Thund3rs Pl@ce is shit first they suspend my account for writing slang which is fair enough and now they have banned me completely for no reason!! all i was doing was putting up videos of extreme hanging and stuff wankers prob was also the comment in my post saying that i wasnt a newbie after the smartass comment i got off on of the members. theyre all dickheads and when i release my my new pe device im gonna only release it to [words=]mos[/words] members if i can fuck thunders dont pm me asking about it cus i aint saying shit till i have protected it.
Thunders wouldn't let you mention there anyway they only promote products made by their own moderators which include that monkeybar garbage from autoextender and the redi-stretcher. They ran off Bigger (bib hanger), Chad (max vac), gkj (static stretch) and others. It's because they are actually pushing products there while pretending to be a site which isn't pushing products.
ANy association with [words=]MOS[/words] is a sure ticked to bandom in the Thunder Storm
I was also banned on Thunders quite a while ago for posting too many pix in one day and I will be the first to admit that the Admins there are a little TOO trigger happy. But to be fair Thunders is a pretty good forum with excellent content - [words=]MOS[/words] is equally excellent!

However most forum websites are around for a particular reason/purpose. Of course they are serving the community but dont forget that some of the people running them have costs and have to eat at the end of the day and so its only reasonable to expect that a lot do charge for advertising. Imagine yourself running a website where you pay all the costs (programmers, hosting, electricity etc...) to run it and people came to advertise on it for free!

So I can understand if Thunders or [words=]MOS[/words] charge or if you need a commercial account for advertising.


YEAH!!!! fuck you thunders your just wannabes, where the cream of the crop AV IT!!!!! lol
Give thunder props for kind of getting things started, but the info on there is a bit lackluster compared to what all DLD has come up with.
dmoney101;601812 said:
Give thunder props for kind of getting things started, but the info on there is a bit lackluster compared to what all DLD has come up with.

DLD is why thunders still exists.
The design quality alone sets us worlds apart. This is official looking while others look like some cheesy forum that a random guy got for free.
dmoney101;601828 said:
The design quality alone sets us worlds apart. This is official looking while others look like some cheesy forum that a random guy got for free.

It's not just about design. There are companies with millions of dollars and the best designs in the wold that have fake testimonials and no real life credibility. We are all real people that witnessed real gains in this free forum, right? We are not fake people with big designs and big marketing dollars working here?

Shit, extenze makes millions upon millions and no gains at all. We have similar ingredients in [words=]Titan[/words] and we tell you it's not going to make your dick bigger, but help aid in size when using our exercise program.
LIGHTNING;601829 said:
It's not just about design. There are companies with millions of dollars and the best designs in the wold that have fake testimonials and no real life credibility. We are all real people that witnessed real gains in this free forum, right? We are not fake people with big designs and big marketing dollars working here?

Shit, extenze makes millions upon millions and no gains at all. We have similar ingredients in [words=]Titan[/words] and we tell you it's not going to make your dick bigger, but help aid in size when using our exercise program.

absolutely definitely not just about design buuuuuut the design here is MUUUUCH better and user friendly. extremely easy to navigate through. this is the reason i have never joined another forum...they are shit shows in comparison
LIGHTNING;601829 said:
It's not just about design. There are companies with millions of dollars and the best designs in the wold that have fake testimonials and no real life credibility. We are all real people that witnessed real gains in this free forum, right? We are not fake people with big designs and big marketing dollars working here?

Shit, extenze makes millions upon millions and no gains at all. We have similar ingredients in [words=]Titan[/words] and we tell you it's not going to make your dick bigger, but help aid in size when using our exercise program.

I'm comparing [words=]MOS[/words] to other PE forums...not big corporations who make devices and such. Extenze can't even be put in the same category as us, since they're just pre-sex pills to make you temporarily harder than ever.
comparing [words=]MOS[/words] to thunders is like comparing a 1 inch cock to a 10 inch cock lol there is no comparison lol we rule, they drool lol :P
Thunders never expected us to take over, when they banned me they expected me to go away for good...what a thorn I have been in their sides.
doublelongdaddy;602009 said:
Thunders never expected us to take over, when they banned me they expected me to go away for good...what a thorn I have been in their sides.

lol yeah true mate what a mistake they made ay lol unlucky lol why did they ban you?
I'm a member of a few PE sites including at thunders under longerstretch. I think each site has their own culture and many times I can pick up ideas from a new set of eyes so to speak at other forums, but thunders is highly moderated and many act as if they have all the answers, know everything already and how dare you question their authority. The worst one in my opinion is marinera and I've actually talked to a few guys there that totally agree that he is an ass clown. How he became I moderator I will never know.

