I myself have a lot of respect for thunder. When I first researched pe I saw a youtube video that lead to their site. I read a little bit and then asked a question. When i was called an "idiot newbie" and was told I should visit here with the rest of the idiots....I did. Hahaha, I dont even remember what my name was on there. If it wasnt for their asshole comment I probably would have just forgot about it. Thats why it took me so long to post anything here. I read posts and responses and realized not everyone in the PE world was an asshole and some people (the brotherhood) actually enjoyed helping, teaching and talking to people like they were human. So again, they made the mistake by leading me here.
I guess respect was the wromg term...thankful is a better way to describe it.
Threak-X;690705 said:
According to Thund3rs Pl@ce DLD is a fake, a thief, and a liar... all hear say(opinions).

If you go through DoubleLongDaddy's old threads on Thund3rs Pl@ce you can see DLD's mind was always working on different exercises and better methods of PE. Such is life (c'est la vie), DLD got banned from Thunder's and it freed him to go on to do bigger and better things for himself...creating a welcoming PE Forum of Brotherhood aka PHILADELPHIA("brotherly love").

It doesn't really Matters whom(DLD) invented the exercise(s), you cannot patent a single exercise. Now, if you put exercises together in a routine, you can patent a routine of DLD's exercises...

I find it ironic that Thunder banished DLD over 10-years ago from his forum and he and his minions every so often break the crust to stir the pot to stink up the place. They still can't let it go... ha ha ha

shortdick;690706 said:
They are suposed to be thankful to DLD he showed them n taught them lots of things..:)

Noodlenugs;690716 said:
I myself have a lot of respect for thunder. When I first researched pe I saw a youtube video that lead to their site. I read a little bit and then asked a question. When i was called an "idiot newbie" and was told I should visit here with the rest of the idiots....I did. Hahaha, I dont even remember what my name was on there. If it wasnt for their asshole comment I probably would have just forgot about it. Thats why it took me so long to post anything here. I read posts and responses and realized not everyone in the PE world was an asshole and some people (the brotherhood) actually enjoyed helping, teaching and talking to people like they were human. So again, they made the mistake by leading me here.
I guess respect was the wromg term...thankful is a better way to describe it.

All of my Brothers are on point here and I greatly appreciate it. Thunders made some bad choices and he is suffering for that and so are his members. The problem happening there is the members are not being taught what truly works because if they do they would be admitting I am right. So, as we always have done, we will wait for these men to see that the prejudice Thunders has towards [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] is unfounded and they make their way here. The Brotherhood will continue to bring new men into the fold, bringing the truth about PE.
Thund3rs Pl@ce is a joke. It's over moderated and has 20 mods and 5 members. It's dead. It's the same 5 mods and 5 newbies talking to each other. They moderated it to death,
deadwood187;691220 said:
Thund3rs Pl@ce is a joke. It's over moderated and has 20 mods and 5 members. It's dead. It's the same 5 mods and 5 newbies talking to each other. They moderated it to death,

That's why it's called "Thund3rs Pl@ce", nothing but useless noise.
deadwood187;691220 said:
Thund3rs Pl@ce is a joke. It's over moderated and has 20 mods and 5 members. It's dead. It's the same 5 mods and 5 newbies talking to each other. They moderated it to death,

LOL this is so true but when you look at their stats they are total lies! We average about 200 posts in a 24 hour period, they are lucky if they get 25. They also lie about their members and stats. They DO NOT EVER have 1200 people online. They do not have even close to the members they list at 277,401. More like half of that. I have no clue how they keep going, it is like 10 people talking-to themselves about DLD all day!
doublelongdaddy;691798 said:
LOL this is so true but when you look at their stats they are total lies! We average about 200 posts in a 24 hour period, they are lucky if they get 25. They also lie about their members and stats. They DO NOT EVER have 1200 people online. They do not have even close to the members they list at 277,401. More like half of that. I have no clue how they keep going, it is like 10 people talking-to themselves about DLD all day!

wow thats lame, and way worse if they arent making any gains:P
Munto;691818 said:
The only way they would be making gains is when they're coming here.

Actually getting no gains on Thund3rs Pl@ce is the least of your worries. I suspect BIB HANGER still has share in that board and is actually the loser mod memento. If you post anything remotely negative about that shitty, dangerous hanger,he comes after you fiercely...like he has a ve$ted interest.

