I know black magic is real. But I don't know about it being used for penis enlargement but if it can be used, it should work as an assistant to the routine you are doing. For example you have a way of gaining 1 inch of length in 3months, I believe black magic can boost the gains making it grow even further within that same 3months of constant workout but I've never thought of doing it. But I know so many places where one can do real black magic. There are some women referred to as white witches here in Nigeria, they have men too who are white wizards. They fight against red and black witches. In some part of Nigeria, every year you might see a black and white bird flying and fighting each other in the sky and all of a sudden the black bird falls to the ground and turns into an old woman and die. In other cases, you can wake up one day and see a woman standing on top of a very long pole and she will confess to witch craft saying she ran out of petrol or something while flying. The strongest of all black magic is witch craft and it is very common with the Yorubas and the Calabar tribes in Nigeria. The white witches brings prosperity, wealth, long life and power against the red and black witches. The witches are in charge of fame or stardom in Nigeria. For you to be famous in Nigera, you must buy the fame from them. But fame can be obtained from the marine world too, I mean from kingdoms under the sea. If you are reading all I have written and you are in doubt then I'm sorry to tell you that you should be scared of the unknown.