Was wondering if you guys had any advice or could offer any support getting over a severe mental issue thats recently come up for me.

This time last year I was living with the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on in. This past fall I had to move from where we were to another part of the country a few thousand miles away to start at a new school, and she ended up moving to another completely different part of the country, to live with her parents and work on paying off her student loans. We tried to do the long distance thing for a while, visited a few times, but eventually this all resulted in a breakup, as we all know the long-distance thing never works. I haven't been with anyone else since then. After we broke up, we would still would talk on the phone, online, and skype, etc. Maybe during this time I had the attitude that we were still only physically seperated and that we'd be reunited soon, because our conversations somehow remained similar to how they were before, so as a result I probably didn't go out looking for new girls as much as I should have and just had the wrong attitude all around.

Recently I found out she had been seeing this dude, some semi-redneck type who's in trouble with the law and can barely spell his own name. This girl is very bright so it's obvious she isn't seeing him for his sharp wit or personality. But lately in conversation she has started dropping hints about this guys sexual prowess, in a teasing manner. It started off subtle but then escalated, she even told me he was larger than me (i'm 7'' bone pressed), and went on about how 'talented' he was (obviously, the implication being, talented compared to me, her prior mate). She did ease off on this once she realized the obvious anguish it was causing me, but the damage was done, and now I have this morbid obsession with what they are doing, not just out of jealousy but even more so, extreme feelings of pesonal inadequecy.

I always thought this girl was a little more prude or something than other girls I'd been with, especially since my previous relationship before So maybe I felt like i didn't want to push the sex issue too much when we were together since this was supposed to be about more than that. If we didn't have sex as often or for as long or as rough or kinky I thought well, this is just different. Previous girls have always said I was big and a very good lover but somehow I now feel like I must have not done a good enough job for her. I can always tell when she's going over his house because she'd always be online otherwise, and its driving me absolutely crazy with jealousy and insecurity thinking about it. It sounds like she's a total nympho for him, something I wasn't able to get fully when I lived with her. She's going over for booty calls multiple times a week whereas we used to have sex maybe once a week. And now as if the reason she left me was because I'm inadequate. And I have to think about them going at it in ways she wouldn't let me and them doing things I didn't get to do, while I'm stuck totally alone, celibate for almost 6 months now. If I could rationalize it like she is just being a bitch to spite me, it'd be one thing, but I really now believe it is true, that I was unable to adequately satisfy her while I was with her. Even though this other guy is a total loser who will never amount to anything, whereas I am intelligent and getting an advanced degree from a prestigious university, somehow these things don't matter and all when it comes down to the sex department, as I'm sure many other men can attest. I feel like my worth as a male human being has been reduced to zero.

This is totally dominating my thoughts and I can't get it out of my head. I'm extremely depressed and can barely even get a boner to use the. My confidence to go out and get other girls is totally shot. I obviously still have strong feelings for this girl, even after what a bitch she's been, dumping me and now putting me through this mental duress.

I absolutely cannot live with the fact that I'm a distant second best. This is just a mentally unacceptable idea to me, I have to prove to her (and to myself) that I'm just as good or better, using Penis Enlargement or viagra and training or whatever it takes, yet she's half way accross the country and won't even see me. I feel like this would be the only solution to the anguish I now feel.

Another obvious solution would be to just get over her and find someone new,which of course is always easier said than done, especially now that my confidence is at such a low level it borders on neurosis. To make matters worse I'm now temporarily living with my parents for a month in a desolate suburb, in between the end of school and the start of my summer plans. I'm going to europe in a month but my depression is so bad I'm not even excited for it and can't even envision myself getting any ass while I'm there. Even if i can land another girl, she'll only be half as hot and smart as this one was, and even if I can please her, I'll always feel like I'm half a man who totally blew an awesome chance with a very rare specimen because of masculine inadequecy. I've never been a player or good with women at all, took until my second year of college to get laid, and I have only been with 3 women including her.

Any encouraging words would be much appreciated, [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]mos[/words] brothers. Really feeling stuck in a deep rut here.
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I don't know, I totally realize i'm being a bit of a baby, should just chill have a beer and move on to the next slampiece and this time with an extra inch of dick. But still, fuck man.
Bro i had something like this. not size part but my girl fucked up my boners from shit she would say. Sadly im still with her lol. But just remember one thing. Women are very brutal and dont seem to know that sometimes. As emotional as woman are, they talk to us as if shit shouldnt effect us. Let her go. Dont waste time being friends or anything, cut any connection off for life cause that boner killing mindset will come back no matter what. Move on, thats life. Woman can be very brutal, find one that worth dealing with her shit.
Ok she has said he is larger than you but that could be fractions since she hasn't claimed he has a monster cock or anything, if you talk to her again you should tell her why you weren't so adventurous in bed with her was because you thought she was a prude, have you asked to see her again? If you don't want to torture yourself then no contact would probably be best.
The past is written and you can only use this as a guide to your future. It would be terrible if there was no options for change and we would have to sit with the insecurities of size, but this is not the case. [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] is here, penis enlargement is here, real methods that are working for millions are here to use for change. Lets say an x had a guy that was 1" bigger than you, within 6 months you could be an inch bigger than him if you practice Penis Enlargement and remain committed. The miracle of Penis Enlargement is that you do not have to settle for you past and painfully humbling situations, you nbow have to tools to grow beyond this.
you got some things most guys wish they had.