The reason I'm not longstretch over there is because I joined here when it was first getting off the ground. I was brand new to PE back then, I didn't post much so there should have been no controversy and didn't break any of the rules at thunders, the only crime I committed was joining the free forums over here with the same intention I have today to get new perspectives and ideas. I do pick up a few gems there and I'm not going to let a few bad apples spoil the bunch but the atmosphere there sucks just as bad as it did then and it's not the main forum I enjoy. This one and pegym are the best and because they are less restricted the best ideas come from them in my opinion
I agree good to learn as much as possible. I have read some interesting things at thunders, like the guy who was using bee stings to increase his girth xD
I didn't get banned but was told my id "islandboy" is offensive when trying to sign up at thunders. Guess they didn't like my humor of bringing in my hawaiian side into my id, oh well. I have learned more and grew more inches here on [words=]MOS[/words] anyways...
Thund3rs Pl@ce is exactly that - Thund3rs Pl@ce. His forum model is based on Nazism, a private club of seven guys and a lady who only allow members to join and stay if you think, speak, and act "exactly" like they do. Why do you think the owner has the insignia of the Schutzstaffel (SS) in his username, ThunderSS. Since they can't actually execute anyone, he can only ban you from his private club for life in hopes your cock will wither away before you decay and die. I wonder if they have a special salute they use when greeting the almighty Führer of Thund3rs Pl@ce, "Heil!"

Now, this forum is geared toward the open-minded, innovative, and success of others. The "MOS" acronym could be an underling meaning for "Men of Success"
Same goes here bro! A couple of days ago I posted some pictures of my homemade [words=!!!]Length Master[/words] with instructions on how to made it for less then $5..... 20 mins later they deleted my thread and banned my account for promoting a [words=]MOS[/words] product(that was homemade).

It's a shame becase there are some very knoledgeable people over there and the free video section was a huge help for me when I started.
Threak-X;602171 said:
Thund3rs Pl@ce is exactly that - Thund3rs Pl@ce. His forum model is based on Nazism, a private club of seven guys and a lady who only allow members to join and stay if you think, speak, and act "exactly" like they do. Why do you think the owner has the insignia of the Schutzstaffel (SS) in his username, ThunderSS. Since they can't actually execute anyone, he can only ban you from his private club for life in hopes your cock will wither away before you decay and die. I wonder if they have a special salute they use when greeting the almighty Führer of Thund3rs Pl@ce, "Heil!"

Now, this forum is geared toward the open-minded, innovative, and success of others. The "MOS" acronym could be an underling meaning for "Men of Success"

Very True.
islandboy;602167 said:
I didn't get banned but was told my id "islandboy" is offensive when trying to sign up at thunders. Guess they didn't like my humor of bringing in my hawaiian side into my id, oh well. I have learned more and grew more inches here on [words=]MOS[/words] anyways...

They don't let you use anything containing kid/boy because its full of pedophilic freaks who can't do their PE without being all fuckin emo.
I have no problem with thunder as they didn't ban me but pegym is the worst one. They have banned me for no reasons, all I have posted on their forum to try to get some help to try to resolve my own issue but some twats caught me and banned me for no bloody reasons. I wish I know someone who could help me to attack their server to hack them and get them closed down which it would be funny to see how they would like it when they are pissed people off in the first place. It is very annoyed I know the feeling...

- - - Updated - - -

templnite;653239 said:
They don't let you use anything containing kid/boy because its full of pedophilic freaks who can't do their PE without being all fuckin emo.

This is crack me up. Lol
Yes their members don't have a penis, their period flows up. The few male members are prostate stabbing manginas, see they pronounce pegym peg-him.

And we should totally hack thunders the way pegym hacks away at their own sphincters'.
badboy2011;653307 said:
I have no problem with thunder as they didn't ban me but pegym is the worst one. They have banned me for no reasons, all I have posted on their forum to try to get some help to try to resolve my own issue but some twats caught me and banned me for no bloody reasons. I wish I know someone who could help me to attack their server to hack them and get them closed down which it would be funny to see how they would like it when they are pissed people off in the first place. It is very annoyed I know the feeling...

- - - Updated - - -

This is crack me up. Lol

I know the pain brother....also got banned for no reason..literally got 2 posts and next thing i remember is BAM ban...also another thing i find very very strange about most PE forums is that you're not allowed to posts pictures of's like you can't post a picture of your abs on a fitness forum..why is there a forum in the first place then?And the only advice you will get is : More warmup and keep on doing the [words=]newbie routine[/words]..they believe DLD is a scam ( at least a big part of them )..they said in a thread it's impossible to gain 4 inches...well ofc it's impossible to gain 4 inches when you do the [words=]newbie routine[/words] for 5 years...duh
Who ever you are fucking please wear a condom. We don't want the disease to transmit in [words=]MOS[/words]. loool
badboy2011;653307 said:
I wish I know someone who could help me to attack their server to hack them and get them closed down...
use that time/effort/energy for something more self-productive (PE).

