be my nbel. But how do i get rid of the fat pad?

Getting rid of the Fat Pad means getting rid of fat from the entire body, there is not spot training. I had my fat pad down to .25" (see Perfect Penis Movie) To accomplish this I had to change my entire lifestyle. Diet & Exercise and over time you will loose more and more fat exposing more and more penis. Also, you have only been doing the [words=]SRT[/words] for about 2 weeks, I would not expect to much after such a short time. To see the validity of any routine means sticking with it for 3 months and seeing where you are then. If things are going well stick with it, if not you will need to turn up intensity or change the routine completely. Stay inspired and give yourself the 3 months to see positive changes.
templnite;665058 said:
Where will he get his gym fuel then :/

I'm only taking in 1600 calories per day and can still work a 40hr week + get 6 - 7 gym sessions a week in and have heaps of energy. In a little over a month and a half my body fat % has dropped from 30% to 20.1% and the visual difference around the pubic bone is very noticeable &#128077;I'll have to take a measurement soon to see what the difference between bpel and nbpel is as it used to be a full inch hidden by fat not that long ago.

But totally agree with what was mentioned above, good nutrition (in deficit) and hydration coupled with a consistent weights routine with hiit cardio for calorie dumps is the best way to get rid of fat &#128512;
Muscles are a pulley system, so you'll have to focus on exercises that use the pulleys in the pelvis. Think something like the thigh master, and anything that forces you to pull your legs toward your pelvis. Squats are also pretty good for thinning out the pelvic area.

Other than that the whole body approach isn't half bad. Cardio mixed in with muscle confusion has done amazing things for me. The more you can handle the better.
VoorheesXIII;665070 said:
I'm only taking in 1600 calories per day and can still work a 40hr week + get 6 - 7 gym sessions a week in and have heaps of energy. In a little over a month and a half my body fat % has dropped from 30% to 20.1% and the visual difference around the pubic bone is very noticeable &#128077;I'll have to take a measurement soon to see what the difference between bpel and nbpel is as it used to be a full inch hidden by fat not that long ago.

But totally agree with what was mentioned above, good nutrition (in deficit) and hydration coupled with a consistent weights routine with hiit cardio for calorie dumps is the best way to get rid of fat &#128512;

Good for you. I am taking in about the same calories but not exercising, I am at 211 right now. I lost a total of 6 pounds in 4 months, just terrible. I now know the only way to make this happen is to get off my lazy ass and exercise.
P90x, p90x2, p90x3, insanity, and Piyo are all good at home work outs if you don't like going to a gym like me. I recently started taking a supplement called phentadrexx which is the best fat burner I've ever taken. No jitters at all. It suppresses my appetite and delivers 12 hours of energy and mental focus with no negative effect on libido or EQ.
you can get liposuction lol but it will come back

Not arguing for liposuction, just mentioning the evil math of getting fat. The original fat cells (most types) have to expand to 1,000 times their original size before they split in half and double their number.

When they split in half, they're still around 500 times their original size each. Then instead of needing to grow 1,000 times in size in order to multiply again, they only need to double in size.


And if you get fatter and then lose weight, you'll still have a higher number of fats cells than if you'd always been thinner.

If you lose weight and maintain the loss for a long time, without 'yo-yo-ing' up and down, then finally your body might reduce the number of fats cells to a lower amount.

Always remember that our genetics were not built upon a modern society with McDonalds on every corner. Wild animals don't stand still so you can eat them. There's no such thing as a buttered bread tree. Before society, people had to work get food, chase it, climb for it, stab someone over it, .. and really really often. Even farming, which goes back thousands of years, is relatively new genetically-speaking.

Muscles are made to Move. That's why sitting around makes them stiff and sore, and for that matter .. weak. If you have an area of fat, it is marking a location of muscles which are not being used enough to burn off what you're cramming into your mouth-hole.

Essentially you cannot spot reduce (you can some, like a tennis player's serving arm vs their non-serving arm, but that effect is a very small amount and won't help you get rid of your fat pad). Storage areas of fat are placed atop the muscles that Should be using them. (if you can find a person with congenitally missing muscles, the area of fat will be missing from that area as well.)

But you can't just cut calories to lose weight because your body doesn't go "oh ok, we need to look better naked" ... it goes .. "holy f*ck, we're starving to death .. there must be a Famine going on", and it will do Two irritating things ... lower your metabolism so you burn fat even more slowly, .. and since fat is the last-ditch survival mechanism for not dying of starvation your body will start burning everything it has Except Fat to save fat for Last. It very much Will Happily burn up hard-earned muscle for fuel before even considering burning fat if you're restricting calories the wrong way. And then try to overcompensate when you start eating again by storing fat like crazy .. for the Next "famine" that comes along. This is why yo-yo dieters get super fat.

