you can get liposuction lol but it will come back
Not arguing
for liposuction, just mentioning the evil math of getting fat. The original fat cells (most types) have to expand to 1,000 times their original size before they split in half and double their number.
When they split in half, they're still around 500 times their original size each. Then instead of needing to grow 1,000 times in size in order to multiply again, they only need to double in size.
And if you get fatter and then lose
weight, you'll still have a higher number of fats cells than if you'd always been thinner.
If you lose
weight and maintain the loss for a
long time, without 'yo-yo-ing' up and down, then finally your body might reduce the number of fats cells to a lower amount.
Always remember that our genetics were not built upon a modern society with McDonalds on every corner. Wild animals don't stand still so you can eat them. There's no such thing as a buttered bread tree. Before society, people had to work get food, chase it, climb for it, stab someone over it, .. and really really often. Even farming, which goes back thousands of years, is relatively new genetically-speaking.
Muscles are made to Move. That's why sitting around makes them stiff and sore, and for that matter .. weak. If you have an area of fat, it is marking a location of muscles which are not being used enough to burn off what you're cramming into your mouth-hole.
Essentially you cannot spot reduce (you can some, like a tennis player's serving arm vs their non-serving arm, but that effect is a very small amount and won't help you get rid of your fat pad). Storage areas of fat are placed atop the muscles that
Should be using them. (if you can find a person with congenitally missing muscles, the area of fat will be missing from that area as well.)
But you can't just cut calories to lose
weight because your body doesn't go "oh ok, we need to look better naked" ... it goes .. "holy f*ck, we're starving to death .. there must be a Famine going on", and it will do Two irritating things ... lower your metabolism so you burn fat even
more slowly, .. and since fat is the last-ditch survival mechanism for not dying of starvation your body will start burning everything it has Except Fat to save fat for Last. It very much Will Happily burn up hard-earned muscle for fuel before even considering burning fat if you're restricting calories the wrong way. And then try to overcompensate when you start eating again by storing fat like crazy .. for the Next "famine" that comes along. This is why yo-yo dieters get super fat.
The body will also store fat if it is encountering environmental toxins (or parasitic mycotoxins) that it can't excrete out of your body .. whether for poor liver function, or poor organic sulfur intake, or never working up a sweat, or having jammed-up bowels, etc. It can't just let the toxins run around loose, so it'll try to lock them down by buffering them with fat, and that gets stored.
You can outsmart your body, drop your calories and still burn fat, if you feed it every Essential thing it needs: complete protein sets, essential fats, essential vitamins and minerals .. and then exercise. It's not technically 'missing' anything ..except maintenance calories for your previous higher
weight.. so it will let you burn fat off .. and pretty quickly. Do any of this wrong though and it'll make you regret it with exhaustion or fat storage or both.
There's a great point that can be put into one sentence: Eat the calories you'd need in order to have maintenance for your
Target bodyweight.
If those calories are essential nutrients, instead of empty junk, you can do pretty much whatever else you want with them. If you want to be 250lbs, eat for 250lbs. If you don't, .. then stop it, and eat like someone smaller.
There's two books I wanna mention so i can get them out of my head and maybe remember one other thing I meant to say ..
Book: You're Not Fat, You're Toxic -Stephanie Relfe
Book: The 4-hour Body -Timothy Ferriss
Both great. But not helping me remember the other subject.
Anyway, .. also check into something called Futile Cycling (if the FDA hasn't ran every possible form of it out of business.) Futile Cycling, or Protein Uncoupling Protein 1, or UCP1, or Thermogenin .. is a process whereby you can make your cell's mitochondria burn energy/fat for no ostensible reason. If you can find any actual UCP1 thermogens these days, add some L-Carnitine to process as it has a lipotropic effect of helping the body's fat stores get moved around where they need to go. Some sites (within the body, not the internet) are better at doing this than other sites, but afterwards the body will try to reallocate/redistribute the stores .. so using energy somewhere causes the loss of fat from everywhere. It's analogous to bicycling, holding yourself in a sitting position while your legs/butt do all the work isn't a great ab exercise, but you'll get smaller in the stomach from it once it redistributes.
Ah, the other thing .. "EPOC" (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption). If you (say) ride a stationary cycle for 15 minutes and get off it, your metabolism will be raised for a pretty similar number of minutes afterwards and then return to normal. Not a lot of calories burned. If you go for 15 minutes on the cycle and then immediately go to sleep, the drop in metabolism back to normal will be immediate..
But if you do an exercise (any exercise)
Hard, and make inroads against your ability to recover quickly .. be out of breath, be tired .. but probably euphoric, be slightly sore later on, then your metabolism can be increased for hours and hours or even for
several Days .. even though you stopped exercising a long time ago, and sleep doesn't drop this by much either. It's like free fat loss. Read up on it, you'll find a list of good EPOC activities, probably at the top of these will be anything named
Tabata. Be careful/slow at first with Tabata .. the
weights recommend wont seem like much, but if you're not used to it you'll be laid up on the couch, in a knot, for a week hating life.
Also I don't know you, or what shape you're currently in, so use your head. -- If something seems wrong then it is. -- Rest and get fitter before trying it again.