This is a fairly basic question, although I don't think it's discussed often in its own right on these forums.

Is erection quality (harness, duration, frequency, etc.) a key component to making good gains in PE? Say you have poor erections (due to antidepressants, a hormone imbalance, or whatever) can you still make measurable gains in size?
(This is kinda presupposing that either some day you'll be able to find a solution to the weak erections problem and so eventually reap the advantages of these gains, or use some kind of drug when you need to "perform"; because being massive yet floppy is not really a good final objective, I think. A sensible question might be, should you really bother with PE at all, until you've tackled weak erections?)

I expect people are going to shout out "kegels!" or even suggest that jelqing improves erection quality, but really, these are not solutions to every kind of erection issue; SSRIs can do a number on your wood, as can something like a low-testosterone-to-high-estrogen ratio (among other things).

Also, I suppose device-assisted PE might be more successful in these case - clamping comes to mind - but at the same time it seems that even if you make any perceptible gains, these might worsen your erection quality over time; obviously a bigger penis will require a greater supply of blood to achieve the same erection strength.

Using viagra, etc. during PE seems to be a viable option I guess, even if it doesn't deal with underlying causes of poor erections.

More concretely, are there any men here who have made decent gains despite poor erections? Did you have to take any special measures before you saw your gains?
Is erection quality (harness, duration, frequency, etc.) a key component to making good gains in PE?

No, very few exercises are done using a 100% erection, and most of those are considered extreme. Tons of size-adding exercises don't require a full erection. -- Don't resort to ED medications, imo.

Most manual work (variously) is done at partial and even flaccid ..

And equipment-aided work (variously) either does not require any tumescence .. or else helps to provide it.

.. Is your question personal or rhetorical? I can give a waaay more complete answer to it when I get a few minutes. To save time, in case it's personal, do you use pharmaco medications/what kind? smoking? overweight? chronic stress or worry?

Also, PE can both help erection quality, or if going too much at it, temporarily worsen it ... so there isn't one answer to everything ... it's all situational to the person and their health and the particular exercises they're doing .. but each situation does have an answer and/or a fix.
Thanks for the reply.

I'm aware that most exercises don't require one to sustain a strong erection. Stretching, in particular, is easier when as flaccid as possible.

It's more that I'm wondering how important it is to have frequent, spontaneous and strong erections, throughout the day (and even while sleeping), for reaping the enlargement benefit of the exercises and consolidating gains (although it's true that when I talked about taking ED medication I had certain kinds of exercises in mind).

It's been documented in research publications that certain types of priapism can induce megalophallus; even though that's an extreme example it does serve to indicate that having strong erections can have a role to play in size increase even in normal cases.

As for me, my problems began the day I started taking SSRIs. Even though I took them for only a year (and it's been a couple of years since I last took them) things have never been the same. I also have some sex hormone balance issues that I'm getting treatment for right now. It's a bit early to know whether this will resolve the erection issues, but I'm trying to stay hopeful. I've never smoked. Am slightly overweight at the moment - possibly due to the medication I'm taking - but not considerably so.
Erection quality is king in sex so it is defiantly something we want to develop and master but in the actual exercise portion of PE much of the work is done flaccid. The parts that are done with an erection or a partial erection need the blood flow to expand the tissue so finding a way to remain erect is important. SSRI drugs (and many other components) can reap havoc on eq and if natal processes do not clear this up utilizing a medication like Viagra can be a saving grace but this is only if you can not get an erection on your own. I always ask if you can become fully erect in masturbation and if the answer is yes then you do not need to take any meds, you only need to learn to relax and give yourself a break. Find more creative ways to work erect, the new SRT [words=]FleshLight[/words] Method is a perfect example of an exercise that is like sex while remaining in the exercise realm.
This is a fairly basic question, although I don't think it's discussed often in its own right on these forums.

Is erection quality (harness, duration, frequency, etc.) a key component to making good gains in PE? Say you have poor erections (due to antidepressants, a hormone imbalance, or whatever) can you still make measurable gains in size?
(This is kinda presupposing that either some day you'll be able to find a solution to the weak erections problem and so eventually reap the advantages of these gains, or use some kind of drug when you need to "perform"; because being massive yet floppy is not really a good final objective, I think. A sensible question might be, should you really bother with PE at all, until you've tackled weak erections?)

I expect people are going to shout out "kegels!" or even suggest that jelqing improves erection quality, but really, these are not solutions to every kind of erection issue; SSRIs can do a number on your wood, as can something like a low-testosterone-to-high-estrogen ratio (among other things).

Also, I suppose device-assisted PE might be more successful in these case - clamping comes to mind - but at the same time it seems that even if you make any perceptible gains, these might worsen your erection quality over time; obviously a bigger penis will require a greater supply of blood to achieve the same erection strength.

Using viagra, etc. during PE seems to be a viable option I guess, even if it doesn't deal with underlying causes of poor erections.

More concretely, are there any men here who have made decent gains despite poor erections? Did you have to take any special measures before you saw your gains?

Hello brother, have you been able to solve the erection issue?