My philosophy is ...
You generally have to accept forums (people) for what and who they are... If they aren't enhancing your happiness (serving your needs) the choice is whether you want to be around it or not.
Over there my name alone causes violence.

I agree with Threak put your efforts into building the Brotherhood instead of trying to hurt those who have hurt us. Revenge is coming out looking good.
acromegaly;602166 said:
I agree good to learn as much as possible. I have read some interesting things at thunders, like the guy who was using bee stings to increase his girth xD
Fucking lol I can't believe I made this post and later I made a thread about insect stings... I am a hypocrite :)
doublelongdaddy;653319 said:
Over there my name alone causes violence.

I agree with Threak put your efforts into building the Brotherhood instead of trying to hurt those who have hurt us. Revenge is coming out looking good.

If niggas ain't hatin then you're doing something wrong.
I remember Thund3rs Pl@ce turning me away from PE when I first tried it back in '07. Their was ONE kind person who took me under his wing, but he was never online much (cant remember the username) and I found myself very uneducated and inexperienced so I stopped to prevent injury

Then I started PE a few months ago, on another forum. Ok forum, but too quiet and they bagged [words=]MOS[/words]. So naturally I came here to find out the deal and found it very active and my threads actually getting replies AND the help I've needed plus an incredible amount of dormant threads full of info to keep me going for the next few years. And this was my impression in little under a week.

Its good to have lots of threads available, but a forum just needs that "activity" to reassure and clarify questions, [words=]MOS[/words] has it
templnite;653422 said:
If niggas ain't hatin then you're doing something wrong.

Word! I could give a shit about what they are saying about me, just keep saying it!
templnite;653422 said:
If niggas ain't hatin then you're doing something wrong.

doublelongdaddy;653570 said:
Word! I could give a shit about what they are saying about me, just keep saying it!
The irony I find in this whole Thund3rs Pl@ce and doublelongdaddy (DLD) controversy is that Thunder's has cynicism beliefs of the "infamous" DLD and try to hold him back or shut him down, but they forgot one-thing...

Thunder: Only Noise
DLD: "The Real Voice"
Threak-X;653705 said:
The irony I find in this whole Thund3rs Pl@ce and doublelongdaddy (DLD) controversy is that Thunder's has cynicism beliefs of the "infamous" DLD and try to hold him back or shut him down, but they forgot one-thing...

Thunder: Only Noise
DLD: "The Real Voice"

The Brotherhood: The Biggest Voice
I will double down on all this and also say fuck pegym. They are such a bunch of pussies, and not very helpful ones at that. Anytime I ever see someone asking for help or asking a specific question about an exercise all they do is scold them for not reading the "newbie routine" or "jp90 routine" or whatever the hell their stupid doctrine is called.

Instead of just answering simple questions they belittle the person asking and tell them to go back and "read read read". And they're so scared of doing more than like 30 minutes of pe a day.

Someone on there said they do like 3 hours of pe a day and they were all snarky and negative about it saying, "have fun in the hospital, see you on the injury forum" and all kinds of stupid crap. Such a lame ass site. I never go there anymore.

And I couldn't help but notice the model they use for all their videos is not very big at all. Like seriously not at all. Kind of weird they would use someone like that.
mos-newbie;654447 said:
View attachment 30769

what else do you need? ;)


@tb007 yea i agree..they are very scared of any kind of erect exercises,they jelq at 60-70 %,and all kind of stupid shit....i started with pegym,and i think pegym is a very good forum for newbies,but if you want to really gain you need to do something more advanced than the " JP90 " routine...
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doublelongdaddy;654513 said:
lmao, this is getting very interesting, I am starting to feel like Jesus:)

You are kinda like Jesus Mike ;) Thund3rs Pl@ce plays the role of Judas in this scene because they betrayed you! But the big difference is that they didn't manage to get rid of you, they made you more successful ;)
MoS-Newbie;654626 said:
You are kinda like Jesus Mike ;) Thund3rs Pl@ce plays the role of Judas in this scene because they betrayed you! But the big difference is that they didn't manage to get rid of you, they made you more successful ;)

True that haha
MoS-Newbie;654626 said:
You are kinda like Jesus Mike ;) Thund3rs Pl@ce plays the role of Judas in this scene because they betrayed you! But the big difference is that they didn't manage to get rid of you, they made you more successful ;)
They are Darth Vader to your Obi-Wan: "If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." Lol.
PE gym, years ago i checked the forums n i left right away i dIdnt know anything about PE...5 years one inch they should quit LOL
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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