I have an erection that points straight out, parallel to the ground. I would assume I have a loose suspensory ligament. This makes it seem like I need to hang weights in a different angle.

Rather than the topside growing longer, I would like the bottom side of the shaft to get longer.

Is Over The Shoulder the best angle for this?
Would a fulcrum placed on the topside, or bottomside of the penis be best for what I want to achieve?

Maybe DLD could stop by for this one, since I have been quite diligent in my hanging the past couple months, with no gains I can see.
If hanging doesn't do it for you, you might try jelqing. I'm almost 70 and my erection went from straight out before I started serious jelqing to eleven o'clock after three months.
Goinfor, ur almost 70?? Damn, I had no idea, great work man.....I've seen pics and wouldn't have guessed that u were near that age at all
kushextender;293522 said:
Maybe DLD could stop by for this one, since I have been quite diligent in my hanging the past couple months, with no gains I can see.

Changing your erection angle is facilitated best by kegels. Going from 6:00 to 12:00 is like time travel:) Start with 7:00 and work through the angles with confidence and patience. A very good way to kegel and make faster results is this. Get an erection and make it bounce. This is done by doing a kegel while erect. This will help the PC muscles become stronger and over time your erection angle will improve. You may even want to increase this intensity by laying down, flat with an erection and put some slight resistance against your erection (use a hand or a light booklet, etc.) and do the same bouncing technique. This will increase your erection angle incredibly.

Now, lets talk about your ligaments and the current angle of your penis. This, in many ways, is beneficial to your Penis Enlargement. Having low hanging ligs allows for a greater stretch for length. I understand that many believe that short ligs equal greater length gains and in many ways they do but longer ligs give more slack of length to stretch against. I believe you will increase your erection angle greatly but I also believe you will make genius length gains.

So I gathered two things:
1. More kegels, and bouncing boners. (bouncing boners, nice name haha)
2. O.T.S. with a fulcrum place along the topside.

1. So would it be more beneficial to kegel before or after a hanging set?
2. Does this over the shoulder hanging, with the fulcrum placed between my stomach, and topside of shaft, sound like a good setup?
3. Is kegeling while hanging good? I know DLD has an exercise where you kegel while pulling, but length gets shorter momentarily while doing this. Just wondering the thought process...

Im going to start a totally new angle for my hanging sets very soon.
Great concrete advice, as usual, from the expert. I had forgotten about the kegeling. I would place a towel (heavy) on my dick and kegel like crazy. :P
Kegeling while hanging is alright to do. Bib has stated that he did that. What is your lot and mirror test, kush? Do you hang everyday? How many sets do you hang per day?
Hi painekilla. I will have to look into the LOT and mirror test again, as I never took them seriously. I do hang everyday now, on a good day which is most, 1 set in the morning 30min, than 2 sets after work 30 min each. 12.5lbs.

I have noticed recently for the first time a gain I believe. I read the same length at a certain angle, but when I push the erection down a little I read a 1/4" longer than Ive ever seen.

One thought was, the angle that ive been hanging is where it is longer. I now think OTS with a fulcrum is the only way to go...for me. Would a pulley setup be possible while sitting for OTS?
If your lot and mirror test are anything near decent to high you will get quick gains follow my directions. First pull the dick straight up by the head and kegel, slightly go down until you notice no more pulling back from a kegel. Tell me what hour you get while doing this. Next step is get hard and stand in front mirror, is your exit point high or low? Easiest way is to think of an imaginary line by your groin. Most adult entertainment stars have low exit points because they fully lengthened their ligaments, watch a adult entertainment and see what im talking about. After you do these tests report to me what happened. The quickest gains would be BTC, because doing BTC and stretching the ligs is fast and also helps get gains quicker while doing OTS. Once you stop gaining from BTC, then you change to a different angle such as OTS and you will gain faster as opposed to going straight to OTS.
Ok so I pretty much already knew my exit point without the mirror test, but what this has shown is a low exit point, with a little space in between the pubic bone. This leads me to believe I have little to gain in the ligs.

I did pull by the tip and kegel. It seemed to have a pretty strong pull pointing up, and as the angle got to parallel to the ground it was still decent strength. I would say right below the parallel to the ground point, it started to get a noticeably weak kegel. Whats wierd is my erection angle is only slightly above this "weak kegel area angle"
Ive been hanging pretty heavily for about 5 months, with little to no gains. I have been hanging with pulleys mainly while sitting, at what I would consider all below parallel angles as I like to call them. I recently started trying OTS just cause of this post, but felt little fatigue, even though I get very good tugback with OTS...

What are your thoughts?
Sounds exactly like me except my exit point is medium and my lot is about 8. I hung for about 5 months and didn't gain anything. Switched to BTC by bib's advice and already gained. I was doing the same thing, but without pulleys. I did heavy ots for 1 week, then asked bib for advice and he recommended to hit BTC hard until I stop getting gains from BTC. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks of hanging BTC everyday and I have gained, but I will make an official measurement. Bib explained how doing BTC until the gains stop, then moving to OTS will make gaining from OTS a whole lot easier. Try doing BTC for a couple weeks, then tell me your results. You have to do 4 or more 20 minute BTC sets per day, if you don't have time then 3 on certain days would be ok.

I have an important question. How is your skin and foreskin? Skin stretching is attaching the hanger closer to the base, and bib explained how skin workouts usually last 1 week and are needed if you don't have enough skin to make the penis longer. If you do have foreskin that goes over the head or at least halfway over the head then attach the hanger closer to the head, and it stretches the internal penis a lot more.

BTC is done by hanging with your ass off the chair or bed and the penis will be between the nuts. This is the easiest way for BTC hanging and I recommend you trying this for 2 weeks, then measuring. Let me know what your max is with BTC and how it feels.
I may try BTC in a month or 2. I tried OTS and it doesnt seem to give a good tug at the same weight of 12.5lbs so I decided to go back to straight out.

My skin is probably tight, but i dont think its restricting length. Im circumcised with zero foreskin coverage.

Do you use heat?
I never use heat. Hanging helped my foreskin come back, which Bib said is the correct way to make gains. Sometimes I take showers before or between sets. Bib also told me to keep vaseline around the base of my dick while hanging to keep the skin healthy. I tried all types of angles, but just started BTC and I'm hitting gains quickly.