I tried a variation of the Magnum/Supra protocol with very limited and temporary success. I didn't inject the Long-R3 in my unit though, only in delts. I concluded at that point DHT wasn't much use.
Since then I've been doing a very low duration/frequency/intensity protocol with infrared heating before stretching (no girth work at this point). I'd been seeing gains of about 1/16" per week for about 5 weeks before gains abruptly halted.
I keep a meticulous spreadsheet of activity including all supplements, water intake, whether I've had alcohol and how much sleep I've had (both subjectively and in hours).
The one thing that has changed in this protocol when gains stopped is that I didn't use DHT (Andactrim gel, 2.5%, 2" bead, 1/2 hour before warm up). I didn't bother because I no longer felt it was worthwhile. The protocol is only 2 sessions per week.
My second session of the week is tomorrow morning, and I'm going to add the DHT back in there to see if gains resume, so I might have some anecdotal evidence for or against this shortly.
Oak, if I recall from the last thread we conversed in, you were using very large amounts of the DHT gel, to the point where you were experiencing absorbtion limits(?) This makes me wonder about some emails I exchanged with Dr K. Michael Reicher a couple of years ago from Big Al's forum, when he was using small amounts of Androgel EOD and claiming about 1/2" per month. He claimed the EOD application was to avoid shutdown, but I wonder if it was inadvertantly the reason he saw success. I also tried something similar without results. There were some differences though. I couldn't get actual Androgel, so I got a compounded version (then later made my own from Testosterone suspension), and I used it ED.
I'm wondering if using large amounts, or using it ED would cause the AR to calibrate quickly, whereas EOD or longer intervals don't(?) It's a long shot, and probably will come to nothing, but since I already have the stuff here, I may as well try it out of curiosity. I'll post the results either way in a week or two.