you're 7" BP

you're getting "an advanced degree" from a university that is reputable.

you have a level of intellect and you're consciously aware of everything that is going on

what you're feeling is normal. it's just how us guys are wired. we always have to prove our dominance and superiority to another male. in this case, you want to prove your strength over an airhead whom you have never met.
Hey man--I don't like mincing words so I may get crucified for this--

But it's time you let it go. You are giving this girl WAY too much power over you. First--STOP talking to her. End all contact. You think it's going to get better somehow if you keep talking to her? You have to get over it and get over yourself and just realize that maybe, JUST maybe, this other guy is who she is supposed to be with and move on.

You need to concentrate on you--work out, find a good Penis Enlargement routine, get out and meet people, work hard in school. Heartbreak has happened to everyone here. You have to limit how much you are going to let this to continue to eat at you. By staying in touch with her, you are only giving her more and more ammo.

You sound like a young guy. I have been there. I have felt like I have had my heart ripped out. I was married for 8 years to the woman I thought I would be with for the rest of my life--when we split up, she used EVERYTHING in her power--including our kid--to hurt me. It takes awhile but you move on. I am now with a woman who I have been with for 11 years and I love her more now than I did the first year.

You have to accept the fact that this is on YOU. Only you are responsible for YOUR happiness. If you continue to allow someone in your life that takes away from that happiness then that is on you as well. It sounds like you have no ties to this woman--not married, no kids, no joint bills. Just cut her out, get over the heartache, then move on.

IT DOES GET BETTER. But you have to give it time AND give it ROOM to get better. Allowing her that power takes away room in your life for other things and other people.
My gf split with me.
I know she wasn't completely happy, I don't think anyone will make her happy though.

Just realize there is someone better out there and you did your best and that it probably means that she isn't right for you.

Hope that helps
AdmiralLongDong;483427 said:
Work on your Pe. In six months you'll have 8 inches. If you see her again, she'll go oh wow i guess you do have a big one.

Exactly true and it will seem miraculous to her!
This is going to be easier said than done, but forget about her and move on. The last girl I dated hurt me pretty bad emotionally and has put doubts/mistrust in my head. For awhile I was like "I'll show her". But looking at it now, I realize that she's not that important, and I don't have anything to prove to her. I will do much better than her, and so can you. Don't communicate with this girl at all and don't think about her, as this will not help matters at all. And for another cliche, "there's more than 1 fish in the sea".

I can't believe some of the advice here--esp from some of the older guys.

Gishdu, I don't know you from adam. But I have seen/heard this many times. This ALL starts with you. Only YOU have the power to let this go. YOU have to break contact with this girl. ALL contact.

It doesn't matter how much bigger you get your dick to be or how much you work out or how many advanced degrees you get--this girl is all wrong for you.
I have had literally hundreds--probably thousands of conversations with my ex wife since we broke up. We have a kid together. We owned property together--we had to talk. Do you know how many of those conversations EVER were about current or former lovers since we broke up--NONE.

You have nothing--I mean NOTHING to prove to her or anyone else.

What makes you really, really happy? What are you really good at? Whatever it is--playing chess, working out, riding your bike--whatever--get to doing that.
Start working out--some sort of physical exercise--begin your Penis Enlargement routine with YOU in mind--not her.

If you are 7 guess what--you are bigger than a very high % of people out there.

I'm telling you this will get better--but YOU have to take the power away from her.

STOP talking to her. STOP ALL contact with her. Start with something positive for you everyday.
Kooky makes some good points. Penis Enlargement should be built on the desire to improve oneself for oneself. When anything is done for the reasons of another persons happiness it will never feel right. What would happen if you made the gains and she was not impressed or did not react the way you hoped? Would you then feel like shit about the gains? Think deep and hard about what will make you happy, if it is consistent with her wants so be it but in the end if you are not happy it was done in vain.
Thank you for all your replies, guys. You are all certainly right that I just need to break off contact.

Of course, the schemings of woman are so nefarious that simply ceasing communication also results in attempted mental and emotional assault. Like, if I am not content just being her "friend" or phone buddy, or whatever, then I'm "shallow" because I was only ever interested in her if sex was involved. Of course its not shallow at all that she calls me to tell me how her day is going, rather than her low-IQ pal down there, knowing I'm wallowing in my own loneliness. Or that when she calls me to talk about whatever stuff involving herself, and I ask her what she is doing/where she is going, she's off to go have some "fun." She somehow thinks its perfectly reasonable that I , her ex, would remain her "friend," be interested in hearing her talk about herself, and not make a peep when she mentions her latest sexual endeavors. So immature an unfortunate as it may be, I guess the only way out for myself is ignoring her calls and texts.

