i dont know if some of you feel the same way i do ..but i find myself havin anger towards certain kinds of females. the females that anger me are the ones that cheat, the ones that are size queens, and stuck up ones. my first reason is self explanitory. now its because of my second reason that im postin this on this forum. i find myself feelin alot of anger towards females that are "big dick crazy" because it seems to me that most of these females only like a guy just because of the size of his dick over the person altogether.

these are the same kinds of females that put down guys with small penises and destroy thier self esteem. it just hurts me when i hear a story about some fuckin bitch that hurt some guys feelins just because his penis was small or his dick "is not big enough" for her. this has never happend to me..but i just cant stand hearin the stories from friends about this kind of bullshit that goes on. in reality i will never say that i have a big dick, (even after all the comments that ive gotten on this forum), but those of you that have seen it, know that its not small. some of you might even ask yourself why does it bother me so much that some females are like this.. ill tell you why, i personally could never go with a female who i know is a size queen (no one is forcin me to go with them i know)...but some females are "closet size queens" and you dont find out untill its too late. i feel that if i get with a "SQ" no matter how big my dick is..if she sees a bigger dick then i would become obselete in her world...but knowin me i would be gone way before she decides to go with the bigger guy. as you can see it is highly probable that i may never obtain my "goal" stats...just cause of how crazy the measurements are. ive always thought that if i had a size like that, i probably would never have to worry about bein told "you have a small dick" if i came across a closet size queen. but then again theres always some females that are goin to want a bigger one than the 12" with 10" girth... so why dont they just shove the fuckin "Burj Dubai" in her cunt and make the piece of shit bitch happy.... maybe thats long and thick enough.

now for the "stuck up females".. what the fuck is it thats wrong with alot of these females nowadays? some of them have this "my shit dont stink, cause i dont go to the bathroom" attitude. its like most of these females act like every guy that sees them wants them...whats that about?? most of these broads have no manners and act like if they are polite or humble then the world would explode.. i tell you what i think it is, its the pathetic dumb motherfuckin pieces of shit males, that when they see a female on the street they go out of thier way to yell compliments or make advances at her and they throw their dignity away and put themselves on the floor just to have that female acknowledges them.

i have seen some of the most halarious situations about that shit.... i honestly believe that if these pathetic dumb assholes didnt do this kind of shit, then these females wouldnt be stuck up.. stuck up females are only stuck up because of the attention that these "broken condoms" give them. im sure that if no one gave attention to these stuck up females..these sluts wouldnt act the way they do. heres an example of what i mean: if the average straight female walked into a room and says "i want to fuck" i bet you that there would be atleast 3 assholes that are goin run up and say "ok yea lets go". now if the average straight male walked into a room and said "i want to fuck" i bet you people would probably just look at him like hes crazy and probably have his ass escorted out of the buildin...

it really pisses me off when i hear some females say "o you males are so fucked up".. its funny cause most females are just as fucked up, if not worst.. than most males on a daily basis nowadays. in reality guys, females call the shots.. a male only goes as far with a female, as the female allows him to go. so if some guys decide to go around and cheat and fuck like a bunch wild animals...its because females allow them to be that way... so if the males are to blame so are the females cause they do the same kinds of shit....

hahahahaha now some of you might be sayin "damn man, why dont you calm down..whats your fuckin problem"..heres my problem, as long as some males act the way i mentioned above, there will be more and more stuck up, size queen and shallow broads in the world. i know i will never have controll over these kinds of things and its sometimes useless to just think about somethin that one has no controll over. but im sure some of you have thoughts about things that you have no controll over but sometimes cant help but think about the kinds of things that bother or even anger you about the world. since this is a gentlemens forum i thought i would share my thoughts with you guys about these things. if you agree with what i wrote, good..if you dont thats good too. but just please know where i stand and i want to thank all of you for takin the time to read my thoughts and acknowledge my post.
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I understand what your saying and grasp it aswell, plus I agree because I've heard about it all myself.

As you may be aware about my stance with woman and penis size, is that most woman dont want a big huge cock but a man that can ... well be a MAN and thats pretty rare nowadays.

Those 'broken condoms' haha as you put it, great line by the way, are the reasons why some woman are acting like they do ... like the shit dont stink and they are 'IT' I SO FEEL ou here bro!!

