This is a common story from the looks of things but I'd really like to get a few points of view on this problem and maybe come up with a plan of action of how to solve it.

Basically, I have a new girlfriend and I used to get rock solid erections all the time before meeting her. Now that I'm with her it's just not going on at all and it's getting really embarrassing. I don't know what happened. I used to be really horny all day almost everyday but now I have very little to no sexual desire. I can't even get really hard on my own and it's just worse with her. I have tried all my Penis Enlargement tricks such as a hardcore kegel routine alongside 1 hr edging and jelqing. Firstly I am finding it difficult to even get to the point of orgasm at all let alone continue with an edging session. That leaves little room for effective Penis Enlargement. This is a real shocker for me. I'm 24 years old and have never had anything like this before. About 6 months ago I was a raging pervert but now I'm just not turned on at all.

This is effecting me really badly psychologically as you can imagine and it's something that I really want to nail down as much as I can. If anyone has had an experience like this and has come through it then I'd like to hear how.

I've considered generic Cialis and DHEA and I know that a lot of the root of this problem is psychological. I'm very nervous about continued sexual non-performance and want to get my erections back ASAP. Anyone got any ideas?
You said "Now that I"m with her." By that do you mean you have tried to have sex with her but were unsuccessful? I agree that it is psychological. It's happened with my wife occasionally over the years. Most women, if they care about you, are more than understanding. It happens to the best of us, and it can happen at any age. So don't too twisted out of shape. Of course the more you worry about it, the more often it is going to happen.

Have you been totally honest with your new girl about it? If she cares about you at all, she will understand. And who knows? She might have her own insecurities and she might even be blaming herself for the problem, that is, she is not attractive enough, skillful enough etc, to get you excited.

If it doesn't get better, I would definitely try Viagra or Cialis. They would make a stone get an erection. :P

This too shall pass, good man. It happens to the best of us.

Do you have any hot fantasies you can think about as you're making love? It has worked for me when I've gone through these embarrassing periods.

Good luck.
Thanks goinfor11x7. I have tried to have sex with her and it just didn't happen. I've told her that it's my problem and has nothing to do with her and that it happens to a lot of guys at the start of a relationship. I think it'll be OK because she just likes holding me and kissing at the moment. I think I'll start to feel more comfortable with her in time and this will resolve itself.

My plan of action is to start taking this:

And maybe try horny goat weed. Just to see what happens. I'll also be ordering some generic cialis just for back up.

Well, I don't know if this is a good thing but she also told me that she would want to be with me even if I was a celibate. In a way that made me feel better but at other times she's made it clear that she wants to have sex with me.

Currently I'm doing a lot of exercise, trying to sleep as much as possible, eating healthy, drinking protein shakes, doing loads of kegels and abstaining from masturbation and watching adult entertainment. I feel a bit better today and had a 80% erection when I woke up.

Good plan?
Ginkgo biloba not only makes you get big erections but it also makes you desire sex. tongkat is good for this to. seems to work faster for me on a empty stomach.
Maybe you should masturnate more and watch adult entertainment less. On the upside odf adult entertainment you get rock hard erections. during the addiction phase of adult entertainment you lose interest in sex.

Perhaps your over doing Penis Enlargement or even over doing the gym, if you go to the gym. Maybe your just pooped!
Thank you all for your input. I've been thinking about this a bit and I think I understand what has happened.

I abstained from masturbation and ejaculation for a long time because I was practicing celibacy as a Buddhist. I thought that when I wanted to indulge myself, my usual appetite for sex would just come straight back but it looks like that's not true. Now I want it back I'm actually having to work on my sexual desire actively by doing those things that I was avoiding. It seems very simple. If you want to be able to perform then practice on your own.

I just got so into the habit of completely ignoring my desires that they went away completely. Now I am trying to bring them back by actively seeking orgasm.
Try this- do not ejaculate for a couple of days. No masturbating, and only allow yourself to ejaculate by penile-vaginal intercourse with a condom. It may take a couple of tries, but after a couple of days, you'll have such an urge to ejaculate that you'll be able to get the job done You'll also have conditioned your penis to deal with the slightly reduced sensation of the condom.

I also made a post here that may help:
first post here, howdy,

sorry to hear about the lack of wood/desire. what i would do when i would occasionally lose wood while trying to get it on, id more or less grab my junk like i was trying to jelq it, forcing blooding into it enough to have a semi decent erection, enter her, and then physiology takes over for me and gets me up to 100% whether or not i was there in the first place

maybe it'll work for you, either way, good luck
I can attest to the effectiveness of the above technique, I've found it especially useful during those epic sessions after already 1 or 2 ejaculations that the boner just wants to resist appearing in full form. if can just "squeeze" it in it will almost invariable harden up simple from being in there.
Erectile Dysfunction (inability to sustain erection) is a very common disorder which most men face in there life at some stage for one reason or the other like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, fatigue, stress, physical injuries, smoking and alcohol consumption. The exact reason can only be judged by a specialist and only then one should use the medicines prescribed. You can have the information on ED and ED related drugs on
Levitra is a FDA approved drug and is used to cure erectile dysfunction in male. This helps in treating impotency and ED disorders in men suffering from risky medical conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. This is the reason why this medicine is being preferred over other impotency medicines.
The best thing you can do is to consult an urologist, get to the root of the cause and have the medication prescribed and surely you can get over your disorder.
Best Luck.....