The body will also store fat if it is encountering environmental toxins (or parasitic mycotoxins) that it can't excrete out of your body .. whether for poor liver function, or poor organic sulfur intake, or never working up a sweat, or having jammed-up bowels, etc. It can't just let the toxins run around loose, so it'll try to lock them down by buffering them with fat, and that gets stored.

You can outsmart your body, drop your calories and still burn fat, if you feed it every Essential thing it needs: complete protein sets, essential fats, essential vitamins and minerals .. and then exercise. It's not technically 'missing' anything ..except maintenance calories for your previous higher weight.. so it will let you burn fat off .. and pretty quickly. Do any of this wrong though and it'll make you regret it with exhaustion or fat storage or both.

There's a great point that can be put into one sentence: Eat the calories you'd need in order to have maintenance for your Target bodyweight.

If those calories are essential nutrients, instead of empty junk, you can do pretty much whatever else you want with them. If you want to be 250lbs, eat for 250lbs. If you don't, .. then stop it, and eat like someone smaller.

There's two books I wanna mention so i can get them out of my head and maybe remember one other thing I meant to say ..

Book: You're Not Fat, You're Toxic -Stephanie Relfe

Book: The 4-hour Body -Timothy Ferriss

Both great. But not helping me remember the other subject.

Anyway, .. also check into something called Futile Cycling (if the FDA hasn't ran every possible form of it out of business.) Futile Cycling, or Protein Uncoupling Protein 1, or UCP1, or Thermogenin .. is a process whereby you can make your cell's mitochondria burn energy/fat for no ostensible reason. If you can find any actual UCP1 thermogens these days, add some L-Carnitine to process as it has a lipotropic effect of helping the body's fat stores get moved around where they need to go. Some sites (within the body, not the internet) are better at doing this than other sites, but afterwards the body will try to reallocate/redistribute the stores .. so using energy somewhere causes the loss of fat from everywhere. It's analogous to bicycling, holding yourself in a sitting position while your legs/butt do all the work isn't a great ab exercise, but you'll get smaller in the stomach from it once it redistributes.

Ah, the other thing .. "EPOC" (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption). If you (say) ride a stationary cycle for 15 minutes and get off it, your metabolism will be raised for a pretty similar number of minutes afterwards and then return to normal. Not a lot of calories burned. If you go for 15 minutes on the cycle and then immediately go to sleep, the drop in metabolism back to normal will be immediate..

But if you do an exercise (any exercise) Hard, and make inroads against your ability to recover quickly .. be out of breath, be tired .. but probably euphoric, be slightly sore later on, then your metabolism can be increased for hours and hours or even for several Days .. even though you stopped exercising a long time ago, and sleep doesn't drop this by much either. It's like free fat loss. Read up on it, you'll find a list of good EPOC activities, probably at the top of these will be anything named Tabata. Be careful/slow at first with Tabata .. the weights recommend wont seem like much, but if you're not used to it you'll be laid up on the couch, in a knot, for a week hating life. :cool:

Also I don't know you, or what shape you're currently in, so use your head. -- If something seems wrong then it is. -- Rest and get fitter before trying it again.
Chas79;665319 said:
P90x, p90x2, p90x3, insanity, and Piyo are all good at home work outs if you don't like going to a gym like me. I recently started taking a supplement called phentadrexx which is the best fat burner I've ever taken. No jitters at all. It suppresses my appetite and delivers 12 hours of energy and mental focus with no negative effect on libido or EQ.

My father got great results by doing insanity but of course you need a strict diet as well.
kyomoto;665583 said:
My father got great results by doing insanity but of course you need a strict diet as well.

I will try this insanity workout,thanks for sharing that :)
Liposuction is something I would not consider as I know that I can get rid of the fat-pad myself through diet and exercise. I have had a fat-pad as thick as 3" and as thin as .25" can be done but it takes strict discipline.
doublelongdaddy;665598 said:
Liposuction is something I would not consider as I know that I can get rid of the fat-pad myself through diet and exercise. I have had a fat-pad as thick as 3" and as thin as .25" can be done but it takes strict discipline.

You're right :) You have to be patience because the fat in the pubic zone is pretty hard to get rid of,but it's worth it in the end.
doublelongdaddy;665598 said:
I have had a fat-pad as thick as 3" and as thin as .25".

Wow mike is that what maniac episodes do? Such a small fat pad I'd imagine you looked like a crackhead XD. You have the built-in Thermogenin like jason bourne
templnite;665643 said:
Wow mike is that what maniac episodes do? Such a small fat pad I'd imagine you looked like a crackhead XD. You have the built-in Thermogenin like jason bourne

It is unreal my Brother! When I get manic I can lose 100 pounds in a snap, like magic it goes away. I have not gotten manic in almost 3 years so I have not enjoyed that incredibly fast weight loss. Today, after 4 months of dieting, I have lost 7 pounds...pretty depressing considering what mania does.
Yeah its trippy the way some peoples brain is so different its like they're sub-human o_o.
doublelongdaddy;665737 said:
It is unreal my Brother! When I get manic I can lose 100 pounds in a snap, like magic it goes away. I have not gotten manic in almost 3 years so I have not enjoyed that incredibly fast weight loss. Today, after 4 months of dieting, I have lost 7 pounds...pretty depressing considering what mania does.