Many times I go out to clubs and GET THIS its so fucking sick ... so I play them and IGNORE the slimes and dont even look at them, no mattter how good they look I dont give them the time of day ... I turn into Ice and wouldnt piss on them if they were on fire at that stage.

This send a message to dumb sluts like that, this guy [me] wont tolerate your spoilt whoreish ways and I' NOT the common man you use, fuck and cheat on .. so finger your cunt bitch.

These slags are best avoided like the plague because lovely woman are around and I have been with them but I often see this in immagrants around the UK such as Czech and Polish girls who on the whole are quite pleasant with great morals etc.

The size queens ... well this will always be and you'll get woman who just love big huge cocks going in and out of their skanky holes like the trains going along the ole channell tunnell route 24/7 .... > Its busy.

I could look at this anotherway, in that someguys only go for blondes or woman with big ass and big tits ... thats shallow in my eyes too and those guys are to me losers who are missing a real fucking woman ... a woman who has more than just big tits and bubble butt and that bubble butt has probably had tons of filthy smelly cock in it and those nipples YUCK who has sucked them? or better still .... WHAT HAS BEEN BETWEEN THEM AND ON THEM!!!

So yea you get guys just the same and I notice a similer trend with males in plastic gangs thinking they are the fucking mafia haha I'm a nice gentle guy with a heart of gold and do anything for anyone but I wouldnt hesitate when the moments right to smash those bastards wide open on the curb ... I actually was with a guy years ago in London and have posted this on [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] before awhile back.

We were out and some guys were starting shit outside a club, thinking they were HARD ... I'm going off topic here with the thread but I'm using this to make a parallel match with the female degradation.

So this guy was starting shit, so my mate who was a bouncer and funnily enough is in a book on hard bastards here in the UK ... told him to go away and stop ... the guy didnt and tried to knife him, so he grabbed the cunt and smacked him to the curb and kept kicking his head against the curb ... he than did a mini American history X [ see the film?] where he places the guys head on the curb, mouth open so its biting the curb and puts his foot through the back of the head but the freind did it light so it smashed his teeth out and broke his jaw hahaha the fucker learned a lesson that night , one in respect .. Cypriot style!

The point of the story is that guys are going to slimey ways and acting like something they aint.

Those girls who love big dicks, well they probably been brainwashed into this big black fucking cock crap and want a rapper to fuck them from all angles and I hope they do and piss all over her ... after shes thrown down the sewers haha

Serious .... catch yourself a lady and they are around ... bollocks to the whores and wannabe gangstas, cos they become unstuck oneday either by their own filthy kind or through an act of god to balance the books and keep them from hurting anyone anymore.
Personally I pay no attention to sluts like this. THeres a saying "your constantly telling people how to treat you". Im with red on this one when it comes to these females you can definetly tell a mile away and can avoid them at first glance. I say its your fault if you are to involve your self with a girl who is evidently this way.
I establish the frame of relationships, personnel, business watever, and I will let people know wat is acceptable and wat is not.
So remember establish that FRAME
I feel you completely Mista Ben. These are the worst kinds of women in the world. They should all be thrown to the curb to be ravaged by the zombies from "Crossed".
It's most irritating to get with a woman to find out too late that they're horrible people. If there's one thing I've learned from life at this young age, it's that it can happen as many as 3 years down the line. Why do people turn so cheap anyway? I mean, I guess it's easier to down McDonalds than lambchops, but one has to set some standards. Some of the qualities in the world we call "refined" are actually bullshit. Others are for the sake of limiting the excitement so things don't get addictive and out of hand. Very few things are actually refined, but a person can set a standard.

I also get your stance on the double standard with the "let's fuck" example. If any of you go to Something Awful I recall reading an article about how women seem to get treated better than men in this day and age just to make up for the kinds of things that most of us probably weren't even responsible for. http://www.somethingawful.com/d/news/feminism-rant.php
Unfortunately there are just as bad males out there as females, who inflate stereotypes about males having uncontrollable hormones. But stereotypes form from half-truths. Look at all the media in the culture where women call guys perverts and everybody agrees. Also all of the examples where men try to see the woman character naked if he has a chance. Are all men perverts? No. Some are. Some aren't; some are completely celibate. The rest of us have NORMAL HORMONES. It's hard to find a real woman that sees the line dividing normal hormones and perversion; it doesn't help that women can be just as bad. A woman isn't a whore just because she's perverted, but she be damned if she isn't inviting the title.

