I think the Penis Enlargement community has fallen into a great error, as regards looking to average penis size as the ruler and marker. We forget that average is only one of many means of measuring centeral tendancies. Average is MEAN, but there is also MODE, and MEDIAN, hence to say something is average is not accurate in relation to what most women will run into in society. MODE is the most frequent appearing number in a population and this is what the Penis Enlargement comminity should look for. Condom manufacturers understand this clearerly and have kept it secret. They understand that the average penis is around 5-6 inches but the MODE or most occuring penis size is infact 7 inches, and the only thing which makes the average penis size 5-6 is the extreme scores on either side of the scale. So do you want to consider the 2 inch penis and the 11 inch penis as determinants in the average calculation? or rather look at what really is out there?
Let me tell you this, what most women are facing out their is not a 5-6 inch penis but rather a 7 inch penis, because this is the MODE and most occuring size, hence the 7 inch condoms. If you watch the documentary "the perfect penis" some women were asked to make out of clay the size of penis they usually encounter on one night stands on the week end, and all of them made a 7 inch penis.
Hence, if you are of average size, this does not mean you are the same size as most penises out there, this is an illusion and you painfully but truthfully are falling rather sort of the mark. On the positive side, Penis Enlargement does work.
Let me tell you this, what most women are facing out their is not a 5-6 inch penis but rather a 7 inch penis, because this is the MODE and most occuring size, hence the 7 inch condoms. If you watch the documentary "the perfect penis" some women were asked to make out of clay the size of penis they usually encounter on one night stands on the week end, and all of them made a 7 inch penis.
Hence, if you are of average size, this does not mean you are the same size as most penises out there, this is an illusion and you painfully but truthfully are falling rather sort of the mark. On the positive side, Penis Enlargement does work.