If our original breakup was due to some deep differences it would be one thing, but the reason its ended up like this is that it was just having to move to different parts of the country. She was definitely very sad when I had to leave and and the end there that was maybe even the closest moments of our relationship. But you all are right, there's nothing I can do than just say fuck it. At least let her miss the "friend" aspect of our relationship.

I'll keep up with the Penis Enlargement and let you guys know when I make the next girls jaw drop open to my 8 by 6er. Thanks [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words].
gishdu;483690 said:
Thank you for all your replies, guys. You are all certainly right that I just need to break off contact.

Of course, the schemings of woman are so nefarious that simply ceasing communication also results in attempted mental and emotional assault. Like, if I am not content just being her "friend" or phone buddy, or whatever, then I'm "shallow" because I was only ever interested in her if sex was involved. Of course its not shallow at all that she calls me to tell me how her day is going, rather than her low-IQ pal down there, knowing I'm wallowing in my own loneliness. Or that when she calls me to talk about whatever stuff involving herself, and I ask her what she is doing/where she is going, she's off to go have some "fun." She somehow thinks its perfectly reasonable that I , her ex, would remain her "friend," be interested in hearing her talk about herself, and not make a peep when she mentions her latest sexual endeavors. So immature an unfortunate as it may be, I guess the only way out for myself is ignoring her calls and texts.

If our original breakup was due to some deep differences it would be one thing, but the reason its ended up like this is that it was just having to move to different parts of the country. She was definitely very sad when I had to leave and and the end there that was maybe even the closest moments of our relationship. But you all are right, there's nothing I can do than just say fuck it. At least let her miss the "friend" aspect of our relationship.

I'll keep up with the Penis Enlargement and let you guys know when I make the next girls jaw drop open to my 8 by 6er. Thanks [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words].

Hey Man--I understand where you are coming from--she wants to be just "friends"--which is code for keep you under her thumb. Guess what--you can take the first steps to take that power away from her. Change your damn cell number if you have to. Next time she calls or send a txt, reply to her with a very, VERY generic reply that you are no longer interested in maintaining ANY sort of contact or friendship with her. Penis EnlargementRIOD. You owe her NO explanation OR reason. It might take a few days or a few weeks for it to sink it but YOU have to remain strong. If you give in even ONCE and treat her as a friend, then she will continue to break you again and again.

Think about this--I mean really, really think about this--you got off cheap. Think if you had married this woman, had kids, then this shit happens 5-10 years down the road. You'd need 5 jobs to pay for the child support, alimony, lawyer fees--the works. Say it again--YOU GOT OFF CHEAP.

Take care and I wish you the best. Stay strong.

This is a very hard situation to be in, seeing as you broke up, not really as you wanted to. You broke up due to the circumstances. You could always carry this on. Go very hard with your P.E. and say some bullshit about having to go somewhere near where she is. Suggest to her that you meet up. You meet up and hopefully something will happen, and you can give her a nice surprise.

With my current girlfriend, we were talking for a while by text and messages before we met (we met under very complicated circumstances). We were seeing other people but we knew we liked each other and we knew when we did meet, it would be something special. Anyway, we had both slept with one person each at that point, and they were people we were dating, as we were both locked into 2 year relationships. I ended my relationship and a couple of months later she ended hers. We both started sleeping with another person. And she text me one day saying 'I now know I will be able to handle your monster cock'. Unusual text, a nice compliment but I asked her what she meant. She said the guy she is sleeping with is very big, (since then she said he was uncomfortably big). Anyway, we cut these little fling things off and we decided to meet. She told me I was as thick as him, but he just pipped me on length. I remember her previously saying that the relationship she was in before the two year relationship she was in, she didn't have sex with the guy as he had such a thick penis and she was a virgin. She called his penis a 'coke can'. I asked her how I compare to that guy and she said both me and the guy longer than me, weren't as thick as him, but we were both much longer. Of course I didn't really like being the second thickest and the second longest guy she's had, but as DLD said, we are lucky we aren't stuck with penis sizes thanks to sites like [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words].Her and I are now both working towards getting to a size I'm happy with and a size she finds comfortable.

Previous penis sizes of partners your girlfriends have had, and their future partners penis sizes will play on your mind. For some guys they will barely think about it, those are the people not on this site. People who worry about it are people who are on this site. We can all increase our penis sizes here. If you get to 8 inches, 8.5 inches in length, it's very unlikely she will have been with someone, or will be with someone that's bigger than you. For now, focus on P.E. Focus on increasing your penis in all aspects and work hard and stay dedicated. If your gains are good, I say make her see what she's missing and that the 'larger' man is actually the one she used to know.
Well there is different ways getting over this. You can go the guru way: realize that size does not matter that we are all one and that is purely your male ego panicing. Sit in lotus position and meditate on ghandi... Without a doubt this will be best for your mental health.....

Other way. Use it as an extra drive. Go nuts in pe'ing. (your the right place)
Go read some sex guide books (just google it)
Pe more
Go get some chicks.
Pe more!

Basicly you can realize that there really is no problem when all comes down to it.
Or you can go head to head with the issue you have at hand.
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