Natural loss is a better loss. You work harder for it and you can shove it in the face of those cheaters. Like you see all these guys using steroid while theres naturals getting, not the same results but very close results by just following their hard work ethic. Also not to mention that your body gets used to the hard work and you can start doing even more work and progress just like in PE.
kyomoto;665763 said:
Natural loss is a better loss. You work harder for it and you can shove it in the face of those cheaters. Like you see all these guys using steroid while theres naturals getting, not the same results but very close results by just following their hard work ethic. Also not to mention that your body gets used to the hard work and you can start doing even more work and progress just like in PE.

That is what my doctors and therapist have been telling me. They said that the rapid loss could put strain on my heart. I just wish I could lose faster but I already know what will make that happen, exercise! I really hate exercising:)
doublelongdaddy;665866 said:
That is what my doctors and therapist have been telling me. They said that the rapid loss could put strain on my heart. I just wish I could lose faster but I already know what will make that happen, exercise! I really hate exercising:)

Haha. If you want to make it easier just make an exercise routine to lose weight. Keep adding 1 minute each day until you reach at least 30 minutes a day. Well idk what type of exercise you want to do.
kyomoto;665910 said:
Haha. If you want to make it easier just make an exercise routine to lose weight. Keep adding 1 minute each day until you reach at least 30 minutes a day. Well idk what type of exercise you want to do.

I know, I know...I am a LAZY fuck. I already know that the thing that is holding me back is exercise but it is very hard for me to start. This has been a very tough year for me and I am taking things slow so as not to become too overwhelmed.
doublelongdaddy;666010 said:
I know, I know...I am a LAZY fuck. I already know that the thing that is holding me back is exercise but it is very hard for me to start. This has been a very tough year for me and I am taking things slow so as not to become too overwhelmed.

Take a gander at this video for health if you're interested. It's not about fitness but more over about health and I thought it would be helpful for you as well as many others. It's alright to disagree and agree with the video I'm just here to share something I thought was worth of value to look at. That is all. Thank you

kyomoto;666037 said:
Take a gander at this video for health if you're interested. It's not about fitness but more over about health and I thought it would be helpful for you as well as many others. It's alright to disagree and agree with the video I'm just here to share something I thought was worth of value to look at. That is all. Thank you


Thank you so much my Brother! I will finish watching it tonight.
doublelongdaddy;666421 said:
Thank you so much my Brother! I will finish watching it tonight.

No problem, the key really is happiness. That's what you should mainly take from it. Happiness = healthy.
kyomoto;666428 said:
No problem, the key really is happiness. That's what you should mainly take from it. Happiness = healthy.

Great video and very inspiring. I also love Abraham Hicks and Bashar (both on Youtube free). Kind of strange at first but soon their message becomes clear.
doublelongdaddy;666596 said:
Great video and very inspiring. I also love Abraham Hicks and Bashar (both on Youtube free). Kind of strange at first but soon their message becomes clear.

You just have to think differently about it if you allow yourself to. But the message to receive is happiness overall, over everything which I thought of to be true because it's all in the mentality as well.
kyomoto;664757 said:
Go on a caloric deficit

The only thing that matters. How you do it is up to you:

You can do 2 things:

1. Increase your caloric output -> Excercise more
2. Decrease your caloric input -> Eat less

Simple as that.

Ideally you'll combine working out in the gym 3-5 times a week with a smart program (focusing on compound excercises) with a bit of cardio, either directly after your strength workouts or early in the morning.
MoS-Newbie;666672 said:
The only thing that matters. How you do it is up to you:

You can do 2 things:

1. Increase your caloric output -> Excercise more
2. Decrease your caloric input -> Eat less

Simple as that.

Ideally you'll combine working out in the gym 3-5 times a week with a smart program (focusing on compound excercises) with a bit of cardio, either directly after your strength workouts or early in the morning.

There's many ways to go about it, heck you can even do intermittent fasting. I did it and it worked out real good for me. The main thing is to burn it away with exercise, with that in mind food doesn't matter as long as you can just burn those calories.
kyomoto;666761 said:
There's many ways to go about it, heck you can even do intermittent fasting. I did it and it worked out real good for me. The main thing is to burn it away with exercise, with that in mind food doesn't matter as long as you can just burn those calories.

I've made good experiences with IF as well. It's great not to worry about food for so many hours per day.