The Women of Color Coalition has been on the campus for a decade I believe. A few weeks ago, my friend Zander and a few other guys decided to revive the long-forgotten Men's Resource Center that was started by KAOS Radio host John Ford a while back. Word is that the Women of Color Coalition AKA the Women's Resource Center isn't happy about it. They're most-likely thinking of it as if we were the guy that was jealous of the sick guy with the chicken soup so we got our own chicken soup even though we weren't sick. They're probably thinking "Men don't need a resource center! There's no such thing as oppression towards males!" But these kinds of comments are the very reason men need a resource center. Women don't know what it's like to be put down because you're "half a man", or can't do your job, or live up to the horrid oversized expectations of women everywhere. But nobody concentrates on it, because everyone assumes men have no problems. Kind of like mothers. Mothers love and do their job without stopping even when their kids treat them like shit. Men don't often speak out against the pressure upon them. That does bring a sense of honor and nobility though.
I know I probably branched into a completely different topic but I feel it contributes in a way.
you got weird problems. i unfortunetly never found such a girl. i might seem quite weird in here, but that is simply the work of the local women. here they only go for money. i've even seen hardcore cases when sexy girls were with guys in braces, thick glasses and pimbles, but obviously in possesion of the big wallet. this went so bad since all the electro shit cam up. the so-called size queen is nothing compared to them. atleast the size queens go for a part of the man. what the girls here consider to be perfect is something that only is inheritable in the young ages. with a dick that is surely reaching 10'' soon ive had more "omg this is gonna hurt"-refuses than advantages.
I hear you Siegel. I went out to a bar couple of weeks ago with some friends to play pool. I was at the bar and this good lookin women walked up and sat next to me. Started talking with her but you could tell she thought her shit didn't stink. She asked me if I wanted to buy her a drink. Now a "Broken condom" would have. Now mind you it's ladies night and she drinks for free. I just fuckin walked off and played pool. Why should I buy her a drink when I don't know her and the dumb bitch gets them fo rfree anyway? Duh.
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Exactly my man ... samething for me a few times when at the bar some attractive snotty slapper sits next to me and ignores me when I said ''G'day how are you'' which is just being freindly and had no interest in fucking her or anything else. I thought fuck you than, just another ignorant little snotty bitch society has made. This slime than asked if I would buy her a drink and what was a waiting for .. I looked at her as thought to say ''You fucking serious'' and she sorta smiled and I laughed and said ''I dont think so your not my type'' and walked away to do my thing. She looked ... well pretty upset and like she had her ship sunk. Never been let down like she has probably let down countless men. I didnt do it for that though, if she would have spoke back than we could have chatted but she didnt so she got what was comming to her.
Exactly. Another time we went out and the same thing happened to my friend. She asked for a drink and he looked at her and said "What are you fucking broke?" lol.
rivieraman71;347547 said:
I hear you Siegel. I went out to a bar couple of weeks ago with some friends to play pool. I was at the bar and this good lookin women walked up and sat next to me. Started talking with her but you could tell she thought her shit didn't stink. She asked me if I wanted to buy her a drink. Now a "Broken condom" would have. Now mind you it's ladies night and she drinks for free. I just fuckin walked off and played pool. Why should I buy her a drink when I don't know her and the dumb bitch gets them fo rfree anyway? Duh.

that cunt, you shouldve thrown the drink in her fuckin face, just for that. i know that if there was no prison, i would and then some.
Guys, I can understand that those kinds of attitudes piss you off, but don't you think you might be exaggerating things a bit?

I don't know how it is there in the United States, but I refuse to believe that the majority of women is that shallow. Yes, they are out there. But what are the odds of your regular check-out girl or waiter at the local restaurant being a size queen or a stuck up slut? I'd say the odds are pretty slim. Your day to day woman is most likely to be a kind intelligent woman who just wants/has a decent man in her life to make her happy and fulfill all or childhood dreams. I personally believe most women just want to find their knight in shining armor (and I can imagine that an armor wouldn't be too comfy for a guy with a huge dick, ah ah ah).
Besides, even if you find a stuck up slut who happens to be a size queen, just let her be. There are plenty more fish in the sea, as well as there are probably plenty more well hung sharks who are willing to put up with those girls' shit just to bang them. Why should YOU have to worry about that? Move on and put her behind your back.

