It sounds like we have somehow misunderstood each other about the doctor & edema subject. Could very well be me that misunderstood you. I'm good at misunderstand people x)
All i'm saying is.. If you get permanent edema on your penis and it is permanent, but still "treatable", so it's sort of not permanent, but it still needs treatment to be fixed, and i don't know how much it costs
or how serious or dangerous it is to fix it or how they even do it, can't say because i'm not experienced in that subject. Ofcourse you have to go to the doctor or where the hell you go to fix the problem to get rid of this "permanent but still fixable" state
of edema on your penis. When you have treated it, the "permanent" area will be gone, and if this area did bring size gains on the measuring tape, ofcourse those measurements will be lost. But the other "real" gains as i call them
will not be lost. The gains that is caused because you have bigger CC/CS & tunica along with more blood flow to fill them up.
Do we understand each other here, or did i miss what you meant? If i did, feel free to explain
The other shit i spoke about beneath the "doctor" thing was just how i believe penis size is gained, particularly with the [words=]