I want to give some stats about myself first just in case it can help, Im 23, Im getting back into my sports routine after a lazy-off year, I never tried PE and Im not interested in getting my member any longer Im happy with my size but I do want and need better eq, Im starting to eat cleaner, my testosterone levels are right, my blood samples came right. I do edging since I even knew about any kind of penis exercises because when I masturbate it feels better to hold it to then cum later, so whenever I masturbate I definetely take my time and do it for an hour or close to the hour, sometimes even longer.

So I have realized that I used to get 12 oclock erections but lately they have been like a 10 or 9 If Im standing up, I also find it hard to keep it hard without stimulation and I want to increase the angle and make my erection stronger.

I started to cut off adult entertainment and wont watch it anymore.I find it difficult to achieve an erection just by my own thoughts and no stimulation, I can achieve it easily stimulating myself or texting dirty to my gf and looking at her pictures tho. I also will cut the ammount of times I cum per week masturbating. I started to take kegels serious and even if I feel like Im bad/weak at it yet, I will keep working on it, and I been doing some towel raises every now and then, should I do reverse towel raises too?

Since people have suggested me to try ballooning, should I give it a try too?

My main worry is when I have sex and I have to get the condom on, or change positions or having to stop for some reason, because I can lose my erection with no stimulation and then the condom will come out or whatever, so I want to increase the power of my erection to keep it hard longer with no stimulation.

Thank you beforehand guys, have a nice day
kegels will help with the EQ,try jelqing while you're at it. to increase the erection angle is not easy. there are two ways in my opinion,lig imbalance and creating a curvature. I wouldn't recommend the curvature because A: it will take months if not years B:you might not like it aesthetically. so lets focus on lig imbalance. what that mean is to elongate/shorten the ligaments that hold your penis in order to increase the erection angle. you can try stretching your penis upwards towards your belly button, when your flaccid try putting it in the same direction all the time and avoid downward stretching at all times.
I will try that sir @megamike can you help me with the reverse kegel-subject? how is the best way to do them? what are you supposed to feel while doing them? Will doing kegels and reverse kegels routines help to get it harder and achieve more morning woods?
Is this a duplicate thread? I could of sworn I answered this two days ago????
jimmyq;726498 said:
I will try that sir @megamike can you help me with the reverse kegel-subject? how is the best way to do them? what are you supposed to feel while doing them? Will doing kegels and reverse kegels routines help to get it harder and achieve more morning woods?

there is no "best way" to do kegels and/or reverse kegels. a kegel is when you hold your pee midstream and a reverse kegel is to push it more. try practicing that every time you take a piss. and yes they should help with that.