On the other hand, I'm not sure we should be so quick in judging girls as stuck up just because they frown at our first very polite approach in a bar. Do we men have any idea what it feels like to be looked at as just a piece of ass everytime we go out with our friends for some fun? We don't! But women do. And that, in time, may lead to them creating some sort of defense against assholes. Since they don't know, at first glance, whether or not you're an asshole, they wear that "I'm no match for you, so fuck off" mask to keep the morons at bay.
Do we, the supposedly nice guys, get caught up in that fire? We do. Being collateral damage is a bitch. But can we really blame them? That's yet to be debated.

Besides, I believe we should take a deeper thought at this.
Where do we get the stereotypes from? Mostly from mass media. Who sells the "bigger is better" idea, be it cock, tits or ass size? Mostly mass media. Where did we get the idea that it is alright to have no-string-attached fun with whomever you like (I'm not agreeing or disagreeing, to each their own)? From mass media, most likely.
So where are you most likely to find people who get influenced by this kind of thought? I'd say in places where the entertainment is for the masses. Large discos, cheap (the price, not the quality) bars, etc. So maybe, if you don't like those kinds of girls, you should look for fun somewhere else, in places with more distinct customers.

If you can't change what surrounds you, maybe it's best to change surroundings. I'm sure you have decent women in your area, probably even more than indecent ones. Try and find out where they go and have fun with their friends.

Oh, and one more thing:
"A woman isn't a whore just because she's perverted, but she be damned if she isn't inviting the title. "
I'd have to disagree. This is prejudice (or maybe we have a difference of opinion regarding the definition of perversion). Women are as entitled to being perverted as we do and I'm all for it, as I think it is only healthy that she expresses her sexuality freely and shares it with her partner without holding back. I don't agree with the gender-based stud/slut duality in the definition of "a person who fucks like a rabbit". And this is a concept that is deeply rooted in our minds.

To sum it up, it's a fact of life that there are shallow, narrow-minded, dumb, twisted and stupid people. Worry not. Karma will be a bigger bitch than those people ever were :P

Just ignore them and carry on with your peaceful life. And don't let those people bring you down. Instetad of ranting about them, develop your self esteem so you can be above them ;)

In the end, you'll get to win.
A wonderful perspective I must say. That does provide a lot to work with.

As you mention, there are a ton of girls who put on an attitude to ward off morons. And nice guys get caught up in it. Although I think that it's the same with men in that, if there are guys who have the idea that all women are sluts, it might be to ward off those who might treat them like shit about their dick. After all, having a cynical attitude towards anything will ward off both good and bad. Women don't know who the nice guys are, but they will sure ward them off by having that attitude, in the same way guys will ward off nice upstanding girls in addition to size queens. I'm not saying either of them are in the right but that might be what caused them, apart from perhaps a VERY bad breakup due to superficial things or just too much media.
Men might think that all women are perverted by using logic. "Lots of guys everywhere are having sex. I'm nice, I have a job, I'm well-spoken, educated, and I'm not ugly. Is it just my dick really? Or is it my overweightness since girls don't really know the size of my dick?" That's for virgins. Non-virgins will go "Man it sure has been a while. What's wrong with me? Not my mind. I'm in good health. Do women really sit around in bathrooms talking to each other about guys' dick sizes and keep little charts, and all of them flock to the guy with the biggest dick and share him?" Considering how insecure men really are, this outrageous conclusion would seem logical in some situations.

Yeah the media is responsible for a lot of things but the common man will give in. That's no problem except if you want someone that hasn't given in to mass media, you'd have to find a renegade somewhere and we come few and far between nowadays. Kind of ironic that I'm at the school for renegades but that's my problem. In the same way that everyone's gotten fat off of eating only sweet stuff, we want only the sweetest when it comes to relationships. But in all reality if you're dating someone, they might be thought of as common or not but they obviously won't seem so common when you get to know them well. At least if you stay with them.

I think men and women both have a good idea for what it means to be treated like a piece of ass. The difference is how that happens. Women are constantly hit on, while men are simply told in the background "This is the only kind of guy we will accept." Knights in shining armor after all. Maybe they don't have to have a huge dick but they won't get by looking like an orc. Not unless they're rich or powerful. Being articulate doesn't seem to matter or I'd have a wonderful woman right now. I'm single.
*ahem* Point being that if someone gets hit on in a bar, why else would they be doing so? Men aren't all perverted, they are HORMONAL. It's their JOB to do the hitting on in nature. At least I don't see women everywhere constantly hitting on men. Maybe it's due to the ladylike thing but that's bullshit. Another thing to blame media on. The physical outside is to get someone interested so that they can get to know you. A man's not going to know who you really are until you give him a chance to talk to you, and a woman won't know what the man's like either, but nice guys and bad guys all have to hit on women to initiate conversation. Ever since I was 14 I was under the impression women could come to me but none of them did. But I also learned adopting a lifestyle didn't work if it was "Well, if none of them are coming to me, then they must not think I'm worth their time. If that's the case, fuck em. None of them are worth MY time." And then I was lonely all throughout high school.

