millionman said:hey still...why would you ever want to have the surgery???
millionman said:I suppose so, but don't you think that's a tad risky for a bigger penis....You are already over 8 what's the big concern....
turtlechan said:I've spent a total of $50 and I am not planning on spending a penny more.
Jason1 said:Hey SWM how much is that surgery?
stillwantmore said:Around $4,000 ish depending on where ya go.
quijjiboo said:Do it yourself
Yea I was joking, but seriously I've heard of people doing their own surgery before. On a steroid forum there was this guy who removed gyno from his chest, scary stuffoopapercutoo said:Hmm...I'm unable to tell if you're joking or how about you enlighten me...
ctmwm said:That in my opinion is all anyone would ever need.
- 50.00 to [words=]MOS[/words] Paysite
- 150.00 for a bib starter
- 50.00 on a [words=]Power Assist[/words]
- 50.00 on Stainless Steel Ball Weights
GOMER_PYLE said:I've spent roughly $665.00 and roughly $207.00 of that has been spent on things from this site such as the [words=]MoS[/words] membership, [words=]MoS[/words] [words=]Power Assist[/words], and my Bib Starter. The remainder was spent on various member sites, pills, pumps, stretchers, etc. and this site has been the greatest help BY FAR and the sad thing is that ITS FREE!!! Honestly, I should have only had to pay for my Bib Starter and thats it. If I would have known that my hands couldn't take the stress I wouldn't have purchased the [words=]MoS[/words] membership and the [words=]Power Assist[/words]. I was happy to make the donation though, lol. Oh well, hind sight is 20/20.
jakb said:Where did you get the ball weights? I am looking for that. What size do you use/start at?
Add a $60 pump to that and I pretty much agree! I guess you do have to add in lube and a cable clamp or 4, as I have broke 3 of them now.
Rohrverleger said:
Yes. Great, indeed.VladtheImpaler said:Great....
Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shoppedguin said:Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend