This is a fairly basic question, although I don't think it's discussed often in its own right on these forums.
Is erection quality (harness, duration, frequency, etc.) a key component to making good gains in PE? Say you have poor erections (due to antidepressants, a hormone imbalance, or whatever) can you still make measurable gains in size?
(This is kinda presupposing that either some day you'll be able to find a solution to the weak erections problem and so eventually reap the advantages of these gains, or use some kind of drug when you need to "perform"; because being massive yet floppy is not really a good final objective, I think. A sensible question might be, should you really bother with PE at all, until you've tackled weak erections?)
I expect people are going to shout out "kegels!" or even suggest that jelqing improves erection quality, but really, these are not solutions to every kind of erection issue; SSRIs can do a number on your wood, as can something like a low-testosterone-to-high-estrogen ratio (among other things).
Also, I suppose device-assisted PE might be more successful in these case - clamping comes to mind - but at the same time it seems that even if you make any perceptible gains, these might worsen your erection quality over time; obviously a bigger penis will require a greater supply of blood to achieve the same erection strength.
Using viagra, etc. during PE seems to be a viable option I guess, even if it doesn't deal with underlying causes of poor erections.
More concretely, are there any men here who have made decent gains despite poor erections? Did you have to take any special measures before you saw your gains?
Is erection quality (harness, duration, frequency, etc.) a key component to making good gains in PE? Say you have poor erections (due to antidepressants, a hormone imbalance, or whatever) can you still make measurable gains in size?
(This is kinda presupposing that either some day you'll be able to find a solution to the weak erections problem and so eventually reap the advantages of these gains, or use some kind of drug when you need to "perform"; because being massive yet floppy is not really a good final objective, I think. A sensible question might be, should you really bother with PE at all, until you've tackled weak erections?)
I expect people are going to shout out "kegels!" or even suggest that jelqing improves erection quality, but really, these are not solutions to every kind of erection issue; SSRIs can do a number on your wood, as can something like a low-testosterone-to-high-estrogen ratio (among other things).
Also, I suppose device-assisted PE might be more successful in these case - clamping comes to mind - but at the same time it seems that even if you make any perceptible gains, these might worsen your erection quality over time; obviously a bigger penis will require a greater supply of blood to achieve the same erection strength.
Using viagra, etc. during PE seems to be a viable option I guess, even if it doesn't deal with underlying causes of poor erections.
More concretely, are there any men here who have made decent gains despite poor erections? Did you have to take any special measures before you saw your gains?