Anyways, the BIB will injure you big time and I suspect the positive reviews on there about it are 100% fake.
deadwood187;691922 said:
Actually getting no gains on Thund3rs Pl@ce is the least of your worries. I suspect BIB HANGER still has share in that board and is actually the loser mod memento. If you post anything remotely negative about that shitty, dangerous hanger,he comes after you fiercely...like he has a ve$ted interest.

Anyways, the BIB will injure you big time and I suspect the positive reviews on there about it are 100% fake.

Good to know.
The [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words] is also a hanger so it covers that for me, so no need for anything else when you got 3in1
deadwood187;691922 said:
Actually getting no gains on Thund3rs Pl@ce is the least of your worries. I suspect BIB HANGER still has share in that board and is actually the loser mod memento. If you post anything remotely negative about that shitty, dangerous hanger,he comes after you fiercely...like he has a ve$ted interest.

Anyways, the BIB will injure you big time and I suspect the positive reviews on there about it are 100% fake.

Everyone should register to Thund3rs Pl@ce and mention my name in a post and watch how fast you are attacked and banned. :) It is fun!
doublelongdaddy;691971 said:
Everyone should register to Thund3rs Pl@ce and mention my name in a post and watch how fast you are attacked and banned. :) It is fun!
[words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] Infiltratation on Thund3rs Pl@ce...(full attack)
doublelongdaddy;691971 said:
Everyone should register to Thund3rs Pl@ce and mention my name in a post and watch how fast you are attacked and banned. :) It is fun!

Yep and if youreally want to piss them off say "Bib sucks" or "Where's con artist Marinera"?
doublelongdaddy;691971 said:
Everyone should register to Thund3rs Pl@ce and mention my name in a post and watch how fast you are attacked and banned. :) It is fun!

I was thinking of doing that for a while.
I might give it a try in the next few days :)!
I'm a new member at Thunder's
username: GashSlasher
Let's see if I can get banned from their forum
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Threak-X;692015 said:
I'm a new member at Thunder's
username: GashSlasher
Let's see if I can get banned from their forum

They monitor this board even more than their own board (by "they" I mean the two guys pretending to be 50 guys). My guess is you are already "outed".
Threak-X;692015 said:
I'm a new member at Thunder's
username: GashSlasher
Let's see if I can get banned from their forum

Just ask a question about DLD's [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] Routine :) I guaranty you will be booted in 24 hours!
doublelongdaddy;692027 said:
Just ask a question about DLD's [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] Routine :) I guaranty you will be booted in 24 hours!
will do...
Just wanted to post on Thund3rs Pl@ce and then the spell checker came up.
Are they serious?

Also, I guess I'm a lot of things... subtle isn't one of them, lol
Munto;692136 said:
Just wanted to post on Thund3rs Pl@ce and then the spell checker came up.
Are they serious?

Also, I guess I'm a lot of things... subtle isn't one of them, lol

Have you been banned yet? Have they start to try to destroy me again? :) I love this excitement.
doublelongdaddy;692145 said:
Have you been banned yet? Have they start to try to destroy me again? :) I love this excitement.

No, not yet.
Most of the time, they just said "great if it's working for you." and one guy asked about more detail and what is involved and I'm thinking of answering him seriously and link him to the threads in the brotherhood.
So far only one guys has criticized you
lightlyfried;692187 said:
Literally. Oh you're making gains? Oh well what you're doing is too dangerous, stop immediately.

And while we're at it, typing on your keyboard is way to dangerous, you could break your fingers, lol
i checked the pe forum on lpsg yesterday and marinara from thunders posts there now advising people to do helicopters and dont buy bathmates buy fake ones on aliexpress
Brucelee102;699765 said:
Hey, guys I was told that jelqing with a upwards would not help with a upward curve. Friend of mine told it doesn't matter which angle/direction you jelq from because it all the same. What do you guys think about this and if it's true I will probably go back to jelqing in a downward angle again? And, if this is true what type of exercises can I do to help create this upward curve in the penis?

Look mein the flunkers aren't your friend. They just say jelqing cant change your angle because mike used this method to get a curve. If mike does anything they automatically rebuff the shit. Everyone knows that if you'd jelq with the same stroke and same hand for a year, your cock will start looking like a silly straw. But they don't care, they are gey.

For example they started a thread about rate of gains stats and explicitly wrote "we excluded any gains of of four inches because no one has ever done it" like directly taking a jab at mike.

