jekyllnhyde360;667706 said:If your really looking to drop poundage quickly, intermittent fasting is the way to go, NOTHING compares to the fat loss and satisfaction you get when you IF and do hiit training.
i like to keep my eating window 4 hour, so 6-10 pm.
I feast the f*** out every night, and wake up leaner and leaner, its amazing.
Coffee is incredible, and has caught a bad wrap, but the truth is it has the benefits of everything from a hunger suppressant energy booster to neuro protective abilities, research coffee and parkinsons, it can literally protect against neuro degenerative disease.
Also, abput green tea, yes green tea is very good and has the polyphenols EGCG, which help with weight loss and antiaging, but you have to make sure it does not come from china, even if organic, 90% of green teas out of china have heavy lead content, do the research.
Hope this helps.
yep helps a lot. Hardest part is getting enough protein in your diet w/o getting full.