wow penguin this response to my thread really seems like the college residence life I'm living with now. Also man it did help me to find out who the real bitches are and the genuine girls. Though I haven't changed the virgin situation because of some high school drama in residence. Some people just really need to grow up but I guess what do u expect with the "clichy" crap that high school was. Also does anyone have any experiences of living in residence or roomates that they wouldn't mind sharing? Thanks

Why go through the shit of worrying about how you stack up compared to her other partners? Learn to view most women as nothing more than a piece of meat. That is not to say I don't care about any of them. I do have a few women I care about and I would probably never sleep with them. I try to live by the words of Snoop Dogg "Cause she ain't nothing but a bitch to me, and you all know that bitches ain't shit to me". Hope that might help.[/QUOTE]
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