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iGrowSteady;690186 said:Okay, like forcing yourself to go to the gym or eat healthy, PE can be one of those uphill climbs as well! Especially if you have a hard time staying committed, for whatever reason, it's a hurdle for sure, but one that could have such potential benefits. With that said, I feel the same way toward Kegeling and just need to lock down and get to them.
The one thing that more or less stops me though is what actually helps others. The fact that you can just do them anywhere anytime, believe it or not, somewhat hinders me. I've been hitting the gym since last June, doing things there I can't just do anywhere else. I go every night during the week, have a routine, set parameters, people I'm friendly with, etc. With the Kegel exercise there's really no structure, at least that I've read, which clearly I need.
So with all that said, I'm wondering if anyone has a specific routine they do during the day or night? As in, sets, reps, length, times, etc. All that good stuff. Just would like to get a better idea of how y'all do it and mimic what works. Thanks:}
mahoney1234;690210 said:I would disregard a routine and just do them constantly. Make it habitual, something that becomes involuntary, you just do them because it's embedded in your subconcious
iGrowSteady;690293 said:@mosbrother123 - Nice, now how many times do you do that during the day or night?
Either way as always guys, appreciate the help \ advice \ input!
iGrowSteady;690293 said:@DLD - Yeah, I would assume most do it that way, just to stay in the habit.
Threak-X;690354 said:Success is achieved by the creation of good-habits...
Kegals become mundane after a few times and soon become forgotten after awhile.
I found if you can carve out/find a certain time(s) in the scheduled day for them it become routine. For myself, I have a 22-minute commute to/from work on the train and have created a habit to do them then; I don't even think about now, soon as I sit down I'm working the Kegel routine
doublelongdaddy;690450 said:I am right there with you. I am obsessed with how long I can hold a Kegel
Munto;690549 said:What's the record ?
Munto;690549 said:What's the record ?
iGrowSteady;691086 said:@mosbrother123 – Okay cool, nice to know that kegels really help with girth exercising… Which I think I knew, so then it’s nice to remember!
@DLD – And that’s the key, not skipping, even though they’re boring but SO easy! Or at least not difficult to do, as you don’t necessarily want ease with your exercising... And wow, being able to hold a kegel all that time must have all kinds of benefits!
@Threak-X – That’s what I’m going for more or less, a combination of the two, a specific time as well as when I think \ remember to do it. I figure if I hit the mark at a specified time daily, good start, and anything after that all the better.
iGrowSteady;691633 said:@DLD - You know what the funny thing is, I may have even mentioned this before, sometimes at one point I'm not even sure if I'm holding it any longer. Sometimes I'll let go, which obviously indicates I was holding it, and or when I do let go it's a very little bit, showing it wasn't that hard a kegel to begin with. Either way, making this complicated sure seems silly at this point!
But twenty minutes, AND being able to have a bigger looking head? Yeah I'll [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]sign[/words] up for that:}
iGrowSteady;691851 said:@DLD - You and I both!
GottaGetAGrip;692082 said:I kegel and reverse kegel at random times of the day (never overworking, just 12 here and 12 there). I kegel as reps during my AM stretching routine (each direction for 25 kegels and 25 reverse. This together has helped me develop my PC muscle BUT
I really think there is nothing close to the benefits your PC muscles will gain from kegeling during a nice and long edging session. I had erection issues prior to dating my current girlfriend and edging (with a little bit of ballooning to start with) really feeling out kegels and reverse kegels while erect as possible did me wonders. While edging I learned how to get rock hard with kegeling and to stay hard with reverse kegels. It really feels reinvigorating, helps regain sensations at a heightened level.
GottaGetAGrip;692082 said:I kegel and reverse kegel at random times of the day (never overworking, just 12 here and 12 there). I kegel as reps during my AM stretching routine (each direction for 25 kegels and 25 reverse. This together has helped me develop my PC muscle BUT
I really think there is nothing close to the benefits your PC muscles will gain from kegeling during a nice and long edging session. I had erection issues prior to dating my current girlfriend and edging (with a little bit of ballooning to start with) really feeling out kegels and reverse kegels while erect as possible did me wonders. While edging I learned how to get rock hard with kegeling and to stay hard with reverse kegels. It really feels reinvigorating, helps regain sensations at a heightened level.
Remeber forcing anything negates.
There is a kegel routine made by RED and another one "Kegel Pyramide."
I don't have a link but the one from RED was something like this (in minutes)
0:00 - 1:40 = quick 1sec Kegels
1:40 - 2:30 = 2 sec kegels
2:30 - 3:20 = 5 sec kegels
3:20 - 3:40 = PAUSE
3:40 - 4:30 = Hold Kegel
Right now I'm doing them whenever I think about it and during edging or when I have to the exhaust the PC muscle before stretching (when taking off the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] to return good circulation.)