:drinkup: tip one back for me...
there are a few mental things you go through when it first dawns on you what circumcision really is and what it means for you personally and what was actually done to your body. Most guys can't seem to get past the denial part. They just go on their merry way, thinking nothing really happened, like the doc just snipped off a fucking vestigial tail or hangnail or something. I guess it's true that ignorance is bliss, but that was never my bag, baby.
You're going to become very interested in this subject. Do the research, read the history, learn about the fucking REAL anatomy of the male cock, before anyone started hacking on it and designing it the bloody way they see fit.
Then you're going to get really mad, cause it's so fucking stupid. What is the point of trimming off half the fucking skin of a cock if it's not to curb our sexual appetite and enjoyment like we're some kind of animals that can't control ourselves and our urges? You can talk about hygiene and conformity, tradition and religion and penile cancer rates, but it is all BULLSHIT! Circumcision was created and continues to be performed for the sole purpose of taming the male sex drive. In ancient history, it was used on slaves as a form of punisHydromaxent and oppression. In Jewish tradition, it was a kind of brand to declare a man's Jewishness and to drive a wedge between man and wife so that they would be more devoted to the preisthood. The United States picked it up in the 1800's as a cure for lust and masturbation during a religious, anti-sex mania, promoted by a crazy doctor [who never circumcised himself, by the way] who believed that celibacy and bran flakes were the cure for all mankinds ills. Then, during WWII, the armed forces continued the tradition, imposing the procedure on its recruits wholesale... and I bet you can guess why.
After the anger, you'll go through a mourning period, as the full implication of it sinks in and you realize you're just another sausage in the meat grinder.
Finally, comes acceptance...and then hope.
As you continue to restore, and make more progress... as you observe the changes in your body and see it changing into a more natural form... you will feel a kind of empowerment.
Keep on tugging, fellas. I'm getting close and it feels great. I feel sexy. I'm more horny. I'm more hung. Sex has become a more intimate act. My dick feels great. Even when I'm just sitting around, watching TV or tap-tap-tapping away at my keyboard, there's just a kind of feeling of comfort and... almost pleasure... it's hard to describe unless you know what I'm talking about. It just feels good and right.