For me, bulking is way harder. I hate stuffing my face with 3000 to 4000 calories per day from healthy sources :P
Its the same thing as with anything bros just go to the gym everyday having unyielding tenacity
MoS-Newbie;666791 said:
I've made good experiences with IF as well. It's great not to worry about food for so many hours per day.

For me, bulking is way harder. I hate stuffing my face with 3000 to 4000 calories per day from healthy sources :P

Healthy foods are the way to go :) gotta get results somehow. Bulking is easy, clean bulking is hard haha. I personally don't count calores, I just count if I am getting enough protein daily because carbohydrates are in pretty much everything and are easy to estimate, fats are also easy to estimate.
kyomoto;666860 said:
Healthy foods are the way to go :) gotta get results somehow. Bulking is easy, clean bulking is hard haha. I personally don't count calores, I just count if I am getting enough protein daily because carbohydrates are in pretty much everything and are easy to estimate, fats are also easy to estimate.

I was obviously refering to clean bulking :D :D

Everyone can bulk up with the help of Mc D lol :D
Constant movement, small, healthy meals, lots of water, use as much of your energy in every day you can. When I get manic and lose 100 pounds in a month this is exactly what happens. I am moving all the time, eating tiny meals to keep me going, drink lots of H2O...this is what worked for me.
doublelongdaddy;666974 said:
Constant movement, small, healthy meals, lots of water, use as much of your energy in every day you can. When I get manic and lose 100 pounds in a month this is exactly what happens. I am moving all the time, eating tiny meals to keep me going, drink lots of H2O...this is what worked for me.

That's great. Water really helps fill you up and many underestimate the power of what water can do. Drinking a full glass of water before a meal will usually help you eat less. That's something I've heard of. But yes plenty of water to cleanse your body. Small portions to not over eat as many do here in America without realizing it. And of course constant motion to burn calories even without the rigorous exercise.
kyomoto;667037 said:
That's great. Water really helps fill you up and many underestimate the power of what water can do. Drinking a full glass of water before a meal will usually help you eat less. That's something I've heard of. But yes plenty of water to cleanse your body. Small portions to not over eat as many do here in America without realizing it. And of course constant motion to burn calories even without the rigorous exercise.

That is the best I can describe it, I mean it is in no way a natural way to lose weight, it is born out of mania but my description is the best I can give.
jekyllnhyde360;667212 said:
Try a juice fast, or if your really brave a water fast.

Those are extreme but there are people that live with a juice or water fast and it's incredible.
Green tea is also very good for metabolism..if you eat small frequent meals + green tea, you're gonna speed up your metabolism really fast.
ChilDsh;667283 said:
Green tea is also very good for metabolism..if you eat small frequent meals + green tea, you're gonna speed up your metabolism really fast.

Just have to make sure the green tea is all natural with no caffeine and extra ingredients.
ChilDsh;667283 said:
Green tea is also very good for metabolism..if you eat small frequent meals + green tea, you're gonna speed up your metabolism really fast.

Did not know this, I will substitute my StarBucks coffee to plain green tea. Anything to get my metabolism running faster.
doublelongdaddy;667400 said:
Did not know this, I will substitute my StarBucks coffee to plain green tea. Anything to get my metabolism running faster.

Yeah tea is much better. You can always have coffe, just don't add sugar. Try different types of teas and also research some for different medicinal effects.
doublelongdaddy;667400 said:
Did not know this, I will substitute my StarBucks coffee to plain green tea. Anything to get my metabolism running faster.

From what I heard strong black coffe, with no add-ons like sugar or milk, should speed up your metabolism too. Add ginger and you're golden.
GhostRider;667555 said:
From what I heard strong black coffe, with no add-ons like sugar or milk, should speed up your metabolism too. Add ginger and you're golden.

I drink my coffee with a little bit of chocolate syrup and a tiny bit of milk. This is a big change from what I used to drink, which was the same coffee with cream, sugar and syrup. When I was drinking those I was sluggish, I feel a bit more pep with the new, lower fat/sugar coffee. I still want to try green tea as there are additional benefits to it. Anyway, thanks for your suggestion.
If your really looking to drop poundage quickly, intermittent fasting is the way to go, NOTHING compares to the fat loss and satisfaction you get when you IF and do hiit training.

i like to keep my eating window 4 hour, so 6-10 pm.
I feast the f*** out every night, and wake up leaner and leaner, its amazing.
Coffee is incredible, and has caught a bad wrap, but the truth is it has the benefits of everything from a hunger suppressant energy booster to neuro protective abilities, research coffee and parkinsons, it can literally protect against neuro degenerative disease.
Also, abput green tea, yes green tea is very good and has the polyphenols EGCG, which help with weight loss and antiaging, but you have to make sure it does not come from china, even if organic, 90% of green teas out of china have heavy lead content, do the research.
Hope this helps.
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