best exercise for length? best exercise to fix a curve?

I've got a hanger, been doing that but I want to know what is ideal for length. i don't care about girth, i'm fine there. just want to get long.

also whats the best technique for correcting a slight to moderate penis curve to the left?

machtenx said:
I've got a hanger, been doing that but I want to know what is ideal for length. i don't care about girth, i'm fine there. just want to get long.

Hanging is a great way to achieve length. You may also want to supplement hanging with some manual stretches. There are quite a few different manual stretches you will want to search for including:

Basic Stretching
Rotary Stretching
among many others

machtenx said:
also whats the best technique for correcting a slight to moderate penis curve to the left?

If you are a member of the pay site there is a routine specifically made to correct this. You will find the Penis EnlargementYRONIES WORKOUT here: Disease.html, you will need a membership to access that link. If you do not have access to the paysite do a simple search for the word BEND and you will find lots of tips and exercise.
Supra said:
Do you really like C Jelqs?

C-Jelqs are an awesome exercise. They are also extremely powerful in correcting a curve.
inamo said:
Excuse me for my ignorance, but what are c-jelqs?

DLD C-Jelqs
C-Jelqs are a method of isolating each separate side of the corpus cavernosum and creating a fluent movement that embodies the jelq with the bend in a functional exercise.

In a 90% erect jelq in a C motion to the left when the jelq hand gets to the top of the penis open your hand and use the palm of the same hand to slightly bend in the same direction. The other hand will be at the base supporting the bend and preparing for the next jelq. Repeat the same motion with the other hand. This takes a little getting used to but it is the best use of the Jelq movement ever.
AncientChina said:
How about the C-Jelq.

While Doing C-Jelqs you can also do some erect bends on the curve and then after that quickly do a blood pumping jelq. That's what I do...I look like a moron doing them too but no one is watching. :)

has that fixed your curve? and do u have peyronies or anything like that or do u have one larger cc, a curve from birth?
So basically resuming what i read from this post, what we need to do correct a curve, is do C-Jelqs, Erect bends and jelq against the curve? Did i miss anything?
This will come in main goal from Penis Enlargement is to correct a downward curve i have from birth.
If i missed something please add the missing exercises!
Nausea said:
So basically resuming what i read from this post, what we need to do correct a curve, is do C-Jelqs, Erect bends and jelq against the curve? Did i miss anything?
This will come in main goal from Penis Enlargement is to correct a downward curve i have from birth.
If i missed something please add the missing exercises!

Regular erect bends will not help this condition, DLD Bends against the curve will help. I just want to clarify this because they are very different exercises.