i read all this posts,and with some of them i agree,and some of them i disagree.
i was a heavy addict,i worked on a cruise line as a waiter,and due long hours and the fact u are stuck on a hip i start drinking.soon i was hooked on it and i drunk for almost every day for almost 8 damn years.i was so fucked up that i was drinking almost 2 bottles of jack every single day,and also a case of redbuul(24 cans) in 2 days ,and besides that i was taking ephedrine as well,cause after 16 hours of work + another 4 hours of drink in nigh,not too much time to sleep,so i was in need for a more powerfull burst.
i realized pretty late i fucked up my liver,and was close to develop a cirosis,but didnt stop.
i stop 3 and a half years ago,i decided to do something better with my life ,so i quit ,and start going to gym,but going like crazy,for almost a year i was in a gym every day ,3 hours in the morning and another 2 hours in the night.
i quit gym as well,quit working on ship,went home,get married ,had a child.i still drink form time to time,but only social drinking,like when we go for a party/weding or stuff like that,and even than i drink just 2 3 glasses.
what i want to say is that ,if me,which i consider myself i was a really heavy drinker/addict,can quit,and didnt have at that time a proper motivation(wife,familly ,kid),everyone can do it.the power is inside u,noone can help u,dosent metter who it is,familly or friends,to determine u to quit drinking
i still have the urge to drink,but i keep it under control,when i fell like ,i rather take my daughter and go to park,is the best think to make me stay sobber.i want to live to see her growing

so what i want to say is that all can quit an addiction,doesnt metter is alcohool,drugs or smoking,just u have to really want to do something better with ur life.
good luck to all in this situation.
and i am really happy to be member here ,in this brotherhood.since i join and i start Penis Enlargement like 4 mont ago i was able to gain almost an inch ,with DLD [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] and an vimax [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words],i was 5.11 length ,i am almost 6 now,and also girth improved.i am really happy,and i think all of u guys here are great