Media sucks yes. But if it sucks so bad, why do we keep paying attention to it? We think everyone else is, and we're the only wolf in a world of sheep, so the best we'll get is dating a sheep. When someone ends up liking someone else who they think of as a wolf, we all chime in and go "What is it that makes them so likeable? I'm not seeing it." And then when we don't get an answer, we say it's because that person is just superficial.
My opinion is that the reason media keeps working and has for centuries, aside from shady business techniques to get you to buy things, is because they really do emulate what we care about. "85% of women like a guy who wears deoderant." Well DUH! Who the hell is out there saying "I prefer my guys to smell like shit when they come in the door." Now some of these are just about selling deoderant, but they used non-business-related polls to exaggerate the actual need for deoderant. Frankly, an average guy will buy the deoderant he thinks works best for him and that's end of story. It's not like we can't smell ourselves. We are the ones closest to ourselves at any point in the day. That might mask some of it due to familiarity but we have natural scents for a reason. We have body hair for a reason. Surely it's not just to prevent us from pairing up with someone; would our body really do that to us? Obviously if you have a dick problem or there's some advantage you don't have that others do it is genetic. You can ask yourselves "why do douchebags always get the girl?", and think it is something physical. That physical thing you don't have can make you feel completely unneeded in the world. When that happens, you get the idea your birth was just a joke or a coincidence between two people and that you should just get out of it. But you don't want to get out of it because you have some things you enjoy. Though no one can stay holed up somewhere playing videogames for the rest of their lives without taking part in the world. Ahh, people who are always cynical. Cynicism is an accepted mental climate as well, so I can see why it would be popular to be so in this generation.

Another thing we have to take into account is nature. A woman sleeps around and she's a slut. Well if she only does it with guys with huge dicks yeah she's a slut. But if someone is horny and there are available people, why not feed the hunger? It's not our fault we get horny. There's no reason people should have to follow these unwritten laws of people always being calm and composed, eat when it's scheduled, fuck when it's scheduled, sleep when it's scheduled. Some things you do because of rules in a club or because you have a job you have to keep in the professional world but in the end we make our own choices as to who we pursue and how we act in order to be noticed. There's no universal way unfortunately but that is okay because we are guided to please those we enjoy pleasing, and are noticed in return. When those we respect act not in our favor, and we get the impression they don't care as a result, who wouldn't gain a cynical outlook of people?

One last thing about nature. Our society and our nature contradict each other all the damn time. At first there was only lust, but then it slowly evolved into a culture. Now there's love and romance! Yay! Theoretically it should work but it clashes with lust all the time. If you're single and you have sex with a lot of people, you might be called slutty on occasion but for the most part no one has any moral qualms about it. In fact, some people might impose labels on you because they wish they had your lifestyle, oftentimes to the point of being hostile. "What's so special about you huh? Is it your dick?" Now then there's sex in relationships. It's natural to be polyamorous, but not accepted in society if you're in a relationship. Usually anyway. Monogamy in nature is related to knowing your kid is yours. And there are a lot of reasons we are monogamous in society; who doesn't want to feel appreciated? The moment your love goes away with someone else it feels like you are no longer important to them, and then you feel used and used up. Then you feel useless, hence an urge to die, versus an urge to not want to die, hence a soulless broken being that is the epitome of sadness in my eyes. Anyway, more people will have the urge to have sex with multiple people than not. However, the number of people that purposely try to suppress that urge for the sake of a good fulfilling monogamous relationship is very high. Hence we have to contradict ourselves all the time. How is this relevant?

