Greetings every one :)

My name is Sungam and this is my first post on this Forum!

Like a month ago, i was reading the news paper and came across of a article, telling about some Italian Scientist team, who was studying the effect of a [words=]extender[/words] device.

The results was great ... It actuly worked :)

In average they gained 2,3 Cm in flating and 1,7 in erect, by wearing it 4-5 houres a day, for two months.
Six months after with no NPenis Enlargement, the gains was still there :)

Side note: They dident gain any girth from using the [words=]extender[/words]! (suprice) :s

This article have bin showen in few danish news papers and forums.

If your danish or from scandinavian you can read it here:

The source should supose to come from:

(i tryd giving it a quick look but couldent find it, but the site looks very serius.

Reference & Links
Paolo Gontero, Massimiliano Di Marco, Gianluca Giubilei, Riccardo Bartoletti, Giovanni Pappagallo, Alessandro Tizzani, Nicola Mondaini: "A pilot phase-II prospective study to test the 'efficacy' and tolerability of a penile-extender device in the treatment of 'short penis'", BJU International, Volume 103 Issue 6, marts 2009.
Published Online: Oct 17 2008 DOI: 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2008.08083.x

Let me know if anyone finds it :-)

Thanks for the post. I cant see it getting mass attention or appeal and hope it doesnt. Who wants NPenis Enlargement to become a trend? only those who would benefit from it commercially is who. I already see good money potential in this field over the years with device this and that being touted as the next best thing and Penis Enlargement sites springing up with god knows how many free pe forums now.
Maybe in the future Stem Cells, Nanoengineering, Genetics, Plastic Surgery and Computers will play a big role in the Penis Enlargement Industry. In the next 50 years is see that anyone can have a fully functional, with 110% erection, monster size. Aging will not be a problem.
[words=]Extenders[/words] works. Here in Brazil theres a Dr. promoting it. He says that you need at least 10 hours of daily use to gain. I'm considering to try it for 6 months everyday at least 8 hours. I expect a 1" gain and a slightly fix in my left curvature.
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The [words=]extender[/words] is a good tool, but you can generate a lot more force and initially stretch the tissues further with manual stretches. The advantage to that is much less time spent under tension.
Sungam;334995 said:
Greetings every one :)

My name is Sungam and this is my first post on this Forum!

Like a month ago, i was reading the news paper and came across of a article, telling about some Italian Scientist team, who was studying the effect of a [words=]extender[/words] device.

The results was great ... It actuly worked :)

In average they gained 2,3 Cm in flating and 1,7 in erect, by wearing it 4-5 houres a day, for two months.
Six months after with no NPenis Enlargement, the gains was still there :)

Side note: They dident gain any girth from using the [words=]extender[/words]! (suprice) :s

This article have bin showen in few danish news papers and forums.

If your danish or from scandinavian you can read it here:

The source should supose to come from:

(i tryd giving it a quick look but couldent find it, but the site looks very serius.

Reference & Links
Paolo Gontero, Massimiliano Di Marco, Gianluca Giubilei, Riccardo Bartoletti, Giovanni Pappagallo, Alessandro Tizzani, Nicola Mondaini: "A pilot phase-II prospective study to test the 'efficacy' and tolerability of a penile-extender device in the treatment of 'short penis'", BJU International, Volume 103 Issue 6, marts 2009.
Published Online: Oct 17 2008 DOI: 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2008.08083.x

Let me know if anyone finds it :-)

Good article,finally the stupid fucks have gained knowledge of something so taboo in society.
And by the way,I hate those damn pictures of guys covering up themselves,I mean what the fuck for? Be proud of your size god damnit,and be confident!
I hate those fucking pictures!
If anyone is in the market for an [words=]extender[/words] remember we have a great deal here.

</div><div style="text-align: center;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style=" white-space: pre-wrap; font-family:verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif;"><a href=";productID=18&amp;rid=5017"><img src="" width="250" height="300" /></a> </span></div><div>
doublelongdaddy;344657 said:
If anyone is in the market for an [words=]extender[/words] remember we have a great deal here.

