does fluid build up help with girth gains? getting a bit after [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session 20 mins can anyone please advise.
Garry_;428715 said:
does fluid build up help with girth gains? getting a bit after [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session 20 mins can anyone please advise.

It does not matter, some get more some less, i got more, would post my pic but i would be accused of spamming and bad taste...
I maxed out my [words= ]X-40[/words] and my penis lookd deformed every time, do not get scared just go on!
Garry_;428715 said:
does fluid build up help with girth gains? getting a bit after [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session 20 mins can anyone please advise.

Fluid Buildup is a superficial gain as it is not in the tissue that you are expanding, it is fluid trapped below the skin. With that said, fluid buildup is usually mixed with tissue expansion making FR necessary to gain tissue expansion.
Ive been at it for 8 weeks and I still get a lot of fluid build up. Especially under the glands since I'm not circumcised.
Toby50;429136 said:
Ive been at it for 8 weeks and I still get a lot of fluid build up. Especially under the glands since I'm not circumcised.

Some guys that are having this issue have gone with shorter super-set sessions which seems to be working great for them. I believe the routine is 5 minutes pumping followed by 5 minutes jelqing and repeat three times. Also, something I have not yet tried but others say is great, is flaccid pumping. Reports are that it eliminates FR while still bringing excellent expansion.
I do 6x6 sets and by the 6th one, I have fluid build up as if I pumped for 20 minutes straight. However, I did a 20 minute session last night before bed and again when I woke up. But this mornings session produced a lot less fluid than usual. Maybe I just need to pump more often. I've been pumping twice a day this week. I noticed that if I pump while I still have some fluid build up, the session produces less fluid. It doesn't bother me too much though. Unless I'm going to see my girl. Then it's inconvenient hehe.
Toby50;429314 said:
I do 6x6 sets and by the 6th one, I have fluid build up as if I pumped for 20 minutes straight. However, I did a 20 minute session last night before bed and again when I woke up. But this mornings session produced a lot less fluid than usual. Maybe I just need to pump more often. I've been pumping twice a day this week. I noticed that if I pump while I still have some fluid build up, the session produces less fluid. It doesn't bother me too much though. Unless I'm going to see my girl. Then it's inconvenient hehe.

Perhaps you are right and excessive pumping may actually reduce build up, best way to know is to do it and keep track of things.
Alex78;428716 said:
It does not matter, some get more some less, i got more, would post my pic but i would be accused of spamming and bad taste...
I maxed out my [words= ]X-40[/words] and my penis lookd deformed every time, do not get scared just go on!

The only reason I brought it up is because you were posting the pic in an excessive amount and I felt like it was time to bring it up since I was thinking it and it was showing up everyday several times. Do not be shy to post pics from one comment made about a picture, please post many many pictures; not necessarily of ridiculous jokes and comments but helpful progressive pictures are always encouraged and posting them once will never have a problem with me, even 2-3 times. When you start showing a picture so many times I think ok you are showing of this pic a lot and it needs a little work I will say it and I did not send it as a private message because it is something I wanted not to hide and keep straight about in the open. Please post Alex!!!
I'm sitting here with quite a bulge in the skin as well, oh and don't think it will look less disgusting if you are uncircumsized. ;)

I personally don't think that it will bring any benefit or is any indication on whenever a session is effective. Otherwise there wouldn't be medical studies which tell you that traditional air pumping doesn't bring any permanent gain... Because that gives you the most fluid buildup...

The batHydromaxat though seems a different animal though.. I had to add longer rods to my [words=]extender[/words] today because of it. Hardcore [words= ]Bathmate[/words] stretches are the thing ;)
If the tunica expands significantly to the point where it will not longer expand, on that particular day, would it make sense to just stop pumping? I'm beginning to think that my tunica can only expand so much and after that, it's just fluid expanding under my skin. For example, if it takes 15 minutes for my tunica to fully expand, then if I pump for another 5 minutes after that, then I'm just creating fluid build up right? I'm still pumping out water and if my tunica won't expand more, then that means I'm creating more fluid no? I just get a lot of fluid build up no matter what I try. 20 minutes straight. 6x6 sessions. 5x4 sessions with [words=]ssj[/words] in between. Every method gives me a lot of build up. When I do dld's 5x4 session, I don't get so much but I also don't expand as much. Also, I don't get much fluid build up at the base because of the gator. How do I know if I am expanding at the base?
So I pumped for 24 minutes straight just now but at light pressure the whole time. I pumped enough to feel expansion and then I would just let it do it's thing until I didn't feel it anymore. Then, I pumped again. I ended up pumping about every 4 minutes until I got to 24. When I pulled out I noticed I had very little fluid build up. I measured my girth and I came in .5" short of what I normally expand to. That's what I expected since I think fluid build up accounts for about half an inch of my usual expansion. Ive been doing the 6x6 sets but I think I'm going to try doing 36 minutes straight at light pressure to see if I get the same expansion but with less fluid. I guess it's worth a try. To be honest, the fluid build up isnt even a big deal to me. I don't mind. The only reason why it's an issue is because I think that if I'm expanding due to fluid, then that means I'm not expanding my tunica. When I pump water, something has to expand to compensate for the lost water. If The fluid expands first, then my tunica won't expand much. What do you guys think?
Toby50;430339 said:
So I pumped for 24 minutes straight just now but at light pressure the whole time. I pumped enough to feel expansion and then I would just let it do it's thing until I didn't feel it anymore. Then, I pumped again. I ended up pumping about every 4 minutes until I got to 24. When I pulled out I noticed I had very little fluid build up. I measured my girth and I came in .5" short of what I normally expand to. That's what I expected since I think fluid build up accounts for about half an inch of my usual expansion. Ive been doing the 6x6 sets but I think I'm going to try doing 36 minutes straight at light pressure to see if I get the same expansion but with less fluid. I guess it's worth a try. To be honest, the fluid build up isnt even a big deal to me. I don't mind. The only reason why it's an issue is because I think that if I'm expanding due to fluid, then that means I'm not expanding my tunica. When I pump water, something has to expand to compensate for the lost water. If The fluid expands first, then my tunica won't expand much. What do you guys think?

I think it is great that you are experimenting to find what works best, taking such strong steps are important to customize what will be best. There are so many different theories floating about for what is best but it is becoming evident that every fix does not work for every guy so testing yourself is best. Some guys are saying flaccid pumping brings the same expansion while no fluid buildup, some say fuck the build up and push through, some believe, myself included, that going 100% erect is best and super setting sets with Slow Squash jelqs. Some other men swear by short sets (3-5 minutes) and they will do multiple sets. It really should be explored by the individual and as the learn they should share their experiences.
So I just did 36 minutes straight at low-medium pressure. It expanded me rather well. I got some fluid but not as much as a 6x6 set. No pain either. Max pressure seems to produce more fluid than low pressure. I'll try a regular 20 minute session later at max pressure and compare the results. Tomorrow I'm gonna try to go an hour straight with no break in between. I figure a 6x6 session takes me about an hour to complete so I might as well try going an hour straight at low pressure. Even if I get the same results(expansion, fluid build up), I'd rather do one straight hour than a 6x6 session because it's less of a hassle. Taking it off and putting it on 6 times is annoying.

Dld, thanks for the support. I've gotten a lot of info and support from this forum. My goal is to return the favor in any way I can. I'll keep you guys posted on my results.