Let's say genetics gave you a very small penis. You're fucked. You can get as close to sex as you want but cannot fall into it because you'll just get made fun of. Because apparently nobody cares about guys with small dicks, or fat guys. Very few women, those who don't have as many physical urges, will see them for who they are. Breaks your damn heart, doesn't it? If you're in a really nice relationship, but your sex is very unfulfilling, or to your partner, there WILL be conflict. Your partner will stay with you of course, because only a moron would leave a nice person just for better sex. Supposedly we're above that. But lust is still at the bottom of the hierarchy. Imagine that your partner was really awesome, but you weren't allowed to eat anything other than ramen noodles every night. Keeps you going but you're feeling the pressure. You're fucking hungry, and there will be a point at which you will run off with someone that has chili, curry, cheeseburgers and apples and bananas and celery and lettuce and fine wine and coffee. There's only a very thin overlap between what is superficial and what is just basic need. The argument could be that people often live as virgins their whole lives and don't need sex to live, but do need food. Sure, and there are lots of people who don't mind eating ramen the rest of their lives either. But polygamy and beef both would not exist if there wasn't some need for it. Not to mention that those who eat only ramen become very gaunt and pale, and virgins will [Experience]often have very bad mood swings, ironically leading them to get less and less sex.[/Experience] Puritan society has instilled in us, even those who don't want to acknowledge it, that polygamy is sluttiness and lots of food is gluttony. The bottom line is that the standards imposed by society are above the basic needs of food and sex on the hierarchy. And that means due to our nature we will feel the need for both more. Some people will say they really wish for romance, but in all reality what they want is companionship. Doesn't have to be romance. I mean hey, some people really do want romance above sex. But to lots of people, it's an important part of it, whether we want to call it superficial or not. It's really sad when you are physically limited but perfectly capable of loving, because then it makes love seem completely superficial. And in some ways you could say it is. So much so that I don't even enjoy saying it because I remember how shocked I was to see this distinction. Also the terrible moody years in high school and early college.

The fact that it's difficult to see two sides of the same coin when it comes to sex and love will often give men a false idea of what women are after, and vice versa. Those who are hormonal and go after sex will be thought of as lacking love. Those who are only lovers will often be rejected because they don't fulfill the hormonal needs. Hormonal/Hormonal will get you fuck buddies, and Romantic/Romantic will get you a perfect societal relationship, kind of boring to some people.

...Hope my post wasn't too long. I really liked your post and wanted to add stuff.
WOW! Now I don't know where to start my reply :D

I agree with most of what you said.

However, I don't agree when you say "A woman sleeps around and she's a slut. Well if she only does it with guys with huge dicks yeah she's a slut".
Why is she a slut for only sleeping around with hung guys? If we're talking about sleeping around, and not a lasting relationship involving more than sex, I will choose a girl whose physique will give me the more sexual pleasure and appeal. I mean, if it's just for fun, then I'll choose a person whose body gives me more to play with, whatever my taste is.
Therefore, I wouldn't consider a girl to be a slut just because she only sleeps around with hung guys. I definitely WOULD consider her a slut if she made guys feel bad about their dicks though. Because I believe there are good ways to get around some situations. I wouldn't tell a girl "hey, don't even come and try to fuck me untill you grow to double DDs". That would make me a moron and an ass. Even if the true reason was her boob size, I'd go around it another way, because even though it's just sex, no one likes to be ditched, so we own, at least, that person some respect regarding her dignity, just for the simple fact that she came to us and ask for sex.
So, is a girl a slut for only wanting big dicks? I'd say no. Is she a slut for stating perfectly clear that she doesn't want you for the size of your dick? I'd say no, because in that case she's not a slut, she's a total cunt :P

Anyway, for those of you/us who might have some insecurities regarding the size of your penis, I'll leave you with a saying we have here in Portugal (I've said it before in another post, but I don't mind repeating it) that goes something like "as long as you have a finger and a tongue, no woman can make you scared" (Ir rhymes in Portuguese :P)

So, my friends, if you're wanting to nail that girl, make her come orally or with your fingers. If you don't know how, do some research, read, watch, browse and then go for it. I'm sure she'll give you some points if you do that, because not all guys are willing/able to. And even if she's not happy with your size, I belive the comment "well, he's cock's not that big, but girl he can make you come with his tongue and fingers like no other» will arise in her conversations with her friends, and ladies are as much of a sucker for getting head as we men.

Just prove to those women that a big cock isn't everything :D
Your right and it was several months ago when I posted in this thread at a time when I was recovering from a bad time in my life and kinda thinking more hard on things.