</div><div style="text-align: center;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style=" white-space: pre-wrap; font-family:verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif;"><a href=";productID=18&amp;rid=5017"><img src="" width="250" height="300" /></a> </span></div><div>

What should I go for that or the the other one you have promoted on your site for 150? If they are both the same then Ill go for the company you like more.
mlb092;344690 said:
What should I go for that or the the other one you have promoted on your site for 150? If they are both the same then Ill go for the company you like more.

Same company:) Just be sure to use the coupon code: [words=]MOS[/words] to get your discount.
Its nice to see that it has come to denmark with evidence, for those who doesn't know denmark is basicly always the last country to believe in medicin and new developed things, when prosac came out i think 4 years passed before we had it aswell. they are really strict and only believe in things tested 2000 times more than anywhere else,

Its good since your sure the med you get is tested 100% it sucks because we always get the new things last, Even things like Protein and creatin for training, not all types of it is possible to buy, because it "might be dangerous" the rest of the world uses it with no problem, but its seen as illegal here (not talking hormons, talking natural products)
hehe as i was looking around on a news page, where they had the article: the girls dream: This is how a penis should look like i stumpled over something fun.
sorry its danish, but i translate the important part.

Copy pasted from the article
41 procent af kvinderne mener desuden, at en penis er flottest, n&#229;r penishovedet er tykkere end skaftet, mens 21 procent t&#230;nder p&#229; den &#8217;lige udgave&#8217; - alts&#229; hvor penis er lige tyk fra spids til rod.

- Den bedste form for penis, alts&#229; for os kvinder, er den svampeformede. Det vil sige, n&#229;r penishoved er st&#248;rre end skaftet. Og det er ikke kun for syns skyld. En svampeformet penis er ogs&#229; bedre til at stimulere kvinder, da den masserer vaginalsiderne og G-punktet mere grundigt.

Kvindens nydelse bliver ligeledes st&#248;rre, og hun har lettere ved at f&#229; orgasme.

G&#248;r det selv
Men fortvivl endelig ikke, hvis din - eller din mands - penis ikke er svampeformet. For har man en mere spids penis, kan man tr&#230;ne den, s&#229; hovedet bliver st&#248;rre. Klem penis fra roden og ned mod hovedet, som s&#229; udvides. Ved daglig tr&#230;ning vil penishovedet derved vokse, som f&#248;lge af &#248;get blodtilf&#248;rsel, forklarer sexolog Berling.

The mushroom shape.
41&#37; of the ladys also thinks that a penis is most beautiful when the penis head is bigger than the shaft, while 21% gets exited over the "straight one" where it has equal girth from top to bottom.

-The best shape of a penis, that is for us females! is the mushroomshaped one, by that i mean when the head is bigger than the shaft. And its not only for the looks, a mushroomshaped penis is also better at stimulating a female, because its massaging te vaginalwalls and the G-spot more intense.

The female enjoyment will thereby become stronger, and the change for climax bigger.

(this is the important part!!!!)
Do it yourself
But don't get depressed, if yours, or your husbands penis isn't shaped as a mushroom, because if your penis is more like a spike, you can work it out, so the head gets bigger, squeeze the penis from the base and down to the head, which will expand, if this is done on a daily basis the penis head will grow because of the increase in bloodflow, explains the sex therapeut Berling.

article over!

Okay is it just me or did the sexpert (or what they are called in english, those people that helps people get a real sexlife back on track) Just explain how to do a dry jelq?

Sorry for the misspelling in the translation, its not my strong side.

Edit: Also the article sayd that most females wanted a cock to be between 18-20 cm's long and between 14-16cm's in girth which means 7,2-8 inches lenght and 5,6-6,4 in girth. and it was based on a user based experiment on a danish chat homepage. with approximately 1000 females. I thought that people on this forum would find that interesting aswell.
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