Its not possible that so many people on the board are such stupids, I agree with deadwood that all flunkerflames are the same flamer. Go ahead stilly tell'em where you picked up your nasty tendencies from. After all you were once a moderator there
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I have to agree, about Thund3rs Pl@ce and pegym, there both about a joke, I am a member on both, Thunders wants you to do the newb routine for 2 years, and as for pegym they even if you have been doing pe for 6 months to a year still want you to do the newb routine for a freaking year, you know what I say fuck them both, thunders has been really dead here lately, why, because there all coming over to [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] lmao.
And I do have to agree, the mods over at Thund3rs Pl@ce are a bunch of assholes, so fuck them.
acromegaly;692201 said:
i checked the pe forum on lpsg yesterday and marinara from thunders posts there now advising people to do helicopters and dont buy bathmates buy fake ones on aliexpress

hahaha They are so fecking lame wonder who is following them haha
Lmao buying fake ass bathmates on aliexpress, that is asking for trouble. somebody gonna have a injured dick.
acromegaly;692201 said:
i checked the pe forum on lpsg yesterday and marinara from thunders posts there now advising people to do helicopters and dont buy bathmates buy fake ones on aliexpress

This is when you know a forum is cancerous. When the lead catcher "gaginera" directs you to products that literally cause cancers. I'd go for one now that I don't have a pump but nah I know they're made with radioactive materials which my zika rejects and disintegrates.

I remember the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]Xtreme[/words] smells like walking into the nike store or Louie sto. The fakemate prolly smells like emolated Chernobyl cunt
Thunders biggest mistake was banning me! Once he banned me he lost most of his members to [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]. [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Matters of Size[/words] is the only site that comes out with new exercises, equipment, routines and every other advancement in PE. We create and they steal and rename. Pathetic crew. They have great English but they can't gain an inch of penis!
doublelongdaddy;699932 said:
Thunders biggest mistake was banning me! Once he banned me he lost most of his members to [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]. [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Matters of Size[/words] is the only site that comes out with new exercises, equipment, routines and every other advancement in PE. We create and they steal and rename. Pathetic crew. They have great English but they can't gain an inch of penis!

I would wager a lot of money that TP is run by BIB.I have my reasons to believe so due to some "crossover" PM's I made on BIB's site and ended up on Thunders.
bandit2010;700359 said:
hmmm makes you really wonder

Yeah. I Shared some PM's with BIB on his forum. During a little spat with the admin on Thunders' Place the admin brought up some things I said to BIB on his forum. When I asked him how the FUCK he could know this since it was PM with bib on his own forum ..I was banned.

Thund3rs Pl@ce= BIB or at the very least they share personal and private info. with each other.

He owns it, has multiple handles on it and pretends to be some big gainers on it.
deadwood187;700350 said:
I would wager a lot of money that TP is run by BIB.I have my reasons to believe so due to some "crossover" PM's I made on BIB's site and ended up on Thunders.

Of course it is, Thunder is as corrupt and Hillary!
doublelongdaddy;692027 said:
Just ask a question about DLD's [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] Routine :) I guaranty you will be booted in 24 hours!

I was booted by saying the name of Michael Salvini straight after posting...
Perestroyka;700653 said:
I was booted by saying the name of Michael Salvini straight after posting...

Lol, I think I mentioned DLD a few times and wasn't banned.... Well, I haven't checked in a while, though
I was banned from TP many years ago after calling out some retarded mods. After that joined [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] and PEGym. Stayed on PEGym, which has turned into a piece of shit site. Horrible moderation. If you say that crooked killary is a liar, some mod gets "offended". The only one standing is [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]. I am transitioning completely to this site now.
Jackxxx;701112 said:
I was banned from TP many years ago after calling out some retarded mods. After that joined [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] and PEGym. Stayed on PEGym, which has turned into a piece of shit site. Horrible moderation. If you say that crooked killary is a liar, some mod gets "offended". The only one standing is [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]. I am transitioning completely to this site now.

This is the Brotherhood, and I say FUCK HILLARY! Brothers, please follow suit! If she gets in we will probably lose the Brotherhood.
Big Schwanz Acht;700678 said:
I've never visited T'sP, but it doesn't sound like anything worthwhile

At this point it's a relic, trying to ride it's own coattails into the future while remaining decidedly stuck in the past.

Let's be fair, a LOT of innovative ideas and prolific PE'ers have come out of that place (I got my start there), but those days are over. And the guys running it have been getting high on heir own perceived power for a long time.

It would be like if Greece wanted to run the world today because they invented democracy. Yeah...and what have you done since then?
Pretty much how the story goes of [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]mos[/words] vs the shit forums
seven_wants_ten;701213 said:
It would be like if Greece wanted to run the world today because they invented democracy?
Huge contradiction I know but idk what you mean by prolific PE'rs (dld?) and innovative methods
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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