I now think more rationally about things and peoples emotions, and yes you are 100% right with allot of women not falling into this category.
I just realized how long it's been since I was last on. Where is Benji Siegel anyway? Haven't seen him. Hope he didn't get mowed down by a tommy gun.

Anyway I was mostly messin' with the slut comment. But I will say this; huge HUGE dicks are fairly uncommon. And a woman who sleeps with only them will get her pussy stretched out so that average guys can't do a thing. Sleeping with only well-hung guys won't make her a slut per se, but it will put her into an odd position.

I think a lot of the issue with the dick size thing comes from the fact that men don't want to have to get women off with the only ways that lesbians have to get each other off. It's like, we are born with dicks, we're meant to get pleasure out of it, why are we using our fingers? We could use vibrators and dildos too, or even strap ons. But that seems a little weird don't it? If a guy has a reliable dick, he uses it. If a guy has a small dick, it's not very easy for him to enjoy sex. It's something that sucks. Not to mention that the more women degrade men for not having above-average dicks, the more men will feel useless. But all the more reason I'm happy I'm here at the site dedicated to changing that. It's not just so that we can avoid conflict when it comes to encountering bitches who only want dicks; it's to avoid the physical problems that come with the fact that deep down we are really just humans looking for gratification and we should be able to fulfill that need.
*****short version/moral from this story if its to long to bother reading***=
1) chances are she doesn't know what shes had before or what big really is
2) Her issues probably have simple roots if you take the time to find em
3) Even though men dont help the SQ factor a lot with their big egos and their "huge dicks", women are as bad if not worse as men because they mostly (from what I've seen) don't bother with facts usually just hear-say.
4/golden rule) If you love your woman and she loves you back and what your doing satisfies her in bed... why do you need to add a like 10 or 12 inch penis to the equation. Personally if a girl told me that she needed 12 to feel good and was right, I wouldn't want her used loose ass pussy anyway

See this kinda shit really amuses me because it hits close to home. My GF was what we call a "raggedy bitch" where I come from (or was before i got her anyway) and by that I mean a self-centered attention whore adopted into money. The kind of girl who has to be absolutely perfect despite her many flaws (She used to be anorexic and bulimic, she used to smoke because it suppressed her appetite and made her feel more accepted, got into harder drugs like Acid and at one point was a heavy drinker because it was what her friends did, was under the impression that money+lies= love thanks to her incompetent parents and the list goes on). I got with her in my senior year of High School and she had been this way since she was probably 12, 13 maybe. I've found the key to dealing with girls like her is simple reverse psychology, she used to be the worst tease in the world and all the guys shed do it to either turned red or gave her that "I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you" look men tend to get when their testosterone levels spike and their dick starts to swell. All it took was about a week of giving her a taste of her own medicine and she had to have me. I acted like she was ok, average at best but nothing I'd die to have and she took it as a challenge. Eventually I half heartedly would show interest when she came around and little by little I let her have my attention. It took me about 3 months but all of her problems boiled down to just a few things: 1) Her parents adopted her and regretted it and she wanted their love so attention was something she desired 2) Over the span of 4-14 she was sexually abused by 3 men who she was close too (explains the mental-disorders, insecurity with herself (felt like a piece of meat not a woman), and in ability to do anything on her own... she had been forced into things in the past and didn't know how to fight/didn't have the ability too so she gave up on fighting all her battles in life) 3) Not just her, but most of the females I've observed/talked to etc. that are SQ's (she is too) don't know what big is and what small is or what the difference between 10 inches is and 7. I am 6' 2"ish 218lbs and I have about an inch of fat at the base so My 7 BPenis EnlargementL is just about 6 EL. She swears that her ex was 8 and a half easy and that i'm not far from it. I'm just a bit shy of 6" EG, maybe 5.85-5.9 and she made me stop because of the pain when I put it in her ass and gave it to her hard (assuming shed be fine since she had an apparent extra 2.5 inches with her last guy). About 6 months in she gave me cherry (**only took it oral and anal before) and over the course of 4 or 5 months she still has some pain when taking it all - the mouth. My point being, either that big 8 and a half inch dick she took was thin as fuck, which I doubt it would be, or she doesn't know a damn thing. I am a sophomore in college and I've talked to her about Penis Enlargement and the first thing out of her mouth is 10 inches would be about what she would want. My 6 is giving her trouble and she wants almost double that... Aint that a bitch
You have to understand, if they don't have a penis they lack the almighty penis gene which controls logical thought.:)
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